Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop

Today I’m delighted to be the Guest Hostess for the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop, which is sponsored by The Haute Mom! It’s a great place to link up and meet new friends. Want to play along? All you need to do is:

1. Follow your hostesses, Haute Mom and Create With Joy, and leave a comment so we can follow you back!

2. Link up your blog so we can visit.

3. Try to visit at least two new blogs – leave a comment – and follow them if you like!

You’re welcome to post about the hop to spread the word, but it isn’t required to play. So, join the fun and who knows? Perhaps you’ll be chosen as next week’s guest hostess!


6 Responses to “Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop”

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  1. FABIANA says:

    Thanks for hosting! This looks like so much fun!

    ciao from Newport Beach!!

  2. Reasonably Less says:

    Your newest follower Wednesday blog hop. Very Interesting, Love it! Nice site, I will be sure to come back to visit! Check out JULY 2011 BLOG HOP over at http://www.reasonablyless we would love for you to link up!

    “Mommy freebies, coupons and Advice on using coupons”

  3. Laura says:

    Hi there! New follower (via GFC), thank you for hosting!

    Laura @ The Frugal Kitchen

  4. casey byrd says:

    Hey! Ifound you on A Helicopter Moms Alexa hop! It has lowered my Alexa score greatly by people hopping back to mine! So I am sharing the comment love! Won’t you share some back with me?
    Locomotion of Expressions
    PS _ I also have a ton of great low entry giveaways for all sorts of things if you dig through my archives on the right sidebar AS WELL AS a linky you can add your giveaways to http://1caseycolette.blogspot.com/2011/06/wicked-wednesday-gathering-linky.html there is a grab button code for it, if you have a linky compilation list! TY so much! Hope to run into you again in this great big BlogOSphere in the near future! Have an awesome day!~

  5. Congrats on being the guest hostess! Sorry I missed the link ups and thanks for linking up to NOBH again! 🙂


  1. […] Curious Tsunami at Wordless Wednesday Freedom ATC Vintage Friendship Tag Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop Categories: Cat Chat, Legend, WOYWW After Post Divider […]

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