Inspire Me Monday Blog Hop – Week 3

Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy

I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday – a place to share your creative inspirations, sharpen your creative vision, and showcase your creative talents!

Each week, I invite you to inspire others and nurture your creative spirit by joining our Creative Blog Hop! The details and the link list are provided at the end of this post.

After the party, keep the inspiration flowing – subscribe to my:

What’s Inspiring You This Week?

This Week, I’m Inspired By…
People who make a difference in other people’s lives!

Nicole Marie Weaver
Website: Nicole Weaver

Nicole Weaver

Teacher & Author
Featured Book
My Birthday Is September Eleven And Other Short Stories

When you’re 10 years old and you find yourself in a foreign country where you don’t speak the native language – you’re in for a difficult time. That’s the challenge that Nicole Weaver faced when her family moved from Port Au Prince, Haiti to New York. Because she did not fit in, she was cruelly bullied and tormented mercilessly by her classmates. At one point, things got so bad, she contemplated suicide.

Instead, she chose a different path. She began to read with the dictionary by her side and within 6 months, learned English so well that she won the school’s spelling bee. She became fluent in four languages – Creole, French, Spanish, and English.

Today, she is a middle-school teacher who educates her students on the damage that name-calling and bullying cause. She is also became a best-selling Amazon children’s author who has written four books! One of them, My Birthday is September Eleven And Other Short Stories, inspires her young readers to learn this important lesson: we are created to help others.

Thank you, Nicole, for being such a wonderful role model – we’re proud that you’re a part of the Inspire Me Monday community!

 Pamela J. Kuhn
Website: A Sheltering Tree

Pamela J Kuhn @ A Sheltering Tree

Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
Featured Article

Thorn Bush Sheltering

In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.
We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.
Albert Schweitzer

This week, I was deeply moved by Pamela Kuhn’s article, “Thorn Bush Sheltering”. In this article, Pamela writes about how difficult being compassionate can be. She reminds us how the frustrations of life can make people “prickly”, and reminds us that it’s not just the pleasant people who are deserving of our kindness and compassion. “Prickly” people – the people we’re most likely to avoid – are the ones who need it the most.

I encourage you to read Pamela’s article and to explore her blog – she is a true inspiration and blessing to us!

Inspire Me Monday #3 – Week Of January 23, 2012

Inspire Me Monday at Create With JoyRight Click To Save & Share

Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in our Creative Blog Hop in the following ways:

1) Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!

2) Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!

3) Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!

When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun! Also, be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!

The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, be social and spread the word!

28 Responses to “Inspire Me Monday Blog Hop – Week 3”

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  1. Thank God for people like Nicole and Pamela. Truly uplifting and kind.

  2. Hmmm….someone who inspires me?! My high school music teacher did! He was the best teacher I had – so dedicated and so inspiring!

    Following your feeds from the Friendly Followers Blog Hop!

  3. Dearest Ramona,

    Thanks so kindly for featuring me ; I am truly blessed.

    Nicole Weaver
    Trilingual Children’s Author

  4. Debra says:

    Thank you for introducing us to these two amazing woman, Nicole and Pamela!
    I look forward becoming better acquainted.
    ~ Richest blessings

  5. Mlissabeth says:

    You, Ramona, inspire me with all of you blogging endevors. Bless you! 🙂

  6. Sharon says:

    Thanks for hosting and inspiring! 🙂 btw: I have a blog directory too! I’d love to have your blog listed!

  7. I’m actually here from the Alexa Drop Blog Hop. I’ll push all of your social media buttons if you’ll push all of mine. 🙂

  8. Hi stopping by from Alexa hop. If you get a chance pls review Self Sagacity Alexa, leave comment, I will surely get done for you too. Happy Monday and have great week!

  9. kewkew says:

    Just stopping by from the Alexa Mania Monday hop.
    Wasn’t sure what to link up though.

  10. Pamela says:

    I am honored that you would feature me this week. Thank you for blessing me!


  11. Walmart Coupons says:

    Thank you Nicole and Pamela for inspiring me! And thanks to you Create with Joy for sharing it.

  12. Michelle says:

    Hi, I’m new follower from hop. Can’t wait to try out some of Monday’s Inspirations. Have a great day.

  13. Paula Miller says:

    Happy Tuesday!

    I’m a day late posting my “Inspire Me Monday” but still wanted to share 🙂 Thanks for hosting this new series ~ so fun!


  14. hudacom says:

    new follower of your blog
    now follow my blog

  15. Megan Cronin says:

    Great idea for a blog hop, just linked up!

    New follower on Twitter and GFC from the Get Connected Tues hop, would be flattered if you follow me back!

  16. ladyguinevere says:


    I should have check this one, but I am too late now. Added you in my blog list and visit from Alexa Blog Hop.


  17. Adrienne says:

    They sounds like wonderful women! These days I’m inspired by anything on Pinterest!

  18. Diane says:

    Inspire me Monday is – for want of a better word – inspired! Uplifting. Encouraging! I will visit here often! And thank you for introducing me to these two wonderful women. I will be visiting them, too! Thank you for sharing on NOBH!

  19. amy says:

    I love this idea! Everyone can use inspiration. I really enjoyed reading about the two outstanding women you introduced us to. They are truly making a difference in a positive way. Those are the best stories! Thank you for your creativity and for sharing yourself with us. (Oh, and for linking up through NOBH!) Smiles –

    • Dear Amy
      Thanks for stopping by! I’m glad you enjoyed meeting this week’s Inspirational Women – I hope to introduce you to many more unsung Inspirational Heroes in the months to come! 🙂


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