Inspire Me Monday – Week 29

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday
A place to share your creative inspirations
Sharpen your creative vision and
Showcase your creative talents!
I invite you to inspire others and
Nurture your creative spirit by
Joining our Creative Blog Hop!

To participate, simply join my creative community and
Follow the guidelines at the end of this post!

What’s Inspiring You This Week?
Here’s What’s Inspiring Me…

Deb Chitwood – Raising Figure Skaters
Help Our Daughters Have Healthy Body Images

Healthy Body Images - Deb Chitwood

Last week’s story on teenager Judy Bluhm’s crusade
To change how women are portrayed in the media
Struck a chord with many Create With Joy readers,
Including inspirational writer Deb Chitwood!

Deb provided us with an insider’s view of how this issue
Promotes eating disorders in the competitive world of
Figure Skating and similar pursuits!

I encourage you to read her thought-provoking essay
And to explore her fabulous blog,
Raising Figure Skaters!

Book Of The Week
Some Parts Are NOT For Sharing!
By Julie K Federico

Some Parts Are Not For Sharing

Jill at Blessed Beyond A Doubt
Shared this fabulous book that she calls
A must for every child’s bookshelf!

According to Jill,
This book is an ideal introduction
To the basic body safety rules for the young child.
The author, Julie K. Federico,
Uses friendly fish to explain what the boundaries of
Appropriate touching are in a very non-threatening way.

For a chance to win a copy of this book,
Visit Jill and enter her giveaway before July 30!

Pinterest Board Of The Week
Things That Make Me Smile

Things That Make Me Smile Pinterest Board

Highlights From Week 28
You Gals Are Bursting With Creativity!

Denise – Harvest Moon
Summer Art Journaling

Mandala by Denise

Artist Denise Mulligan used a children’s atlas
To start a new Art Journal this summer!

She’s filling it with beautiful international themes
And magnificent mandalas!

For lots more beautiful inspiration, be sure to visit Denise!

Naomi – What Joy Is Mine
Which Menu Do You Choose?

What Menu Do You Choose?

When you get up each morning
Do you plan to have a good day or a bad one?

If you’ve never thought about the ingredients
That go into your day,
Naomi’s wonderful post will give you plenty of
Food for thought!

Kim – Made In A Day
Painted Wedge Sandals

Easy Painted Wedges

Summer time is fun time –
And what could be more fun than
Painting a pair of inexpensive sandals
In a rainbow of delightful colors?

Have fun expressing your creativity
With Kim’s playful post!

Chris – My Creatively Vintage Life
Rustic Roof Tile Transformation

 Chris - My Creatively Vintage Life

If you delight in flea market treasure hunts
And DIY transformations you will love the
Makeover Chris gave her rustic tin roof tiles!

Khadija’s Creative Mind
Journal / Sketch Book

Sketches from Khalidjas Creative Mind

The very talented Khadija
Who frequently shares her
Crafts & DIY tutorials
Delighted us this week with the latest drawings
From her Journal & Sketch Book!

Donna’s Designs
Birdcage Mini Book

Donna Heber - Birdcage Mini Book

Cardmaker Donna Heber dazzled us
With her Birdcage Mini Book –
Beautifully stamped inside and out!

Talent is timeless.
For more fabulous features,
Visit my creative friends at
Inspire Me Monday – Week 28!

Inspire Me Monday #29 – Week Of July 23, 2012

Inspire Me Monday

I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer

Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in Inspire Me Monday in the following ways:

1) Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!

2) Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!

3) Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!

When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and a link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun! The blog code is on the side bar if you need it!

Be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!

The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!


66 Responses to “Inspire Me Monday – Week 29”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Erin says:

    I hope that you have a wonderful week! Thank you for hosting such a lovely party.

    I think I remember you stating a while back that “Valentine” by Jim Brickman was one of your favorite songs with your husband…the post I linked up this week used the lyrics from “Valentine”. You might find interesting…Hope you are doing well 🙂

    Chronic Christian Crafter

    • Wow, Erin, you have quite the memory! Yes, we were married on Valentine’s Day, so naturally, the very beautiful song Valentine by Jim Brickman and Martina McBride was a natural choice for us! Your post and project was awesome – how cool that this song played such an important role in you and your husband’s wedding and marriage too! 🙂

      Thanks for sharing… you now have my creative juices flowing…!

      • Erin says:

        We have many things in common…and I was pretty sure this was one of them…I thought you might enjoy 😉 I hope you have a great week! Glad to spark a little creativitiy!

      • I love your wall art! I was thinking this would also make an awesome gift using the lyrics to create an altered gift book! 🙂

  2. Yay! Thanks so much for featuring my wedges! I am glad you liked them!

    • Thank you Kim for the inspiration! I love how you altered those wedges to suit your needs – such a FUN project – as we bargain shop this summer, what a fun challenge to look for things we can alter to suit our own purpose!

  3. Cindy Adkins says:

    Thanks so much for the invitation!!!! Wishing you a wonderful week!!

  4. diane says:

    Thanks again for the upcoming Inspire Me Monday, I look forward to hopping around! It will definitely be a brightspot for a Monday!

  5. Kathy Penney says:

    Thanks again for hosting! Love seeing all the amazing ideas! Stopped by to show some love to a few and linked back here on my own post. 🙂

  6. Molly says:

    Thank you for hosting! I’m loving your features, I’m LOVING those wedges 🙂
    Have a great week!

  7. Jill says:

    Thank you Romona for sharing my book giveaway with your readers. I look forward to connecting with your readers, too!

    Have a blessed week!

  8. Meryl says:

    Great post – really important!!! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  9. What Joy Is Mine says:

    Wow…humbly saying thank you for featuring my post this week. I look forward to reading the other featured posts. Have a fabulous week!

  10. Liz says:

    Thanks for the party reminder and for having us all over to share our inspirations. I appreciate it.

  11. Stopping by with my latest favorite dish – Sweet & Spicy Shrimp Tacos and an amazing Watermelon Sriacha Salsa… xoxoxo Thanks for hosting!

  12. I always love your inspirational features, and I’m honored to be featured this week! Your body-image feature last week was definitely thought-provoking. I’m thrilled to see teenage girls working to make a difference in something so important. The Photoshop videos I found for my post were real eye-openers for me. No wonder girls have problems with their body images!

    • Thanks Deb – I find it SO encouraging whenever I read a story about a teen who is making a real difference in the world. I hope that by sharing this information with others we can make a difference in someone’s life!

  13. Many thanks for hosting and having me again!

    Have a great week.

    Best wishes,

  14. Thanks for hosting! I love the idea of painting wedge heels! So cool. Hope you have a great week!

  15. I’m sharing my Chicken tacos with gluten free tortillas, and my Kohlrabi and Mango Salad. Thanks for hosting!

  16. Veronica says:

    My first link up in yonks!! Great to be back and thank you so much for having me. Looking forward to visiting some posts!

    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds

  17. Thank you so much for the feature my sweet friend 🙂 I will be sharing more..

  18. Thank you so much for featuring me this week! I am honored and I am on my way to visit some of the other features as well. Much love!

  19. patsy says:

    Great inspirations this week! I’m going to check them out. Blessings! Patsy from HeARTworks and papemelroti

  20. Evelyn says:

    Thank you for hosting not only a great party but an informative post along with it. I always learn something new and different when I visit:)
    Have a gorgeous week!

  21. Shairbearg says:

    Thanks for linking up with friendly followers:

  22. Lovely and creative projects featured this week! Thanks for the great post & linkup, & God bless,

  23. Kim S says:

    New follower of yours via G+… thanks for hosting and for sharing all of your creative ideas! Stop by and say Hi sometime if you can!

  24. Thanks for hosting such a fun party!!!

    New follower from the blog hop! Excited to hear more from you.

    Brie @ Breezy Pink Daisies

  25. Paula J says:

    Another Monday filled with inspiration!! Thanks for hosting 🙂


  26. What wonderful inspirations! Thank you…

  27. Donna Heber says:

    Thank you so much for featuring my birdcage mini book! I really enjoy creating handmade items for people and I appreciate your kind words. Thank you for taking the time to host these wonderful parties.

  28. There is some truly inspirational stuff going on here. As an art, book and music lover, I really enjoyed what I’ve seen. (Well, I love to eat too – LOL!) I may have to link up soon. Blessings!

    • Hi Arnoldo,

      It’s a delight to meet you and to visit your very creative blog! I look forward to getting to know you and look forward to seeing your art at Inspire Me Monday! 🙂

  29. Raquel says:

    Thank you for the party! I am a little late to this one….been a little behind this week. Happy Tuesday ! 🙂

  30. These are wonderful. I love the books and everyone’s contributions. I’m going to start following your blog. I did an alexa review and found you from the hop.

  31. Julie says:

    Nice blog. Some of your posts made me want to slow down and think about my surroundings more. I found you through the Blogaholic blog hop. You can find me at

  32. Anne Rx says:

    Hi, thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog, I would normally love to participate but I cannot devote the time to visit a large number of blogs with the commitments I have already, but it was such a lovely thought and I thank you for it. Crafty hugs, Anne xx

  33. Hi!
    Thanks for letting me share my own recipe of helathy and tasty Soda

    Pop Substitute: Essential “Oil” Sassy Water!
    Here’s the link:


  1. […] to: Summer Salad Sundays, Souper Sundays @ Kahakai Kitchen, Monday Mania, Inspire Me Monday, Meatless […]

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  5. Cherry Walnut Bread « Bake, Run, Live says:

    […] linked to: Create With Joy, Add A Pinch Share this:EmailLike this:LikeOne blogger likes […]

  6. […] Talent is timeless. For more fabulous features, Visit my creative friends at Inspire Me Monday – Week 29! […]

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