The Chronicles Of Zee & Zoey by Deborah Barnes

The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey
The Chronicles Of Zee & Zoey
A Journey of the Extraordinarily Ordinary
Author: Deborah Barnes
Publication Date: October 15, 2011

Embrace the ordinary in your life
And dare to make it extraordinary.
Deborah Barnes

Imagine living in a world where nothing is mundane… a world where adventure awaits you around every corner… a world where miracles materialize on a daily basis and the love between animals and humans knows no bounds.

In this world:

  • Carpets are flying machines that take you on the most magical of rides.
  • Empty boxes morph into magnificent castles the moment you enter them.
  • Doors become gateways to worlds filled with endless possibilities and intrigue.

If you’ve been taught that such places exist only in fantasy and science fiction novels, then get ready to view the world through fresh eyes! You’re about to embark on a very special journey into the very real yet mystical realm of two extraordinary felines: Zee and Zoey.

In The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey – A Journey Of The Extraordinarily Ordinary, Deborah Barnes transports us into the enchanting world of her beloved cats as she shares the real-life adventures of her feline, canine and human family.

Charmingly chronicled, stunningly photographed and beautifully designed, Deborah’s book testifies to the incredible bond that humans share with each other, people share with their pets, and animals share with one another.

It’s a love story for the ages.

The storyline revolves around the Almighty Zee – the majestic Maine Coon who can do no wrong and is the living embodiment of Deborah’s love for her fiancé Dan – and Zoey, the petite, leopard-like Bengal who is Deborah’s dream cat and the undisputed ruler of their household.

From the moment Zee lays eyes on Zoey, it’s love at first sight… which leads to some unforeseen consequences and some major life changes for everyone in the household!

Art imitates life… That, in a nutshell, is what this book is about… the unexpected punches life often throws our way… and the lessons we can learn about life, love, and resiliency from the most extraordinary of creatures – our cats.

The Chronicles Of Zee & Zoey is a heartwarming story that made me laugh… and made me cry… but most of all, made me smile…page in and page out.

This season – any season – give the gift of love. Treat yourself to The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey – then, share this beautiful gift with your friends.

Overall Rating
Five Out Of Five Stars

Zee & Zoey Book Tour Badge

More Great Resources

To learn more about Deborah, Zee, Zoey, and the wonderful animal kingdom she inhabits, visit Deborah’s website.

To read more reviews of this book, and to see where Deborah is being featured, join the Virtual Book Publicity Tour.

For more inspirational books, visit Create With Joy – Book Reviews.

To see why Deborah and her cats are so special, watch the following video trailer:

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book from the author for review purposes as part of Pump Up Your Book’s virtual blog tour. I did not receive any form of monetary compensation and was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are entirely my own.

29 Responses to “The Chronicles Of Zee & Zoey by Deborah Barnes”

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  1. Thank you for this touching and beautiful review Ramona. You really have summarized the book extremely well and I am so happy that I gave you an opportunity for a few smiles and laughs! This story truly is about life – it might be mine on paper – but it is circumstances that are universal that anyone can relate to and appreciate.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful and heartfelt review. You have summarized the essence of this book perfectly and I am thrilled that I gave you an opportunity for some laughs and smiles in your day.

    This book is meant to be about life – and while it might be mine on paper – it is a story with cirmcumstances and situations that anyone can releate to and appreciate.

  3. Anne says:

    This sounds like a fantastic book. I would love to find out where I could get a copy.
    Thank you.

  4. Sarah Brown says:

    Just passing through your blog is gorgeous, I’m a new follower

  5. How sweet. I’m sure it’s a really good book.

  6. Tia says:

    Awesome blog! New Follow Friday follower stopping through!

    My Follow Friday!

  7. Layla Morgan Wilde (Cat Wisdom says:

    Ramona, happy to have stumbled here via Deb’s site. We have a copy of her beautiful book and your review is spot on!

  8. Vicki says:

    Sounds like a keeper:) Wish cats didn’t make me sneeze…

  9. This looks like one I would really like, it’s going on the “to read” list as we speak!

  10. anita says:

    Sounds like a cute book for cat lovers!

  11. I’ve not heard of this offer, but it sure sounds like a terrific read!

    Thank you for the recommendation!

  12. Teresa says:

    sounds like a great book.

  13. VBR says:

    Great post for letter Z! Those a two gorgeous cats!

  14. Andy says:

    I know someone who would absolutely love this…my wife…she has always loved cats! Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

    You are invited to the second Blog Hop Saturday! on June 2nd. All you have to do is linkup, visit a few/all of the others in the Linky & just have fun…hope you can make it!

  15. I know precisely who this book would appeal to in my family. I am going to look into purchasing one of these as a gift. Thank you for lovely review and heads up on this feline lovers tail (nope not spelled wrong, just more appropriate. lol) for someone dear. Great Z post!

    Your newest follower,

  16. Karen S. says:

    Sounds zany and inspiring!

  17. Sue says:

    Sounds fun! Thanks for the tip.


  18. Sounds like my kind of book!

    Thanks for the recommendation….

  19. I’ll have to check it out. Nice Z post♫♪

  20. anita says:

    Sounds like fun for any serious cat lover!

  21. Anne says:

    Great review! I am always looking for a good read! I lost my favorite feline friend Boots in March this year and I really love reading about cats! Come visit soon. I hope your weekend is grand!

  22. Cheryl D. says:

    It sounds like such a cute story!


  1. […] I had already been a major fan of Ramona Vincent’s site – Create With Joy – so I was thrilled when I found out she was part of my Pump Up Your Books Promotion tour. Ramona has a heart of gold and is a very wise, kind, and highly perceptive individual. Plus, she has Maine Coon cats, so she really understands the nuances of one of the stars of my book – Zee. Her opinion means the world to me and I am very proud to share her review today. Please click here to read. […]

  2. […] The Chronicles Of Zee & Zoey by Deborah Barnes […]

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