Inspire Me Monday – Week 57

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday
A place to share your creative inspirations
Sharpen your creative vision and
Showcase your creative talents!

I invite you to inspire others and
Nurture your creative spirit by
Joining our Creative Blog Hop!

To participate, simply join my creative community and
Follow the guidelines at the end of this post!

What’s Inspiring You This Week?
Here’s What’s Inspiring Me…

Inspiration From God’s Word

Phil 4-13Source: Growing 3 Godly Girlz

For more Faith-Based Inspiration, Follow
Create With Joy – Faith Quotes on Pinterest!

Faith Quotes - Pinterest Board

Need Inspiration? Meet Holley Barnhart

Holley Barnhart

I shared today’s Scripture with you because
That’s the verse that comes to mind when I think of Holley Barnhart –
A stamper and card-maker who has overcome great medical odds
(Including paralysis, seizures, and brain surgery)
To pursue her love of art!

I encourage you to read her incredible story.
Then, celebrate her victories as she gives back to the community
In a month-long giveaway (accessible from my sidebar!)

Book Of The Week – Art Activities For Groups

Art Activities For Groups

If you were one of the many Inspire Me Monday readers
Who loved Diane Fausek-Steinbeck’s book Art As Therapy,
You will not want to miss this fabulous collection of
48 creative art activities that are perfect for personal or group use!

Friendship Friday – Books

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy

This weekend I participated in my first Mini-Bloggiesta
An event similar to the Biannual Blogathon,
But specifically designed to help Book Bloggers focus on their blogs!

As a result, I’ve been catching up on my reading and book reviews!

You can read about my Bloggiesta Fiesta here!
If you’d like to join me for the

Next Bloggiesta – Save These Dates:
March 22-24, 2013

In the meantime, join us at our current Friendship Friday party
Where our topic of discussion is Books!

Highlights From Week 56

JoDee – 7 Mixed Media Tips

JoDee Luna - 7 Tips

JoDee loves texture – and it shows in her art!
Whether you’re looking for visual inspiration or creative tips,
Refrain from the identical and check out JoDee’s article!

Lynden – One Word 2013 – Persevere

Lynden - Persevere

If you selected your word for 2013,
Why not create a beautiful keepsake of your word
To guide you through the year?

Lynden not only created a masterpiece,
She provides a tutorial on how we can create our own!

Cynthia – Creativity With The Kindle Fire

Creative Artitudes - Kindle

Thinking about transitioning to an electronic library?
Cynthia’s timely article provides some invaluable tips about
How you the Kindle Fire can enhance your creativity!

Heather – Vanilla Shortbread Cookies

Heather - Vanilla Shortbread Cookies

Ok – I confess.
It’s February and I am craving a bit of chocolate!
So, when I saw these delectable cookies with their
Perfect peanut butter and chocolate swirls,
I could not resist their charms!
Pass the cookies, please!

Talent is timeless.
For more fabulous features,
Visit my creative friends at
Inspire Me Monday – Week 56!

Inspire Me Monday #57 – Week Of February 4, 2012

Inspire Me Monday

I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer

Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in Inspire Me Monday in the following ways:

1) Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!

2) Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!

3) Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!

When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and a link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun! The blog code is on the side bar if you need it!

Be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!

The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

For More Creative Inspiration
Subscribe To Create With Joy
By E-Mail, RSS, Linky Followers
Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter


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Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

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50 Responses to “Inspire Me Monday – Week 57”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Dalia says:

    Thank you for hosting the linky party. Happy Monday!

  2. Cindy Adkins says:

    Hi Ramona, Thank you for being an inspiration!!!

  3. Lori says:

    Thank you for hosting and for inspiring us–I love your faith quotes! Have a great week, Lori

  4. Hi Ramona – linked up at mamas*little*treasures and promoted on the main page in the Ruby for Women community. Hope to have a minute to visit some of the other bloggers this week at Inspire Me Monday. Thanks for this fun opportunity to connect with other creative friends ;o) Love, Nina

    • Dear Nina,

      Thank you so much for your creative contributions and for all that you do to share Inspire Me Monday & Create With Joy with the Ruby For Wommen community! You are GREATLY loved and GREATLY appreciated!

      Have a blessed week!

  5. Heather F says:

    thanks so much for the feature!! I really enjoy your blog and appreciate the hard work you put into it. Heather

  6. Meryl says:

    Even though I post this week about delayed gratification, those cookies do look incredible! LOL…. Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

    • I am trying to be healthier, Meryl, so imagine how I feel when I see these temptations each week!
      But – as I’m sure you understand – the heart wants what the heart wants! lol
      Have a great week!

  7. Thanks for hosting!

  8. Anne Kimball says:

    Hi Joy, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm ( Thanks for hosting your linky part, and thanks for linking this up with the MMM!

  9. JoDee Luna says:

    I am very honored to have been selected again as one of your featured artists. Your website inspire me and so I enjoy returning the favor.

  10. thanx for hosting 🙂 have a great week!

  11. Lisa says:

    I so enjoy participating in your linkups each week. Thank you for hosting them! 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Many blessings, Lisa 🙂

  12. Thanks for the chance to link up and for the email reminder! Hope you had a nice weekend.

    I’m hosting my Homemaking Linkup Weekend and would love to have you join, if you’d like!

    Have a great day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  13. Thanks for hosting. I hope you get to try this recipe. Have a great week Ramona. Theresa visiting from

  14. Laurie says:

    Thank you so much for hosting! Have a blessed week!

  15. diane says:

    Thanks for hosting and thanks for reviewing my art therapy book this week! I am excited to bring another art as therapy project to readers this week, and I hope they give it a try. Cant wait to check out the great blogs myself this week.

  16. Cyndi says:

    Yippee! Thank you! I started a new photo/art/poetry project that’s going to last a year and I’m definitely INSPIRED! Thank you for hosting this. 😀

  17. Loy says:

    Good luck with your reading! So many books, so little time!! Thanks for hosting.

  18. Paula J says:

    Happy Monday Ramona! This week I’ve linked up the cake I made for my daughter’s birthday this weekend. Took a long time to make it, but boy was it good 🙂 Thank you Pinterest!


  19. Sarah says:

    Linking up my Inspirational Monday post again this week – thanks for hosting 🙂

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  20. Thanks for the amazing features & for hosting, & God bless!

  21. thank you for hosting
    have a nice week!

  22. Carissa says:

    thanks for hosting. have a great week

  23. Donna says:

    Thank you for so faithfully hosting each week. Love your cats.

  24. My first time to link up with you lovely ladies. Thanks for the opportunity!

  25. Melissa B says:

    I love your quotes! =)
    Thanks for hosting. There are alot of great recipes and ideas every week!


  1. […] linking to:  Create with Joy […]

  2. Toasted Pita Chips « Simply Creating Home says:

    […]  I’m linking up at a few wonderful sites: Adventures of a DIY Mom, Sugar Bee Crafts, Ginger Snap Crafts, Full Circle Creations, Crystal and Co., The Life of Jennifer Dawn, Joyful Homemaking, Creations by Kara,  Delightful Order, This Silly Girl’s Life, The Grant Life,  The Shabby Nest, Diana Rambles, I Should be Mopping the Floors, Sumo’s Sweet Stuff,  A Pinch of Joy, A Humble Creation, Alderberry Hill, Craft-o-Maniac, C.R.A.F.T., DIY Home Sweet Home, Two Succulent Sisters, The Girl Creative, Create with Joy, […]

  3. Parmesan Garlic Artichoke Dip « Simply Creating Home says:

    […] I’m linking up at a few wonderful sites: The Grant Life, The Shabby Nest, Diana Rambles, I Should be Mopping the Floor, Sumo’s Sweet Stuff, A Pinch of Joy, A Humble Creation, Alderberry Hill, Craft-o-Maniac, C.R.A.F.T., The Girl Creative, Countrified Hicks, Create with Joy, […]

  4. […] Thursday, Pennywise Platter Thursdays, Fight Back Friday, Fresh Bites Friday, Foodie Friday, Inspire Me Monday, Make Your Own Mondays, Homestead […]

  5. CHOCOLATE SKILLET CAKE | The T2 Women says:


  6. The Priority of Relationships | The T2 Women says:


  7. Monday mischief with roy and dale | Yikes! Loy Turns 60 says:

    […] Thanks to Snoopy’s Dog Blog , My Brown Newfies, and Alfie’s Blog for hosting Monday Mischief. Create With Joy for Inspire Me Monday. […]

  8. Attention All Women! The Life You Save May Be Your Own – A Tale of One Woman’s Journey into Folly and Darkness. | Home is Where the Heart Is says:

    […] <a href="… […]

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