Friendship Friday – Something Old, Something New

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy

Welcome to Friendship Friday – a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about you and your blog!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!
  • Expand your social media networks!

Each week, I’ll provide a Question/Theme to ignite your creativity! To participate, simply share your response in a Friendship Friday post or in the comments! Be sure to add the Friendship Friday button to your site/post so that others can join the fun!

While you’re visiting, please take a moment to explore my site and follow Create With Joy through the Social Media Icons on my sidebar! Please leave a comment so that I can reciprocate!

Have fun – building friendships is what this community is all about! For more opportunities to create and connect, join us for Inspire Me Monday and Wordless Wednesday!

This Week’s Theme
Something Old, Something New

Happy New Year, dear friends!
This week, I’d like to invite you to share
Something Old and Something New about your blog!

You can interpret this topic any way your like
But here is my suggestion:

For Something Old, why not share your 2012 Blog Recaps or
Something from 2012 that you’re particularly proud of, such as
Your favorite post, a friendship you made, or an event you launched?

For Something New, why not share about some of the
Changes you plan to make in regard to your blog
Or your approach to blogging for 2013?

We look forward to reading your Friendship Friday posts –
Your 2012 and 2013 recaps and plans –
And your comments this week!

My Response – Something Old

Building Community is one of my top priorities at Create With Joy.
In that vein, I’d like to honor my Top 5 Blog Commenters for 2012!

Needless to say,
If you’d like to make some Fabulous Blogging Friends this year –
These five ladies are a great place to start!

Commenter #1 – 115 Comments
Life As We Know It By Paula

Life As We Know It By Paula

Commenter #2 – 93 Comments

Beneath The Surface – Dawn

Beneath The Surface

Commenter #3 – 76 Comments
Marcie’s Nook

Marcie's Nook

Commenter #4 – 57 Comments
Self Sagacity – Amanda

Amanda - Self Sagacity

Commenter #5 – 57 Comments
Saved By Grace – Laurie

Laurie - Saved By Grace

Thanks to all of you who take the time to comment each week.
In the words of Bonnie Raitt:
“Let’s give them something to talk about!”

Something New

One Word 2013 - Journey

This January,
I’m hosting the One Word 2013 Blog Hop.
Instead of making a long list of resolutions,
Select One Word to symbolize
What the New Year represents for you!

The word I’ve chosen for 2013 is Journey.

Once you’ve chosen your word,
Join the party and share it with us!

I am in the midst of planning lots of exciting things for 2013.
Stay tuned for more news in upcoming posts!

Friendship Friday #49 – Something Old, Something New

83 Responses to “Friendship Friday – Something Old, Something New”

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  1. What Jean Likes says:

    Thank you so much for hosting! Already following all the lovely hosts!! 🙂

    I hope you’re having a great week and a Happy New Year!

    Thank you so much for linking up to last week’s Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I’m following you.

    If you have time, we’d love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven’t already! (Thank you so very much if you’ve already linked up, I truly appreciate it!!)

    Come and link up and celebrate the coming weekend with us!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

  2. For something old, I had fun putting together my Top 12 Posts from 2o012: For something new, I’m sure I’ll find new inspiration at the Winter Blogathon later in the month! Have a wonderful 2013! 🙂

    • Happy New Year to you Deb! Look forward to checking out your Top 12 posts and supporting you during the Winter Blogathon! Thanks for being such a great blogging friend and supporter since we’ve met! 🙂

  3. Jackie says:

    Oh my goodness I am finding so many wonderful blog hops. I missed this week and don’t have time to get a post done. I am adding this to my meme blog roll. Oh it sounds fun!! Good luck and Happy New year everyone!! 🙂

    • Everyone starts out the year with a bang, don’t they Jackie? Hope you will join us each week!
      Write a post (or link one you’ve done that fits the topic) when you can – on weeks when you’re busy,
      leave a comment and link up your blog!

      I’ve met some wonderful people through this community – I’m sure that you will too! 🙂

  4. Wayne says:

    Thanks once again for being a gracious hostess. This is a great topic for the week.

    • Happy New Year to you Wayne! I figured this would be a great topic for everyone to ease their way back into the New Year since so many people have already written posts on the topic already anyway!

      I am looking forward to catching up with everyone this week! 🙂

  5. Beth says:

    It has been awhile since I have been blogging. It is so fun to come back and catch up and see all the many changes and up coming ones with the new year. New bloggers and new friends to foster. I am working on my one word and I think I may just have to join this hop. So now I must pull somethings together. Happy New Year and blessings

    • Hi Beth,

      Happy New Year to you – so glad you are back to blogging again! Can’t wait to see the One word you come up with!
      I have the One Word Blog Hop set to be open for the entire month of January so that people can join in as they discover it (or discover their words)…

      Have fun and look forward to seeing you at our weekly parties!

  6. Awesome! I’m thrilled and honored to be listed with these talented and creative commentators & bloggers! Thank you so much for all you do to create such a meaningful community — you are a blessing!
    My post this week, “Looking Back,” fits right in with your theme!
    And I really appreciate your word, Journey — we choreographed and performed a dance by that name several years ago as a metaphor for the Christian walk:
    Thanks again for your faithfulness in hosting & in blogging. and Happy New Year to you!

  7. Courtney says:

    Coming through from another blog hop but I love your FF especially because of the kitties! I <3 kitties hehehee. Plus I love your blog title "Create With Joy". I love crafting!

    Something Old:
    Top 5 Posts for 2012 #Blogging #Crochet #CrochetAddict #Zombie –

    Something New:

    PS. Would love for you to join my Tribe on Triberr (Chewylicious)! I think you'll be a great fit! Find me on there and I'll send you an invite! Looking forward to getting to know you better!

  8. Outstanding post as always:) If I know two out of the Five I believe I am doing very well. I am off to meet the other 3 commentaters:)

    • I’m so glad you’re going to visit them Evelyn – you will love getting to know them, and they will love getting to know you too! 🙂
      Just linked up to your weekly party… have a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  9. Samantha D says:

    I”m fairly new to blogging! Thanks for Friendship Friday!


  10. I am very honored to be published on CREATE w JOY blog. Thank you. I am also very proud of you, what you’ve accomplished in 2012. I know you have worked hard to build a community from your blog, and it paid off. I am glad that I have been able to stay connected with such a lovely person and 2013 can only be better, hopefully with much tighter bond. Here is to a wonderful year!

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Amanda! I know how hard you work to build community on your blogs, so that means a lot coming from you!

      I look forward to building an even greater bond of friendship with you in the new year! 🙂

  11. Dawn says:

    Oh Ramona, that is so amazing. Obviously I have a lot to say! lol. Thank you for the surprise I was having a terrible day and it made me smile. I love the topic you chose and would love to write about it. Have some things going on that require my time and attention away from the computer and blogging world. SO hope I can get to it. I would love to have you join in for RJD – it is live at midnight but link up anytime it suits you, my friend! All our love to the boys and best wishes for a Happy New Year! Thanks for thinking of me…and how did you check on how many comments? Is there a trick to that? You are a blessing! In His Grace, Dawn (Ashley and Aurora extend a very Happy New Year to Tsunami and Legend specifically…meow!)

    • Hi Dawn,

      I’m sorry to hear about your day. You know how to reach me via e-mail if you want to chat privately or need a little prayer!

      I’m on WordPress and at the end of the year, it sends me a special report that gives me a few highlights about my blog from the past year.
      One of the things in there – the most important to me – were the Top 5 Commenters since I cherish all of the comments I get so much!
      I would love to have written an entire recap post of the year like so many bloggers have done – but I spent most of the holidays sick so I did not get a chance to do that.

      But – I thought that this information was too good NOT to celebrate – and what better place to share it than Friendship Friday! 🙂

      I may also post my top referrer sites in the future to give them a little love as well! 🙂

      • I use WordPress too…I didn’t get a notification like that. I’d love to hear more. If you wouldn’t mind. 😀
        Sorry to hear you were sick over the holidays. :-/

      • Hi Diane,

        I did a little more research on the stats since that seems to be of great interest to everyone. I am on WordPress.Org (self-hosted) and I have the Free Jetpack by WordPress.Com Plugin installed – The description of this plugin says: “Supercharge your WordPress site with powerful features previously only available to users” (which leads me to believe that if you are a WordPress.Com user, you already have access to this functionality as well).

        Now, with this PlugIn installed, on the left column of WordPress, when I hover over Jetpack one of the options I see is Site Stats. When I click on it – near the top of the page – I get a message that says Check Out The Fireworks You Created On Your 2012 Annual Report. That report is where it compiles some cool data for the previous year (so if you install the Jetpack Plugin, you should get the report for 2013, minus the first few days of the year). You get some detailed stats with this PlugIn but there is also some added functionality which you will see if you click on the link and read about the functionality.

        Hope this helps!

      • Dawn says:

        Sorry to hear you have been sick…I appreciate you Ramona! You do so much for the blogosphere and beyond. I may not be able to get a post written even though I love the idea that you shared for this FF. I just have so much going on (not bad but just ya know time demanding as life can be.) Oh well…however I am creating a special scrappy creation which will possibly be shared Monday…and that is joy to me! A little creativity every day chases the blues away and helps me manage my housework happily to I must say! Just a simple thing…but delight to the creative soul.

      • Thanks Dawn! Know what you mean. I look forward to seeing your scrappy creation. I’ve been spending some time creating this week and it definitely chases the blues away! 🙂

  12. Xmasdolly says:

    Hope your holidays were great fun & Happy New Year to you & yours! Great theme this week & just in time for me! I have great news for the upcoming 2013! Hope you can stop by! I’m really excited about it too! Thanks for hosting such a fun hop!!! Have a great weekend!

  13. Happy New Year to you!

    I’m still sorting out how to move ahead 🙂

  14. patsy says:

    Somehow I could not stick with just one word!!! My wordS for 2013: Share the Joy! Share the Journey! It’s got journey in there too! And my something old is I will continue to make Jesus known through my blog! Happy new year, dear friend! Thanks for hosting and always being encouraging! How in the world did you count how many comments a visitor makes?!!!! A blessed new year! Patsy from HeARTworks

    • Thankfully it’s not up to me – WordPress does it for me!
      For instance, it is telling me I’ve approved 25 comments from you – 26 when this one goes through!

      The end of the year report I received listed the top 5 commenters for me.
      I haven’t figured out if there is a way to sort through everyone myself (for example, to figure out the top 25 commenters) –
      so I can see you individually when you leave a comment, but I don’t know how/if there is a way to sort them myself.

      Love your theme for 2013 and your something old as well! Thanks for being such an inspiration in the blogosphere! 🙂

  15. Thanks for linking up with us this week at the #MTMmixer! Thought we could hop with you as well. We linked up the mixer because it has a nice recap of our week…but I also want to participate in your theme:

    Something old: one of our most popular posts of the last year — thanks to Pinterest:

    Something new: Looking forward to a new blog design coming soon and working on my resolution to be a better citizen of the blogosphere.

    And my word for the year: Here (meaning I’m going to try to live in the present as much as possible!)

  16. Paula J says:

    WOW!! I can’t believe I’m a top commenter!! Well I guess I do a lot of commenting lol. This certainly is a surprise!

    Thanks for sharing with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party ~ it’s like a contest each week now to see who links up first ~ you or me ~ lol :))

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Sylvia says:

    Hi! I just found you via Seven Alive Link It Up Thursday.
    Something Old from 2012 is my blog that was started in September.
    Something New for 2013 is my hope to grow my blog to inspire others to create with embroidery and quilting!
    Thanks for hosting.

  18. Loy says:

    Hi, Thanks for hosting the Create-With-Joy blog hops. I look forward to hearing about your ideas for 2013! Happy Friday–Happy Weekend!

  19. Amy says:

    I’m new here – I found you through the More than Mommies Mixer, but I see you have so many great things going on here. 🙂 I added my link above. What a beautiful blog you have! Such a lovely design. I’m looking forward to spending sometime and having a look around!

  20. Harriet says:

    Happy New Year!

  21. Bree Beal says:

    Thank you so much for hosting Friendship Friday. I enjoyed writing my article and I look forward to reading some of the awesome blogs here and making new friends. I’m happy that I found your blog. Happy Friendship Friday to you!

  22. Lori says:

    Happy New Year and thank you for motivating all of us to think about the “old” and “new”. I’m just starting to regroup and reflect on the last year now that the busy holidays are over. My best to you in the coming New Year! Warmest aloha, Lori

  23. Lisa says:

    Thanks so much for hosting! I enjoy your linkups every week! Happy New Year! May it be a wonderful one for you and your family! 🙂

  24. Marcie says:

    I thank you for the the honor you have giving me this was a surprise. The one word I would use to express this honor is fabulous! Next week I will be joining an art class to help get the creative juices flowing. So my something new in my blogs will be the work that comes from this class! Can’t wait to see what creations I will be coming up with. As for the old in my blogs is to look at how far I have come from where I started. I think one of the best blogs that I have came from my beach photos. May 2013 bring more life to my blogs.

  25. Lynn says:

    Happy New Year! I’m enjoying this hop!

  26. Kerry says:

    Thanks for hosting!

    Also thank you for linking up at this weeks friday chaos.
    Have a great weekend


  27. Tiffany S. says:

    Thanks for the Fabulous Friday!!!

  28. Actually there isn’t something old or new for my blog. My goal is to get better with each post and follow God’s prompting as well. Have you ever thought about having a monthly prompting in each of your areas…e-mailing those who link to those particular days with the prompt so they can plan ahead and write it into their blog schedule? Just an idea.

    • Diane, what a beautiful thought from a beautiful blogger re: your blog! 🙂

      Re: my blog, yes, I have often thought about doing this and I hope to get it together one of these days (smile)…
      but so far, it just hasn’t happened. 🙂

  29. I loved telling about my inherited jewelerly, the brooches were fun, reminded me of my grandmother. For something new, I changed my blog with a new banner and colors.
    Thanks for having the Something Old Something New!! Happy New Year

  30. Heather says:

    Hi there!
    Happy New Year!
    For something Old, I put my last post from 2012 about New Years Re’Solution’s. As for something New, More to come! Thank you for hosting!

  31. Nicole says:

    Well, my blog has evolved over time. Something old was that I wasn’t having much connection with other bloggers. That all changed by hosting a linky party every week. I’m having alot of fun with that! There isn’t much I would like to change except maybe having more time for it!

    • Hi Nicole,

      One of the things that I love most about hosting my parties is that it keeps me connected with so many of the bloggers that I love.
      There are so many bloggers that I have lost contact over time with, not because I have wanted to, but because during the course of a busy week, it’s hard to remember to visit everyone you want to if you don’t have a “reason” to connect!

      It also gives you a chance to meet many new, fabulous bloggers along the way. I remember meeting you through your weekly party and I’m so glad I did. Happy New Year to you! 🙂

  32. KalleyC says:

    This is such a great topic for Friday. I do have a lot to say, so I did do a post for it. Hope you’re having a fabulous start to your new year so far. {also, sorry if this is a double post, I wasn’t sure if I hit send the first time…}

  33. ElizOF says:

    Hello again and I’m pleased to reconnect with you this year …
    After taking a year off blogging on my blogger blog, to focus on growing my WordPress one, I’m reviving it this year. For now I have a Happy New Year post but will add more as I tweak it again… Thanks for the hop and if I haven’t followed the hosts in the past (some are familiar faces) I will. 🙂
    •.★♥★Happy New Year to You & Yours!★♥★.•

  34. Alecia says:

    Wow, really neat site you have here, I’m visiting through SITS!

    My one word for 2013 is FEARLESS, I’ve already had the chance to make some “fearless”choices…it’s great!!

  35. I can see I’m going to spend some time visiting all these blogs, I love year-end reviews!

  36. Oh, I’ve got just the post for this theme!…:)JP

  37. Joyce says:

    Hi! I have seen your kitten button before and am happy to have finally tracked you down! I have linked with you, will follow, and will add your button to my site. I see that we have several things in common – I love crafts and am a “rabid” animal lover…mostly of our 6 rescued cats. The “old” for me is seeing them enjoy their now-peaceful lives -all are at least 5 years old- and the “new” is finding fellow bloggers who have hearts full of compassion like you do! Happy New Year, new friend!

  38. puddin.n.pie says:

    What a great way to start the year. Looking forward to making many new friends.

  39. BiTi says:

    I am the new kid on the block 🙂 Thank you for Friday Friendship, it looks like I will be visiting a lot of new friends.

  40. Friendship Friday sounds like a fab idea!!

  41. Janet Nuckolls says:

    Hi Marcie,

    Lovely web site. I just *met* you on Connect: Professional Women’s Network, during the chat with Pamela Ryckman. I’m tuned in to learn more about networking and to meet new doers and shakers! Just today I submitted the revisions to an editor who requested my first Romantic Suspense novel. Very excited and hopeful that I’ve met her requirements and this will lead to publication. It’s been a long, interesting journey and I fully realize that this is JUST the beginning. Learning to promote an e-book is next. What a fun adventure this is and finding your work is very encouraging.


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    […] to Create With Joy and Friday Flash for hosting Friday Blog […]

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