Food For Thought
If I were to wish for anything,
I should not wish for wealth and power,
But for the passionate sense of potential –
For the eye which,
Ever young and ardent,
Sees the possible.
Pleasure disappoints;
Possibility never.
Soren Kierkegaard
Danish Philosopher & Theolgian
Question Of The Week
Imagine that you were given the power to make one wish.
You could wish for anything (except more wishes!)
What would it be?
My wish would be that Adam & Eve had never sinned
And that we were all living life according to God’s perfect plan!
The possibilities just stagger my mind!
There would be no sickness, no hunger, no death.
There would be loneliness, no crime, no hate.
Everything we think of as bad or negative would not even be
A part of our consciousness as it would never have existed!
Our creative and intellectual potential would far exceed what it is now!
We would live in perfect harmony with one another and the planet.
We would each have an intimate relationship with God.
With one wish, life as we know it would be transformed!
That’s my wish.
What’s yours?
Share it with us at Friendship Friday!
Friend Of The Week
Becky – Building On Joy
Becky is a wife and home-schooling mom
To three beautiful children,
Including a special needs child.
She recently started her blog,
Building On Joy,
To capture the moments of joy
She experiences in her every day life.
I invite you to visit Becky and
Support her in growing her blog as you read
Becky’s Friendship Friday Post on Passion!
Special Thanks To:
Andrea at From The Sol
For Awarding Me
Heather at Mommy Only Has 2 Hands
For Featuring Create With Joy
At The Happy Hump Day Blog Hop
Feature Friday
Loren at Pandora’s Craft Box
For Featuring Create With Joy
At The Friday Shout-Out
Friendship Friday #16 – Weekend Of April 27, 2012
Welcome to Friendship Friday – a week-long opportunity to:
- Foster friendships with other bloggers!
- Share what’s unique about yourself and your blog!
- Grow your blog and social media networks!
Are you ready to make some new friends? Then, come join the fun! Please follow these friendly guidelines:
1) Each week, I’ll post a question that’s designed to help you get to know one another a little better. To participate, simply create a Friendship Friday post that includes the Friendship Friday blog hop button and/or a link back to this post – then add your permalink to the party!
You can also participate by adding the Friendship Friday button to your sidebar and answering the Question of the Week in the comments!
2) Please follow Create With Joy and leave a sweet comment so I’ll know you stopped by! If you’re a new follower, let me know how you are following so that I can reciprocate! You can follow me on:
3) Visit your fellow participants and get to know them – building friendships is what this community is about! Support the bloggers you connect with by leaving a comment and following their blogs through one of the available subscription methods on their blogs!
The party will be open all week so that you have plenty of time to post, link and mingle! Have fun making friends and be sure to join me next week for Inspire Me Monday and Wordless Wednesday!
Want to host your own party?
Click here to get started!

That is an awesome wish! It’s better than wishing for infinite amount of wishes. lol.
My wish is that there would be no more cancer. Loved ones would not have to leave so early, and the pain from cancer would go away. That’s my wish.
That’s an awesome wish too, Rachel! Cancer is such a horrible disease. There would be much less suffering if our world were cancer- free!
Your wish is awesome. I would wish for the cure of Diabetes. Especially Juvenile Diabetes.
Hope honey you are doing well. If I can I will come back and try to hook up with you on this for Friday.
Love ya
Maggie, your wish is awesome too! You know that you are welcome to link up with us at ANY time! 🙂
My wish is a selfish one…I would wish that my hubby would have all his dreams come true instead of always worrying about my health.
Sometimes selfish is ok…it’s hard to see our loved ones worry about us!
Hope you are doing well – thanks for sharing and have an awesome weekend! 🙂
I love your wish! Oh what a wonderful world it would be now if we lived according to God’s perfect plan! Great thing is one day we will have that perfect world!
I SO look forward to that day! 🙂
I found you through Friday Shout Out! I am now following you on twitter and google +! I am off to peek around your blog! Have a fantastic weekend!
Welcome – I’ve already connected with you via Twitter and visited your blog. YUM!!! I sure hope you’ll be sharing your recipes at Inspire Me Monday!
How can I top that wish 🙂 Can’t believe I missed last week’s awesome topic as well, but this week is just a fantastic! You’re definitely an inspiration and I’m so glad our paths have crossed! Working on finding my balance with some new responsibilities given to me and learning to take it all one day at a time! On my way to write my post for tomorrow – mine would be for a one pill cure for all the different illnesses that seem to be plaguing those around me and their loved ones (cancer, brain tumors, diabetes, heart disease, etc). Have a fantastic weekend!!!
I look forward to reading your post and it’s possible that last week’s link is still open (I’ve expanded the window by popular demand!) 🙂
I’m so glad our paths have crossed too… you are one of the many fabulous bloggers I now count as friends as a result of Friendship Friday! 🙂
Hi! Just wanted to give you a heads up that I replied to your comment on my blog, so be sure to check it out! 😉 I so appreciate your help & suggestions. Still new to all of this and learning as I go. Thank you!!
Thanks for letting me know – I would not have seen it otherwise! Looks like we are all caught up – thanks for such an awesome post this week! 🙂
This week, I won’t write a blog post response to answer this week’s question (because I don’t want my Mom to see), but I will have to agree with Rachel and say that I wish cancer did not exist. It’s such a horrible disease that has touched my life more than once. I saw my sweetie’s mother pass away slowly from it, and then when I returned home after helping take care of her, my mother was diagnosed with leukemia not too long after. It was like my life came crashing down in one swoop.
When I heard the diagnosis, I broke down, but that was probably the only time I cried. It was weird, it was like I knew things would work out. I didn’t feel this intense fear or worry over the situation. It was a scary process to go through that stretched over a couple of months, and I was very involved in the process…but it was MY MOTHER this time – so very different. However, I will say that it felt like God had comforted me in this crucial time in my life. He made me stronger so that I could help my mother better.
I am SO sorry to hear of your mother’s diagnosis! My husband’s father also had leukemia – I never met him as a result – but I know from what he has shared how horrible that is.
Last year, on my anniversary (of all days!) – my husband was diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer. I remember how scared and helpless I felt. I was so terrified I could not even put it into words – I felt like if I did, it might make it more real, give it more strength. I’m sure that sounds crazy to a lot of you, but that was my initial reaction.
Cancer made me feel small.
So I totally understand you not wanting your mom to see your post this week. I’m so glad you have felt God’s strength and power during all of this. How is she now?
My wish is all hunger and suffering would be wiped off the face of the earth, especially in my native homeland of Haiti. You can read more about my wish here:
What a beautiful wish, Nicole! I left a comment on your blog! 🙂
I also forgot to mention that your wish is a beautiful one to have.
Thank you Yona! 🙂
I alsoooo forgot to mention that my mother beat cancer and has surpassed the ‘waiting period’ where you’re in the clear and can say that you are in remission.
Our God is an awesome God – praise Him for this miracle! 🙂
Came across you thankfully from feelingbeachie and the four fill in the blank hop I am now following you also.
My answer to the question …. would be also somewhat selfish but I wish to have a closer relationship with God so I can be a better Christian and help others know Him and his Word I feel like I fall short on alot of the days, but He is not done with me yet, I am a work in progress!
Welcome Janice – so glad you found us! I don’t think your wish is selfish at all. I think it’s awesome and trust me – we are ALL works in progress!
Have a great weekend! 🙂
Hello Ramona, my wish would be to be able to heal people, sick physically or mentally. That would be more than great satisfaction for living. Have a great weekend.
Great wish, Amanda – thanks for joining us and have a fabulous weekend! 🙂
woops I am following through Linky as Janice’s Footsteps at
sorry I am a newbie to this hopping thing :}
Welcome Janice!
To be an insanely wealthy philanthropist… There are so many charities that I would LOVE to help.
Great answer, Melissa – have a great weekend!
To be with my parents for 5 minutes.
Have a great weekend!
Wow, Harriet – what a wish. That one stopped me in my tracks. I wish I had the power to grant it! It really reminds us not to take for granted the people we love.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Good morning Ramona – flying out the door to join our Annie on her third grade field trip but wanted to link up before I leave. I’ll be back later to post about my wish ;o) See you later! Hugs, Nina
Have fun on the field trip Nina! 🙂
I’d wish for health and happiness for my kids. 🙂
Stupid Antics
Awesome wish from a mom! Have a great weekend Stacy! 🙂
Such a beautiful wish! How could you top that? Happy Friendship Friday & thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!
You too Theresa! 🙂
I love your wish! That is something to really ponder…how wonderful we would all be living if Adam and Eve would not of sinned. Hmm…… :o) Have a blessed weekend!
You too Stephanie – blessings to you! 🙂
Ohhhhhh there’s just too many possibilities and I’m so indecisive! I’ll cut it down to my top four ~ Cure all diseases, world peace, end hunger, and live to see my great-grandchildren. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend 🙂
All are great wishes Paula but I especially love your desire to live to see your great grandchildren. I hope that one comes true for you! 🙂
I thought I would do another ABC list to respond to this weeks Friendship Friday. It can be seen at my site. Doing it certainly put me in a more positive frame of mind. Thanks!
Dear Marie
I LOVE your ABC Wish List (AND your 1000 Gift List that is in the making too!) Welcome to Friendship Friday – I look forward to getting to know you! 🙂
Stopping by to thank you for linking up at my Freaky Friday blog hop! I hope to see you again next week.
I love this post. Great idea, I have to say. I got here via the Getting To Know You bloghop. My wish would be the exact same as Rachel’s. No more cancer would be wonderful. I’ve known too many people taken too early because of it.
Best wishes,
Dear Casey
I’m so glad you stopped by! I hope you’ll be joining us again. Your blog is awesome! I look forward to getting to know you!
My wish….wow that is tough, first thing that comes to mind, the ability to heal or take away pain..but then I wish for health and happiness for my loved ones, friends and family..then I wish for world peace, then I wish for no more hunger……then I wish……………hmmm to many wishes Thank you for linking up to the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop Happy weekend wishes! xo
It’s hard to just wish for one thing isn’t it? Hope you have a fabulous weekend Katherine! 🙂
And you will get your wish when Christ comes again. These are his promises and we can soo look forward to that great day.
I just found your blog and have followed you via Linky Followers. Please come check out my blog and follow me if you like 🙂
Welcome Diana! Hope you’ll be joining us for Friendship Friday in the weeks to come! 🙂
I have been MIA for a while. I want to post from my phone or table but the Blogger app turns everything sideways. Anyway, I am posting today!!! Thank you so much for hosting the Friendship Fridays. I really enjoy sharing my little corner of the world with everyone!!!
Dear Melanie
I’m so glad you are here today – I stopped by your blog earlier today and you have been SO busy! LOVE all of your new journalling and mail art! I hope you have a wonderful week and I hope to see you at Inspire Me Monday! 🙂
Hi, how wonderful is your blog is and to gain freindship through your blog. Thanks and I am linking to you:)
Welcome Ligaya – I’m delighted to meet you and look forward to getting to know you! 🙂
A Great way to celebrate bloggy friends
Thanks for SASSing
My one wish would be mine and my family’s health!
Thanks for participating in SASS this week:
This is a great idea. I will have to get organised and participate. Following you on Twitter. Thanks for linking up with Flash Blog Friday!
Hi Bree,
Thanks for stoppping by – I would welcome your participation in Friendship Friday – I hope to see you again soon! 🙂
I’ve wanted to write a blog post about this, but can’t because I don’t want my family to read it.
My Nana has been battling ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) since October 2011. Her health is rapidly deteriorating. She’s in so much pain and losing function of a lot of her muscles. It really sucks and I just wish I could take away all her pain. I wish I could tell her everything was going to be all right. It’s not going to be though. I wish this nasty disease didn’t exist.
– Nicole
Dear Nicole
I’m so sorry to hear about your Nana’s battle with ALS. I have a friend who works for them and I know it’s such a terrible disease.
I wish your wish could come true. Your Nana and your family are in my prayers.
Sounds like a good wish to me, however, everything would be totally different. We might not even exist because circumstances in our fallen world brought people together who might not have even existed in the perfect world as God created it. It’s all speculation, of course, but I still like your idea.
You know, Charlotte, I thought about that, and it took me to one of two places. First, based on the Scripture that God sees us and knows us before we are even born – I have to trust that I’d still be here… but, even if I weren’t – I wouldn’t know it, as I wouldn’t exist! But, this is the stuff that really boggles the mind if we try to wrap our heads around it, isn’t it? One of the ways I know that God’s thoughts are so much higher than mind! Have a blessed week! 🙂
That is an awesome wish you have!
I would wish that my mother could live with or close to me now to see me as a mother and get to enjoy her grand children.
That’s a great wish. I wish the same!
I wish this world could be full of love, peace, and hope.
Welcome Virginia – so do I! Have a blessed weekend! 🙂