Friendship Friday – Movies

Friendship Friday

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This Week’s Theme Is Movies

  • What’s your favorite Movie of all time?
  • What upcoming Movie are you most looking forward to seeing?
  • Do you have a favorite Book to Movie adaption?
  • Have you ever watched a Movie that you wanted to love but hated –
  • Or anticipated hating and fell in love with?

Let’s have fun chatting about the Movies this Friendship Friday!

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60 Responses to “Friendship Friday – Movies”

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  1. Sharon says:

    Thank you again for sponsoring the link up. Movies aren’t my big thing, especially not in the theaters. If I’m going to watch one, I like watching it at home with my husband cuddled on our love seat and maybe with some of our kids around. But I did enter a theater for the first time in at least 4 years in December to see Les Mis with all the girls in our family (2 daughters, 1 daughter-in-law, and 1 very soon-to-be daughter-in-law. My 18 month old grand daughter didn’t join us, but my 6 week old grandson did! I came along as a thank you present from my son and daughter-in-law for spending 3 weeks at their house before and after the grandson was born. It was a good, though sad, story, but what I loved most of all was the all girl outing!

    • I”m with you Sharon. I rarely go to the movie theater anymore (even when there’s a movie I want to see) because the prices are so high and I can’t stand being in crowded places with people kicking the back of my chair! (And, I like being able to freeze things to take breaks whenever I need to as well!)

      My husband loves Les Mis and wanted to see it while it was at the theater but the timing did not work out so we will probably watch it at home at some point.

      The last movie I saw was The Hobbit and I love it – we had free tickets so the viewing was extra sweet! 🙂

  2. I haven’t been to a movie in forever!! I do want to see Gatsby though, when it comes out:).

  3. Debbie @ says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Thanks a lot for hosting. As always I am happy to link up. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  5. diane says:

    Hi friends,
    I love movies.. and have to say I love vampire movies (before even they were in vogue.) Got my love of vampire movies from my Mother, she loved Dark Shadows and I would watch it with her as a kid, not that I understood it. Dracula 2000 is one of my favorites, as well as Queen of the Damned. So many movies I love…. I could ramble on and on….. 🙂
    (dont get me started on SCI FI… star wars…oooooooooh, so good)

    • I loved the original Dark Shadows series as a child. I don’t watch vampire movies these days, but I used to enjoy the ones that combined humor with horror, like The Lost Boys.

      I DO enjoy good Sci Fi – both in movies and in TV series!

  6. Hi Ramona! Sorry I am not a movie fan, though I did go to see Les Mis and loved it. My other favorite from long ago is Kate & Leopold. However, today I did link up posts this week that are about bloggy friendships.

    I’d be delighted if you popped over and helped me celebrate my blogiversary. There are lovely giveaways each day, too! Blessings! 😉

    • Congrats again on your blogaversary Diane – thanks for the reminder to stop by! 🙂
      My husband LOVES Les Mis – it’s his favorite theatrical production of all time!

  7. Dawn says:

    Oh, let’s see. I love Fiddler on the Roof and The Sound of Music. But my very all time most fave is the LOTR trilogy. Recently I saw Life of Pi and loved it but my daughter said the book was better. I need to read the book! I did enjoy the Hobbit and the Narnia bunch.

    Having a twelve year old who loves movies and live theater means sometimes seeing movies I would not have seen otherwise. However The Hunger Games was a great read and movie…in my opinion. I personally don’t love the movie theater often though…because of cost and also I can think of a million other things I’d rather be doing…like writing and reading and creating! Happy Friday (almost!)

    • Yes, I LOVED the LOTR trilogy – both the books and the movies!
      The only reason I haven’t picked up a copy of The Hobbit is at the end, I know they will do a special edition and I am doing my best to hold out –
      we’ll see how that goes!

      Life of Pi is on my list of movies to see when it comes to cable!

      I DO love the classics that you mentioned though. You can’t beat those!

  8. Thanks so much for yet another amazing party…. 🙂 You rock!!
    hugs x

    Crystelle Boutique

  9. Sandra says:

    I love to go to movies and I do go much more now that I AM RETIRED!!!!! Prices are cheaper and you can go in the middle of the day. I want to see Gatsby next. Just read the book and saw the first movie so I am primed. I don’t really have faves though.

    • I read The Great Gatsby in both HS and College and never really got into the book, but I DO want to see the movie as it really looks like it is going to bring the book to life…

      Perhaps I will also re-read the book in all of my spare time (trying to type that without laughing) – but seriously, I would love to revisit the classics (books) and see how my opinion of them has changed at this point in my life!

  10. Hazel Moon says:

    I too am not a big movie fan, but thanks for the theme and I wrote up my story: Are Movies Sinful? As a child I was told they were and the reasons why they were. Perhaps many of those reason still hold water today! BUT let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water – – because TV and movies are also great entertainment if you are selective.

  11. Theresa says:

    I really, really wanted to love OZ since I am a huge Wizard of Oz fan. I can’t say I was very fond of it. The visual was great, but the storyline was so bland!

    My all time favorite movie- Stand By Me and The Notebook.

  12. Teresa says:

    Love your linkys!

  13. Pam says:

    Great posts – thanks for hosting. The only movies I get to these days are animated! But it’s still lots of fun!

  14. Xmasdolly says:

    I personally am an old movie buff, and I love ALL Christmas movies and all Disney Movies! Thanks for the linky and have a great weekend. Hope you’ll come, and join my LINKY too! 😉

  15. We watch movies every week. It’s our “date night” (our kids are only 3). We host a movie hop every Monday and would love for people to link up. This week… Star Wars.

    Thanks for linking up to my weekly BlogLovin Hop at Journeys of The Zoo ( I really appreciate your support.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
    Finding Humour in Everyday Life
    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

    • Very cool – will try to stop by and link up this post!

      Love your date night and Star Wars as well!

      I just told hubby that we need to go thru the cable listing and pick a few flicks to watch esp since our fave TV shows will soon be ending!

  16. Amber H. says:

    New Follower here just saying hi 🙂 Here is my post back!! Hope to see you as a follower as well.


    Sorry don’t know how to do the hop thing.

  17. Rebekah says:

    Hi Ramona! Happy Friendship Friday! Just a note that I always put your buttons in my site, but this particular post was having some odd WP issue where if I edit it again by adding a button to the individual post, I will have to reedit the spacing again. I don’t understand the little glitch I sometimes get with spacing on WP , but anyways. I have you blog buttons on my site under the blog party tab :). Now..on to movies!

    Favorite of all time? There are too many to choose. One of my favorites is the Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea set. So we will go with that.

    Favorite book to movie adaptation would be same as above and also the Harry Potter movies. (But anything Jane Austen too!)

    Wanted to love but hated- Rent.

    Can’t think of anything else. What are your favorites?

    • Sorry you have a hard time with the code but thanks for the inclusion!
      Never saw Rent but always wanted to check it out. Perhaps Broadway is better?

      Some of my favorites:

      Love childhood classics like The Wizard Of Oz.
      Love An Officer And A Gentleman (one of my fave endings ever!)
      Love The Lord Of The Rings series, and fun adventure movies like the Romancing The Stone series, the Indiana Jones series, and the Star Wars series.
      And – surprising to me – I loved Titanic!

      (Oh yes – and don’t forget any great animal flick!)

  18. Sylvia says:

    My all time favorite movie is the original, “Your, Mine, and Ours.” the 1969-Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda version. I was 10 years old! After I saw this movie I knew that I wanted to have a lot of kids when I grew Up! I ended up having 9!

  19. That’s such a tough one – I like all kinds of movies and don’t have a specific ‘favorite’. 🙂 I am, however, looking forward to seeing Gatsby, Iron Man, Man of Steel & Lone Ranger (probably end up waiting for those to come out on DVD) and Princess Nagger and I are both looking forward to seeing Epic (which we’ll probably go to the theater to see). 🙂

    Thanks so much for hosting – have a great weekend! 🙂

    Kaley Cuoco is Adorable even with a Helmet Head, Princess Nagger Frog-Watching: Fragmenting for a Clean Brain-Slate

    • Lone Ranger is coming out this summer? And Man of Steel? Woo hoo, that’s news to me!

      Where we now live, we have free cable with all of the movie channels, so we unless it is something MAJOR that we want to see or own,
      we usually wait to catch them that way too.

      Give Princess Nagger my love – there’s plenty of cat pictures for her to enjoy!

  20. Good morning Ramona – now that the May issue of Ruby has been published, I get a bit of time to play ;o) linking up this morning with a feature on Granny Enchanted, a great place to find lots of free scrapbooking embellishments. I love her blog! Also, just another thought – I don’t watch movies much either, but I did find a few on Netflix last winter when I was sick and couldn’t do much besides rest. I discovered a series on British spies who were helping the French Resistance during WW2 and I was quite captivated by their stories. The name of the series is “Wish Me Luck,” if you should ever be interested in that type of movie.

    OK, off to my other tasks for the day . . . . working on a couple of Mother’s Day projects, so will post them on my blog when they are ready. Love your book reviews! Looking forward to including another one or two in the June issue of Ruby. Have a great Friday my friend! Nina

    • Thanks for joining us Nina! I will have to check out both your movie and your scrapbooking and movie recommendations as both are new to me!

      As always, the latest issue of Ruby rocks! One of the things I love about you Nina is that everything you do is infused with love.
      Comment readers, if you are unfamiliar with Ruby For Women, go check it out – you will be tremendously blessed!

      Yes, I DO have some book review recommendations for you – will try to send them to you but if I forget, email me to jog my memory! 🙂

  21. Gosh, this is interesting to reflect upon. I am wondering if my favorite movie has changed. I think I still stand by my classics like Rear Window, and Room with a View. Thanks for hosting.

    • Love classics – but haven’t seen either of these.
      Isn’t this a fun way to expand our horizons?

      Thanks for sharing your favorites with us this weekend Jenn!

  22. Hootin' Anni says:

    My favorite movie of all time is Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid!!! I have watched it so many times, I know the script [and the music cut-ins] by heart!! Also, I think my most favorite “book to movie” is based on a mini-series…ROOTS [and Pillars of the Earth–very recent].

    I wish they’d bring back the TV concept of mini-series. Like Rich Man Poor Man…Backstairs at the White House, Valley of the Dolls…and more!

    • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid… another classic I’ve never seen!
      I remember watching Roots when it first aired. Powerful stuff!
      Not familiar with Pillars of the Earth – will have to look that up!

      Thanks for joining us this weekend! 🙂

  23. crystal says:

    Thanks for hosting! My hubby and I go out to dinner and a movie every Saturday night since we’ve been married . It’s our date night so I have seen a LOT of movies. Although I cannot pin down just one movie as a fave, I think the ones that are up at the top are Titanic, and Jurassic Park. Yeah they don’t fit too well together, but that’s me. 🙂 Have a great weekend

    • What a great idea – that’s something sweet to look forward too!

      Titanic is the one movie that I resisted watching FOREVER – my husband bought it for us but for some reason, I never wanted to see it – and, when I finally broke down and watched it with him – I LOVED IT!

      SO glad we own it. It is probably one of my favorite romantic movies!

      My husband loves Jurassic Park – but I never really got into that series.

  24. Paula J says:

    Hi Ramona!
    My fav movie is 16 Candles…just so funny to me 🙂
    These days I don’t watch many movies ~ too busy or too tired. I did put on my 2013 bucket list that I really need to watch more!

    Have a great weekend 🙂

    • Can you believe I’ve never seen 16 Candles?
      I rarely watch movies either – though my husband loves them!
      It’s not that I don’t enjoy a good movie – I do.
      It’s the time factor.
      I do like your bucket list idea though as the ones I do want to see, I rarely remember!

  25. LM @motherchuckler says:

    All time favorite? Bram Stoker’s Dracula-romantic that way 🙂
    Upcoming movies- anything for kids I love Shrek!
    1968 Romeo and Juliet w/Olivia Hussey saw it in Jr high and just fell in love with it.
    I wanted to like the Twilight series but too cheesy for my liking.
    I didn’t think I would like Rob Zombie’s movies but enjoy them; must be my dark side!

    Thanks for hosting! Added Friday button to my stalking section!

  26. I haven’t been to a movie in years — we don’t even have NetFlix anymore!! The movies we see are on HBO movies on demand!! However, one of my all time favorites is Dirty Dancing!

  27. Sheila Skillingstead says:

    Visiting from Saturday Sharefest. Great topic. The movie I couldn’t wait to see and then hated was Ransom. It’s an old movie with Mel Gibson. I saw the trailer in the theater and couldn’t wait to see it. I was so disappointed. The trailer promised me a fast paced action movie with a hero. I got a slow paced film with a flawed characters. Enjoy your Weekend.

  28. Gloria says:

    I’m not really into movies, I’d rather read a good book!! Historical fiction is my favorite genre.
    Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a wonderful day! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals


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