Wordless Wednesday – Sweet Legend

Sweet Legend

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Day
By associating with the cat, one only risks becoming richer.

Fun Facts About Maine Coons

Are you ready for another “sweet legend” regarding how the
“Maines” got the “Coon” in their name?

My favorite story is that the modern Maine Coon cat descended from the
Ancestors of semi-feral domestic cats and raccoons!
This legend is based on several physical characteristics of the breed.

First, the most common color found among Maine Coons is brown tabby.
Second, most Maine Coons have big, bushy, ringed tails!
Many Maine Coons – like Legend – also like to wash their paws
In their water bowls – in a way that is similar to raccoons
Dousing their food in water before they eat it!

Sound cool?
Sadly, scientists say it is genetically impossible.

Want to learn more about Maine Coons?
Stay tuned for more Fun Facts in upcoming Wordless Wednesday!

Today’s photo features Sweet Legend of Create With Joy!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of July 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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84 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Sweet Legend”

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  1. Amanda M. says:

    Love it! Thanks for hosting!

  2. LOL! Well it’s a cute little fantasy to think they are part raccoon but that is the stuff of scifi movies!

  3. stevebethere says:

    Looks like Legend has spotted some sausages LOL

    Have a sausagetastic week 😉

  4. Mystery Case says:

    Thanks for your kind words last week. Having a much better week this week, although still waiting to hear if my daughter needs surgery on her broken thumb (fingers crossed for Thursday). Almost back to blogging business, will ease myself back into it over the next week. My WW post is now up, pop over if you get the chance.

    Have a great week.


  5. Maine Coons are great cats…not only do they Purr, they Coo!

  6. Maine coons have always been a favorite of mine…but not my allergies!!…:)JP

  7. kewkew says:

    I love learning all these facts and myths about the Maine Coons. I already think they are such beautiful cats. Too bad I am very allergic to cats, because I love them.
    Lovely shot by the way

    • My allergies and asthma are terrible right now!
      Even my normal meds aren’t enough to fight all of the bad stuff in the air!

      So glad you like the photo – I really like this shot too!

      Happy day to you and your family! 🙂

  8. Wow! I love your Maine Coon facts/legends.

    Thanks for hosting!

  9. As usual, I love it… Thanks for sharing and hosting.

  10. Interesting! Even granted that it’s genetically impossible to demonstrate genetic inheritance of these behavioral traits, there’s still so much we don’t understand about animal learning & so-called “epigenetic” inheritance of behavior. It might well be that Maine coon cats DID pick up this behavior from association with raccoons, & passed it on to their young–cat to kitten.

    • Now that’s a VERY cool theory! I can live with that!

      I know every time I bring a kitten into my home and I have an older cat in the house, the kitten always imitates the older cat’s behavior.
      It’s pretty funny to watch (and it usually annoys the older cat to no end!)

      Have a wonderful day!

  11. Very interesting! Thanks a lot for hosting.

  12. Karly says:

    Cool legend!

  13. Ramona, Nikita says he loves the photo and the Main Coon Info!

  14. Great story! thanks for hosting & God bless!

  15. Monica says:

    We swear our little Kazzy is part raccoon, she even has a ringed tail!

  16. Ai Sakura says:

    I like that story too! too bad they’ve proven it can’t be true hmmm…

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  17. Sara-Jayne says:

    Gorgeous! Thank you for linking up!

  18. Haven’t been here in a while. Hope you are well. Swing by and see SS’s latest winner. 🙂

  19. Legend looks very alert here. Maybe a snack noise?

  20. Alissa Apel says:

    I love that cat’s tail.

  21. Patricia says:

    No matter how they got their name, they are still beautiful…. sort of “a rose my any other name” thingy!!

  22. I love Wordless Wednesdays and seeing Legend. He is so handsome!

  23. Mary Denman says:

    I used to have a Persian Cat….she was a sweetie. Closest to a Maine Coon I will get! lol

    We now have a male classic tabby, male Flamepoint Siemese, a female calico and a female, alpha black cat….

    The classic tabby annoys the calico to no end. She’s now huge because she eats when she’s stressed!

    Thanks for sharing the interesting info!

    • My first cat was a sweet red Persian. What a precious boy he was!
      Isn’t it amazing how cats can stress eat too? I used to have a Himalayan who did that!

      Sounds like you have quite an interesting feline family. Thanks for sharing the details with us!

      Have a fabulous day, Mary!

  24. Kitties Blue says:

    We don’t care if it’s impossible. It’s darn better than the story about the man named Coon. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    • ROFL – you kitties are SO funny – and yes, I couldn’t agree more!
      More stories to come – but as I said, this is my favorite one
      (and since I prefer the imagination to science – raccoons rule!)

  25. What a fluffball! WOOF~

  26. Bethany says:

    Some Maine Coons I have known have been large raccoon sized as well- I’m inclined to believe this legend!

  27. Rebekah says:

    Hi Ramona! It’s been awhile since I’ve linked up here as I have been busy this summer. Thank you for hosting. I actually would love to learn more about Maine Coons, as I have never had one. They look amazing though!

    • Hi Rebekah, so glad you’re here today! My summer has been crazy as well! I’ve been sharing Maine Coon tidbits for the past few weeks so if you have a moment, take a peek! 🙂

  28. Sparkle says:

    Legend, you ARE a sweetheart!

  29. Abelle | The Wows! and Oops! of Life says:

    This is my first entry and I’m excited ;o)

  30. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says:

    I wish I could have a cat. But my husband says no more animals!

    Here’s my Wordless Wednesday.

  31. Star Traci says:

    Part raccoon or not, that is a lovely cat! Happy WW!

  32. I absolutely LOVE maine coons! They are so beautiful! My grandmother used to show cats when I was younger. (I had an oriental shorthair.)

  33. Rosey says:

    How fun that you shared a legend, and a beautiful picture too. 🙂

  34. Amber says:

    Thanks for hosting! Love the lesson on Maine Coons! Also, what a pretty cat you have!

  35. Sande Sivani says:

    Great post about the Maine Coon Cats. My grandma said she was a firm believer in the legend and had several coon cats herself.

    We’d like to invite you to Turn Old Into Awesome and win a fabulous prize package! The Whimsical Peacock and My Personal Accent are sponsoring the Dare to be Different, Up-cycling Challenge. Ends 8/12. See post for a complete list of challenge rules and prizes http://wp.me/p2Vf55-TQ

  36. Always enjoy reading these legends…and I love the pictures of Legend!

  37. paula schuck says:

    What a lovely cat! I don’t know much about that breed but he sure is adorable!

  38. I think the scientists are wrong… I would swear our Kizmet is part raccoon!!

  39. Xmasdolly says:

    I’ll be back next week to see the follow up! Thanks for hosting. Have a great day!

  40. I kinda like that theory. Plus it’s really neat that they wash their food. I’m thinking that drinking fountain gets fairly dirty in a hurry. Thanks for hosting!

  41. Almost did sound believable! 🙂

    Love your Legend pictures!

    Linked up, thanks for hosting! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  42. Happy Wordless Wednesday! Your site always puts a smile on my face!

  43. Great story!
    Thanks for hosting! =)

  44. Thank you so much for Hosting!! We enjoy meeting new Bloggers!!
    Your TX furiends,

  45. Love the startled look. Visiting late from WW. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  46. Jennifer says:

    So glad you joined me for Wordless Wednesday at The Jenny Evolution. Silence may be golden, but I hope you’re making some noise this week!


  47. That is a funny legend! I wonder why it’s genetically impossible? I’m not much when it comes to science. LOL!

    Legend looking gorg, as usual! 🙂

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