Fried Corn

Fried CornFriend Corn

Some of the best recipes I have ever tasted hail from the Southern US and today’s recipe – Fried Corn – is no exception. I first tasted this dish on the 4th of July holiday when my dear friend, Mel, brought a batch to our barbecue. It was so good, I asked if he would show me how to make this delicious dish!

He agreed – and now, I’m sharing this family recipe with you! Enjoy – it is simply scrumptious!

Fresh Corn On The CobThe Star Ingredient


10 Ears of Sweet White Corn
½ Stick Butter
½ Teaspoon Lawry’s Seasoning Salt
1 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper


1. Use a very sharp paring knife to slice the top half of the kernels off of the first five ears of corn into a frying pan. The Step 1 photo shows what an ear of corn will look like, and what the pan will look like, as this step is completed.

Fried Corn - Step 1Step 1 – Slice The Top Half Of The Kernels

2. Scrape the bottom half of the kernels off of these same ears of corn as shown in Photo 2a.

Step 2aStep 2a – Slice The Bottom Half Of The Kernels

This step produces corn milk in the frying pan, as shown in Photo 2b.

Step 2b - Corn Milk

3. For each of the remaining five ears of corn, deep cut the corn down to the ear and pare it off the cob. This will add crunch and texture in the final dish.

Step 3 - Kernels, Corn Milk, Plus CrunchStep 3 – Kernels & Corn Milk, Plus Crunch & Texture

4. Set the stove to medium heat. Place ½ stick of butter into the pan of corn. Heat and stir the corn until it simmers. Adjust and lower the heat as needed.

Step 4 - SimmerStep 4 – Simmer

5. Add the seasoning salt and ground black pepper.

Step 5 - SeasonStep 5 – Season

6. Cook until done, about 15 minutes.

This recipe serves 6 to 10 people, depending on the size of the ears of corn and whether you choose to serve this as a side dish or a standalone treat!

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84 Responses to “Fried Corn”

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  1. Looks delish – almost like a creamed corn texture.


  2. Mmm, that looks really tasty…Corn on the cob has always been a favorite “stand alone” in my family, so I know we will enjoy this recipe…thanks for sharing it!

  3. Ixy says:

    Mmm – looks fantastic!

  4. yummm!! we also do that with coco milk 😀

  5. Lisa says:

    Wow! That looks pretty amazing.
    Loving your blog btw

  6. Oh I love that stuff! My mouth is watering looking at your photos of the fried corn. I would love for you to show this off at my Wickedly Crafty Saturdays!

  7. Looks fantastic! I love corn. What a versatile veggie.

  8. Elle says:

    Wow! This sounds so YUMMY! I can’t wait to try it! we are BIG corn eater in my house since I was diagnosed with the GF allergy, so I’m always looking for more corn recipes to change up our stand by ones! ^_^

  9. I’m curious how it tastes- is it more of a cream corn taste or a grilled corn on the cob taste? LOL-or maybe it’s a mix of both.

    • I guess a little of both – it’s creamy but it tastes WAY better than commercial cream corn – it has a very comforting taste. If you are a corn lover, you can happily eat and make a meal out of a bowl of this – it is truly delicious! 🙂

  10. Beeb Ashcroft says:

    I’ve never prepared corn this way before – thanks for sharing the recipe!

    I’m stopping by from the Subscriber Sunday hop! I am now subscribed to your RSS feed via Google Reader. If you want to check out my site, here’s the link:

  11. Clumsy Coquette says:

    This looks really really good. I actually just bought some ears of corn yesterday and may have to try this!

    Stopping by from the Sunday Funday Hop!

    ~your newest follower

  12. maiylah says:

    simple, but tasty! love it!

    thanks so much for sharing your recipe over at Food Friday
    much appreciated 🙂

  13. YumYum! Was just hopping through but definitely enjoyed the post! Just might have to try this recipe! Adding you to my “follow” list! Please follow back @ .

  14. Terri says:

    I’ll have to try this recipe on my family; We have a load of sweet corn!

    Stopping by from Sunday Hop and glad to have found your blog. Your babies are glorious! I adore Maines.

    Now following you via GFC, email, RSS and twitter as tsue1136. Stop by when you can:!

    Enjoy the weekend,

  15. Michelle says:

    I live across the street from a corn field, and the neighbors drop of a ton of corn, so this will be a great recipe for that!

  16. Mamie@breast actives reviews says:

    Hmmm…looks yummy! All I know is how to cook popcorn,and now there’s a fried corn. I might try this one. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  17. Jami @bettyproject says:

    I love just about anything with corn ( esp since moving to Japan where they put it literally everywhere.. even on pizza! lol) so this is on my must try list now! Looks delish! tysm for sharing this recipe 🙂

  18. Vicki says:

    Oh my, that looks too good. I wonder how many calories are in a serving – oh who cares, I’ll bet it is super delicious.

    I followed you over from Creative Every Day and am glad I did,


  19. Marianne says:

    I love the receipe. I joined your site via GFC from Monday’s Blog Hop. I’d love for you to follow back and visit my site . Have a great Monday!

  20. jamieS says:

    Looks yummy! Stopping by from the Alexa Blog hop!

  21. Kat says:

    Mmmmm… corn. That looks wonderful! Hopping by from CED today!

  22. Diane H says:

    Wow–looks delicious….mouth watering! I love SilverQueen white corn–hope I can find some this weekend.
    A new follower from the Managing Monday Hop

  23. Carol says:

    Yummy ~ I like to make corn chowder ~ when it gets a little cooler ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor and Share the Creative Journey) from Creative Everyday link.

  24. Pebbles Good says:

    Hey there! It looks yummy! I’m a new follower from Not so Moody Monday blog hop. I’d love it if you’d stop by and follow me back.

  25. Stacy says:

    Looks Delicious!

    Stopping by from the Managing Monday blog Hop! Come check out my site at!

  26. LaVoice says:

    I love corn anyway you fix it. What you prepared certainly looks tasty.

  27. I can remember spending summers sitting on my great-grandmother’s porch with a gaggle of other folk as we put up corn. Alot was removed from the cob like what you said and then frozen for fried corn. Thanks for bringing me back that memory.

  28. Kayla Garcia says:

    Looks delicious! Too bad the hubby is allergic to corn 🙁

  29. Mehera says:

    this look so delicious! i hope to try it, i love fresh corn!

    i am a new follower from SSS, please follow me back:

  30. Cristi says:

    I love a good fried corn! Sometimes I even put some green peppers in mine to kick it up a notch!

  31. Donna says:


    We had a fried corn dish at my daughter’s birthday ~ ain’t nothing wrong with a good fresh corn dish!

    Thanks for joining the Tuesday Train!!

  32. Susannah says:

    OMG!!!! I grew up in the south, and fried corn is one of my very favorite dishes in the whole world. Did you know it’s even good cold?

  33. Sounds and looks yummy! Thank you!

  34. We love cream style corn on my husband’s side of the family! Lots of work to prepare it, but oh so good! I’ve never heard of fried corn! I bet it is wonderful too! Thank you for sharing on NOBH! 🙂

  35. Ramona, thanks for dropping this by Friday Potluck! This looks like a recipe my whole family would love 🙂

  36. Debbie says:

    I absolutely love fried corn. It always reminds me of my grandmothers’ tables. Thanks so much for posting to What’s On the Menu Wednesday.

  37. HaleyLeann says:

    Oh yeah! That dish speaks to my Texan heart! Thanks for linking up on Recipes I Can’t Wait to Try!

  38. Tiffany says:

    I love corn fixed like this. So good!

  39. Oh this sounds delicious! What a fantastic fall side dish. Thank you for sharing your yummy fried corn with The Gallery of Favorites.

  40. Tami @ says:


    I neglected my Alexa rating for a month and it has changed quite significantly! Visit me please!

  41. Fifi says:

    this looks yummy!! ☺

    looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    New follower from the blog hop….

  42. kevin linkie says:

    Hiya I am a new follower from I found your blog from the Thirsty Thursday Blog Hop.

    Yum at this recipe. I am dying to try it now. Love Love Love corn.

    Have a great day
    Kevin from Linkies Contest Linkies

  43. Donna says:

    Love fried corn!
    I’ve never tried it quite like this, but it sounds fantastic!

  44. Alea Milham says:

    This sounds absolutely delicious! I have never had fried corn, but I am going to add it to my list of things to try. Thanks for sharing your recipe with the Hearth and Soul Hop and The Gallery of Favorites.

  45. Dr. Daisy Sutherland says:

    Yummo!! That looks absolutely delish! Never tried friend corn before..but with your recipe, must give it a try..thanks for sharing 🙂

  46. carolinaheartstrings says:

    We live in the South and love fried corn. Thanks for sharing that recipe. Come on over and visit us. I think you will like what you see. We have some really awesome recipes and Southern things!

  47. Christine says:

    Looks really good! Thanks for linking up to NOBH

  48. This didn’t sound too appetizing, until I read the recipe. I love fresh sweet corn, but am not a corn off the cob gal. LOL But this one sounds really good and not too much like creamed corn, which has a texture I dislike.

    I’m glad I got to see this one. I missed this at last weekend’s Creation Hop and forgot to stop on by later. I was curious…

  49. Yum! Best made with homegrown corn, right? My mother in law used to grow it every year and sometimes we would just eat corn for dinner…..with maybe some fresh tomatoes. Your version sounds great!


  1. […] most viewed link from last week’s Tuesday’s Tasty Tidbits was Fried Corn by Create with Joy.  That also reminded me of living on the farm.  […]

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