Wordless Wednesday – Those Eyes

Tsunami - Those Eyes

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Day
Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes!
Theophile Gautier

Fun Facts About Maine Coons

Previously I shared about how these cats got the “Maine” in their name.
This week I want to start sharing how they the “Coon” came about!

According to one tale, an English seafarer named Captain Charles Coon
Kept long-haired cats aboard his ship.
Whenever Coon’s ship would anchor in New England ports,
The cats would leave the ship and mate with the local feral cat population.

In time, long-haired kittens began appearing in the local litters.
These kittens were referred to as “Coon’s cats”!

Sound plausible?
For more stories, tune in to next week’s Wordless Wednesday!

Today’s photo features Tsunami of Create With Joy!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of July 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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66 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Those Eyes”

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  1. Mystery Case says:

    Arriving early for the WW party. Only 10pm Tuesday here in Perth, Australia but needing to be back to the hospital tomorrow so have published early.

    Have a great week. I will try and link up again with you on Friday.

    • Sorry to hear that you have a hospital appt – hope all goes well!
      Was a nice surprise to see your early visit!
      Look forward to seeing you for Friendship Friday! 🙂

  2. stevebethere says:

    Tsunami is definitely a star heheheh!

    Have a posetastic week 😉

  3. Looks like a cat I had as a kid, miss that little friend!


  4. Diana says:

    Wow, are those eyes ever bright yellow!

  5. Glenda Cates says:

    Hello, How are your week? How was your masters week? Mine was OK but could have been a little bit better. Have a wonderful day and stop by and visit me at

  6. Angel says:

    Thanks for the party.

  7. Stacey says:

    Beautiful cat! Looks very much like my mother’s cat 🙂

  8. We have a Maine Coon mix and just adore her. She is the friendliest of all our cats — loves everyone! And soft!! She even looks a little like the kitty in your picture.

  9. Sara says:

    Such pretty eyes! Thanks, as always, for hosting! =)

  10. veronica lee says:

    Such compelling eyes!

    Happy WW!

  11. Great story & photo! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  12. Love to stop by and catch up, lovely eyes.. As always thanks for hosting.

    Hope to see you at our party!!!
    Happy WW.

  13. Alissa Apel says:

    They are in a gaze.

  14. Sarah Halstead (@InTheMomentWith) says:

    So beautiful.

  15. Penni says:

    I love this photo. Tsunami looks very thoughtful, I wonder what he is planning?

  16. Kitties are so expressive. Thanks for linking up today.

  17. Interesting! Bold eyes! Lovely cats! Thanks for hosting.

  18. Kris @ Beyond the Whiskers says:

    Makes me wonder about the history of cats at sea. Were they often kept as pets on ships…or almost never? Does this mean there might be entire lines of kitty immigrants out there? And if so…would they most likely be mixed from many different backgrounds or stay with kitties from the same old country? (I may be a little punchy from lack of sleep – but I’m suddenly picturing little Italy of cats) 😉

  19. Karly says:

    What a cool legend!

  20. Such a beautiful cat! And those eyes!

  21. Ai Sakura says:

    absolutely stunning!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  22. Tiffany says:

    <3 him!! And I like the "coon" tale. 🙂

  23. I love the expression of cats eyes, they seem so wise. I am enjoying your history of Maine Coon cats, I have always wondered.
    My linky is up & running!

  24. Yvonne says:

    Main Coone’s are beautiful!

  25. Donna says:

    Gorgeous eyes! Love that cat.

  26. Steph says:

    Oh so gorgeous!

  27. Heather L says:

    What pretty eyes!

  28. Star Traci says:

    Sounds plausible to me! Happy WW and thanks for hosting!


  29. Sofia says:

    I finally get to indulge in the amazingness it is to have a cat!! Woo hoo 🙂

  30. LuAnn Braley says:

    Ramona, come see our new house! :O)

    I’m almost as excited to have our internet connection back! *LOL* Last Saturday, lightning hit some kind of tower about a mile away and knocked out our power for most of the day, but our internet didn’t come back until yesterday…maybe the day before.

    • Hi LuAnn, I love your new home – I hope you have many happy years full of many loving memories in it!
      Tried to leave you a comment on your blog but couldn’t get it to go through.

  31. Sparkle says:

    What a sweet photo of you today, Tsunami!

  32. Ooooo what PURRty eyes! Happy Wordless Wednesday. Have a great one!

    Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  33. Beth F says:

    We have friends who have two Maine coon cats. They’re very sweet cats.

  34. Heather McD says:

    Beautiful eyes and beautiful cat!

  35. Rosey says:

    Beautiful kitty. 🙂

  36. Colonialist says:

    I hope mine will be considered truly uplifting! 🙂

  37. Cat’s eyes are amazing, aren’t they? They seem to reflect the soul of the animal. Thanks for hosting!

  38. What gorgeous and luminous eyes indeed! I enjoyed reading the tale of Coon’s cats…

  39. Those eyes are luminous – and beautiful!! – for sure!

  40. Dash Kitten says:

    Wow aMAZEing picture. I admire Maines and their Maine-ificence!!


  41. What an absolutely gorgeous feline! I didn’t know a lot about Maine Coons before, so thanks so much for sharing some insight into them.

  42. I’m a little late to the party, but didn’t want to miss this week. Beautiful cat!

  43. I’m loving the history you’re sharing. And this is my absolute favorite pic of Tsunami. 🙂

    • Thanks Michelle – I”m so glad you love the history AND the photo!
      I rushed upstairs and then back down to get the camera to take this one –
      and then contorted myself into all sorts of strange positions to get the trees in the backdrop! 🙂

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