Wordless Wednesday – Lounging Legend

Legend - Lounging
Photo Of The Week
Lounging Legend

Thought For The Day
The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.
Jules Reynard

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For those of you who are fretting over Google’s plans to retire GFC from non-Blogger blogs by the end of this month, and from Blogger blogs at a future, indeterminate date – the time for fretting is over! I’m thrilled to announce that there is now a viable alternative for GFC users to follow and track their favorite blogs!

It’s called Linky Followers and it’s a newly launched FREE service developed by Brent Riggs, the creator/owner of Linky Tools. It only takes a moment to set up your account so that you can follow and track your favorite blogs – set up a profile page – and much more! I invite you to register for Linky Followersfollow Create With Joy – and leave a comment so that I can reciprocate!

Wordless Wednesday – Week Of February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then, visit your fellow photographers! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some beautiful photos along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying the beautiful party button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar if you need it!) I’d also appreciate it if you could use the social media buttons below this post to tweet, stumble and spread the word about the party, as this benefits everyone!

Have a fabulous week and be sure to stay in touch by subscribing to Create With Joy by E-Mail, RSS Feeds, Twitter, Pinterest, and/or Linky Followers!

59 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Lounging Legend”

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  1. Kris @ Beyond the Whiskers says:

    Haha, checking out my Storm right now, I think she’s trying to lounge compete. First one to fall asleep wins. 🙂

  2. Dave Keller says:

    Thanks for letting me know about Linky Followers. I’ll check it out. Cats rule.

  3. Ah, the life of a cat 🙂 !

  4. Trisha G. says:

    Legend looks comfy!

  5. Lounging like that looks mighty comfy.

  6. momto8blog says:

    calmness is good!
    thanks for the link.

  7. Maureen says:

    What a handsome cat! Thank you for hosting.

  8. Teresa says:

    So glad you’ve shared about Linky follow with us. I’ll certainly check it out. I love the cat!

  9. Now that looks like a great way to hang out!

  10. That looks like one comfy kitty!!

    Thanks for linking up 🙂

    Happy Wednesday.

  11. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook says:

    Legend looks nice and comfortable there!

  12. Adorable kitty!! Come link up for WW at Marriage from Scratch.


  13. That is one GORGEOUS lounging cat!

  14. alissa apel says:

    Cats always make life seem so relaxing.

  15. Sarah says:

    He he, so cute and comfy.

  16. This cat is so cool!:) Have a good Wednesday!

  17. Legend looks very regal in that pose.

  18. Janice says:

    seeing that cat makes me sneezy…. allergies :-/

  19. The seat make the kitty look like a fatty cat. I love it!

  20. Definitely a Cat for the Ages…he looks like he knows it all! Have a purrr-fect WW…..

  21. Look into my eyes, look deep into my eyes, you are in my pawerrrrrrr

  22. veronica lee says:

    Gorgeous cat!!

    Happy WW!

  23. Aren’t they just the best examples of it?! Love the pic 🙂

  24. Cats really do sit very well, far better than we humans.

  25. Looking comfy there! 😉

    Found you at WW link up, plz come by http://daytodaymoments.blogspot.com too

  26. Your cats are truly lovely.

  27. Sparkle says:

    I always love seeing you, Legend!

  28. TToria says:

    Cutie 🙂
    Happy WW! 😀

    TToria @ ttoria.blogspot.com

  29. Angie says:

    Love that quote – so true!

  30. Such a pretty, fluffy kitty! I just want to bury my face in his side! (Assuming he’s a lover and doesn’t want to burry his claws in my face.) hahaha

  31. As always, Legend is purr-fectly beautiful and wonderfully comfortable!

  32. Paula J says:

    That cat just loves life, you can see it in it’s face!


  33. JP says:

    This cat is absolutle GORGEOUS…the markings…the eyes…the “tude”…:)JP

  34. Thanks for the linky! Looks like a happy cat 🙂

  35. Amy T. says:

    LOL, your cats have so much personality…and you capture it well.

  36. Marcie says:

    He looks so comfy laying there!

  37. LadyD says:

    Lounging Legend looks great and all-knowing. It is wise to relax and reflect often.

  38. Patricia says:

    Following via Welcome Wednesday. I am your newest Linky follower. Cant’ wait to browse around your blog. Too Cute!

    Have a Blessed Day!

  39. Perfect! Love cats and yours is a beauty.

  40. Camille says:

    Thanks for hosting:) I’ll join Linky Followers right now, sounds neat!

  41. Sandy says:

    Purrfectly comfortable! Beautiful cat!

  42. Kelly-Ann says:

    Aww what a big and cute cat 🙂

  43. Rona says:

    Cats definitely know how to relax.
    Happy Hump Day!

  44. I’m afraid of using the linky followers thing and then they decide to charge for it like the widget….

    Thanks for the linky, Happy WW!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  45. Tasha W says:

    Great photo:) I’m following you on Linky Followers! I hope you will come by and follow back;) http://canadianangelxo.blogspot.com/

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