Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Homemade Cranberry SauceHomemade Cranberry Sauce

Recently, when Shine surveyed top chefs about how to do Thanksgiving right, three fourths of them indicated that homemade cranberry sauce was an essential part of the Thanksgiving meal!

When I was growing up, cranberry sauce came out of a can. At the time, I liked it that way. I didn’t know any other options existed. It wasn’t until I was married and preparing my first Thanksgiving dinner with Prince Charming that I learned that people actually made cranberry sauce. We were reviewing our holiday shopping list and I asked him to pick up a few cans of cranberry sauce. I will never forget the look of horror on his face at the thought of serving canned cranberry sauce with our meal!

Needless to say, I have been making Cranberry Sauce ever since and – for those of you who have never tried it – it is easy to make and so much better than what you would buy in the store! You can season it to your liking – tart or sweet – and you can get creative with the ingredients. I’ve seen some wonderful variations on the recipe, but every year, my friends and family ask for this simple and classic version of the recipe, so I thought I’d share it with you!


2 Cups Water
2 Cups Sugar
1/8 Cup Cinnamon
4 Cups Cranberries (16 Ounces)


1. Combine the water and sugar in a large saucepan.

2. Heat the water until it boils, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

3. Add the cranberries and allow the water to boil again.

Add The CranberriesStep 3 – Add The Cranberries

4. Cook the cranberries, uncovered, over high heat until they burst.

5. Stir in the cinnamon until completely dissolved and remove from heat.

Burst CranberriesSteps 4 & 5 – Burst The Cranberries

Chill in the refrigerator before serving.

Looking For More Recipes?

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Happy Thanksgiving dear friends!

76 Responses to “Homemade Cranberry Sauce”

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  1. Jimi Ann says:

    Wow, who would've thought homemade Cranberry sauce was so easy! Thank you for sharing this! I'll definitely have to try it.

  2. Christy says:

    i love homemade cranberry sauce…but i have to admit that i love the canned jelly too…i like it on my leftover turkey sandwiches. your recipe looks really good…nice and cinnamony! thank you for sharing with tuesday night supper club and happy thanksgiving!

  3. Lisa says:

    This looks lovely. I also can't abide the canned stuff, but homemade cranberry sauce is a must have on my turkey. I think it's even better than gravy.

  4. Couscous & Consciousness says:

    Funny thing – I've never had homemade cranberry sauce, and I think I've only had tinned once. We don't have Thanksgiving here in New Zealand, and when I was growing up we usually had roast chicken and roast lamb instead of turkey at Christmas – so not too much cranberry sauce. Also here cold ham in popular at Christmas, because the weather is hot 🙂 Your cranberry sauce does look good though.

  5. Melynda says:

    This looks great, love the added cinnamon. thanks!

  6. Carrie says:

    I'm not that big of a fan of cranberry sauce, but my family is. I actually never knew you could make it so easily at home. I plan on trying this recipe on Thursday! Thanks for the info!
    Oh, almost forgot! I found your blog via aquariann's Autumn Blog Hop!

  7. girlichef says:

    I've never understood why everybody doesn't make their own cranberry sauce…it's so easy, you can personalize it, and it's delicious…unlike the canned stuff. Sounds great, and thanks for sharing it w/ the hearth and soul hop this week (don't forget to add a link back to any of the hosts so that others can share in the hop)… hope your holidays are wonderful!! 😀

  8. Melinda says:

    I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never attempted homemade cranberry sauce! This recipe makes me want to change that!

  9. Donna says:

    Yummy! I'm jumping both feet in and making my own this year for the first time:) Thanks for the guidance:) Great job as always:)

  10. The Survival Mama says:

    I got do make this last year from my dad's grandma's recipe. It was so freaking good we were eating it by the handful. I think hers has oranges, and orange zest in it?? Can't remember, but OMG!

    Hope your thanksgiving is a great one.
    Excited to follow all your adventures now, swinging by from the blog hop.

    The Survival Mama

  11. Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet says:

    Homemade cranberry sauce is the best! 🙂 YUM!

  12. Vagabond Carnival says:

    HAH!! You know the weird thing, when I was a kid, I never knew cranberry sauce came in a can! I didn't find out until my 20's when someone served it at dinner. It seems weird to me that people boggle when I say I'm gonna make cranberry sauce. It seems the canned stuff is pretty popular.

  13. Cheri says:

    Thanks – gonna make this for the first time this week!

  14. Lisa @ akawest says:

    I make cranberry sauce, too. It just tastes fresher and yummier than canned.

  15. Blog Traffic Man says:

    I am your newest follower and would love a follow back on my blog. Here is the link:

    http://blogtrafficman.blogspot.com Thanks so much!! 🙂

    I also have a bloghop website where you can post your blog hops which can be found at

  16. Mommy says:

    MMm looks delish now I really can't wait for Thanksgiving!!! New follower from wandering wednesday!

    Tania @ http://myadventures-in-mommyland.blogspot.com/

  17. LV says:

    Cranberry sauce is one of very favorite thing during the holidays. I had a friend that made me a big bowl of cranberry salad for Christmas. It was the best. I miss her and that each year still.

  18. NanE says:

    This looks really good. I never cared for the slimy, jellied stuff in the cans. I have made a cranberry sorbet that was really good. Have a great Thanksgiving, Nan

  19. ~~Carol~~ says:

    I think I've only ever had cranberry sauce from a can. This looks so much more tasty!
    Happy REDnesday and Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Melody says:

    Wow..I can smell it all the way here! Have a Happy Thanks!

  21. wacki04@TheKing'sCourt IV says:

    Looks delicious and yummy! Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. Miranda says:

    I too knew nothing but canned cranberry sauce growing up. I say I will make some every year, but I have dropped it off my spread. Maybe I will do this one for Christmas. Thanks for sharing with Fat Camp Friday. Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

  23. jamiewhitewyatt says:

    Will save this for Christmas! Thanks.
    Jamie from Georgia

  24. Rebecca Jean says:

    I didn't realize that cranberry sauce came from anywhere but a can until I was grown and married either. I never touch the canned stuff. It's just too weird for me.

    A few years ago a found a recipe for a fresh version with chopped up cranberries, apples and oranges. It's quite lovely. I made it for the holidays and my in-laws nearly freaked. They are strictly canned cranberry sauce people.

    This version looks more akin to their beloved jellied cylinder shook from a can. I'm going to give it another go.

    Thanks for sharing with Midnight Maniac Meatless Mondays. I featured your post in this week's carnival.

    ♥ Rebecca Jean
    Midnight Maniac

  25. Brenda says:

    Homemade cranberry sauce is the best! I love it but unfortunately everyone else in my house likes the canned (believe it or not). Thank you so much for linking up to Cookbook Sundays Ramona and my apologies for taking so long to get back to you. I hope you're having a great week!

  26. Tasty Eats At Home says:

    I love the homemade variety. It's so much less sweet and more flavorful. This looks great! Thanks for linking up to GF HOliday!

  27. Jerri says:

    I'm used to see the canned stuff. This looks so much better! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites last week!

  28. Just in time for Thanksgiving! Much better than the canned jellied kind, right? Thanks for sharing it on Tuesday’s Tasty Tidbits.

  29. YOU have been featured in my SATURDAY SHOWCASE. Come on over and check it out and grab a featured button (down in my footer.


    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

  30. Stephanie says:

    My kids asked for cranberry sauce the first time this year, so I’m going to try and make this. It looks delicious!

  31. I had the same experiences- growing up with canned, but finally “discovering” homemade cranberry sauce! I’m always interested in how we all have our own little spin on it. I make mine with some orange added to it. I haven’t tried it with cinnamon, but it sounds delicious, and I bet it smells fantastic while it’s cooking! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your recipe! I’m visiting from SITS Sharefest today!

    Love, Joy

  32. micupoftea says:

    Visiting from Freedom Fridays. I cook cranberries every week during the winter and eat them with breakfast through dinner! I use orange juice in place of the water. They are delicious 🙂

  33. Homemade is always best, yummm! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

  34. Miz Helen says:

    Hi Ramona,
    I will just love your homemade Cranberry Sauce! Thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you stay warm and cozy on this cold day.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  35. heidi says:

    Isn’t cranberry sauce awesome. It’s one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving.

  36. I have never tried to make cranberry sauce but pinning it so I can this Thanksgiving! Thanks for hosting Friendship Friday!

  37. Oh YUM!!! My mom always made homemade cranberry sauce. It’s my fave. I’d love for you to link up with my Real Food Recipe Roundup this afternoon. It goes live at 5pm. Stopping over from SITS Girls.

  38. G’day Looks great! All blog comments appreciated and sharing is caring today!
    Cheers! Joanne @ What’s On The List #SayGdayParty pinned

  39. Karen says:

    I saw this on one of the real food blogs I follow too, like the idea of making my own instead of buying the canned one with all those chemicals. Really need to try this…even to have throughout the holidays. Stopping by from Mommy Monday

  40. So simple but so much better than shop bought. Have always been a fan of cranberry sauce – so delicious. Bonjour from me at http://detoutcoeurlimousin.blogspot.fr

  41. This looks so yummy! I have always intended to make my own cranberry sauce, and always forget till it’s too late. Putting this on my to do list for this Christmas! Found you on SoMe2!

  42. Gina says:

    OOh….I always add orange zest and juice to mine, but cinnamon…sounds intriguing!

  43. Amy Smith says:

    Yummy! Cranberries are the perfect tart treat, and I eat them year-round if at all possible. Thanks for sharing this homemade version – never thought of this, but I’d love to try it!!

  44. Nicole says:

    What a wonderful recipe!! We have never tried homemade cranberries before, I am printing this out and trying this week. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a blessed weekend!!

  45. WOW! Look at all those great comments! I can almost taste this sauce..been hungry for it. Sounds wonderful.

  46. I have never made cranberry sauce myself, but I love it. I will have to try it out!

  47. Molly says:

    Ohhh Cranberry sauce, the best thing


  48. Chas says:

    This looks wonderful, I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.


  1. […] Thanksgiving Recipes Homemade Cranberry Sauce […]

  2. Delicious Cranberry Recipes | says:

    […] ways to serve cranberries that we all know and love is a delicious homemade sauce. Head over to Create With Joy and check out her […]

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