Wordless Wednesday – A New Day

Tsunami & Legend - A New Day

Happy New Year, dear friends!
Thank you for joining us for the
First Wordless Wednesday of 2013!

This week, Tsunami and Legend are
Back in the spotlight with these
Inspiring words from an unknown author:

To make a change you don’t need a new year,
All you need is a new morning.
Choose to make the most of each day.
Whatever you didn’t accomplish yesterday,
You have today!

Have a wonderful week and a year filled with joy!

Wordless Wednesday – January 1, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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107 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – A New Day”

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  1. A. L. Jambor says:

    Happy New Year, Joy!

  2. A. L. Jambor says:

    I meant Ramona! I’m still recovering from New Year’s Eve!

  3. Wayne says:

    Thanks for being such a great hostess!

  4. Paula J says:

    I’m excited to see what 2013 brings!!

    Happy WW and Happy New Year :))


  5. adinparadise says:

    Love that inspiring quote. Happy New Year to you, Tsunami and Legend. It’s only Tuesday here. 🙂

  6. Maria @ LSS says:

    Love the surprised look. Happy New Year.

  7. stevebethere says:

    Thank you for those inspirational words 🙂

    Happy New Year to you have a good one

  8. Theresa says:

    Happy New Years!

  9. Carolyn says:

    Thanks for hosting again! Hope you had a great Christmas…and a Happy New Year!


  10. Meryl says:

    Wishing you a happy, healthy, peaceful, successful…awesome 2013!

  11. Lisa says:

    Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting. I hope you have a wonderful 2013! (and your precious kitties, too!) 🙂

  12. Charlotte says:

    Happy New Year!!! x

  13. What Jean Likes says:

    Thank you so much for hosting!!!

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment on my Jeremiah 29:11 post. I linked it up to your Wordless Wednesday party. Thanks for hosting. Have a glorious 2013!

  15. What an inspirational piece! Happy New Year!

  16. Happy New Year and thanks for hosting!

  17. Cute cat picture with a great message! Thanks for hosting and all the very best for 2013!

  18. Kerri says:

    Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!

  19. Xmasdolly says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours & thanks for hosting. Those kitties of yours are gorgeous – love their eyes!

  20. Christy Ann says:

    Beautiful post! Happy New Year!

  21. Happy New Year!
    May the new year bring you lots of wondrous possibilities!

  22. Sara says:

    Happy New Year! =)

  23. Yvonne says:

    Happy New Year!

  24. Evelyn says:

    I love the quote you shared. Happy New Year to you as well!!

  25. Camille says:

    They have such beautiful eyes!!

  26. Nikki says:

    Happy new year to you & the kitties!


  27. LuAnn Braley says:

    Two weeks in a row…I’m already STREAKS ahead of 2012! *ROFL*

  28. Sparkle says:

    How cool to get both you kitties on the same day!

  29. Jackie says:

    We lived in Maine for years and these cats are beauties! I always wanted one but never did get one!

    I fell in love with everything here and linked everywhere! I hope you have a wonderful and very Happy New Year!:-)

  30. Tsunami and Legend look very expectant about the New Year!

  31. Amy says:

    Cute kitties! Happy 2013!!

  32. Thank you for hosting each week, we appreciate you!! Happy New Year ! My Wordless post with Linky Oh! My Heartsie

  33. 2013 will be an outstanding year!…:)JP

  34. Thanks for hosting! I’m just glad to be back after being without my laptop for over two weeks! Arrgh! LOL Happy New Year!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  35. Jennifer says:

    Happy New Year and thanks for joining us at Wordless Wednesday Bloggers on a previous Wednesday. If you haven’t already this week, link up at http://www.wordlesswednesdaybloggers.blogspot.com

  36. Aww! The front one looks like my old cat!

  37. Nina says:

    Happy New Year to you, Tsunami and Legend!
    … and thank you for hosting this wonderful blog hop!

  38. Happy New Year to you & your wonderful feline friends!

  39. Wise words from wise kitties! Happy 2013!

  40. Rebekah says:

    Thank you for hosting! Hope you have a Great New Year.


  1. […] Linking to Wordless Wednesday at Live and Love Out Loud, Sarah Halstead, Project Alicia and Create With Joy. […]

  2. […] Wordless Wednesday – A New Day (create-with-joy.com) […]

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