Friendship Friday From A To Z – #103

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about you and your blog!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!
  • Expand your social media networks!

This year, you are invited on a creative journey through the alphabet! Please join us for Friendship Friday from A to Z!

Each week, you are invited to share posts that spotlight the featured letter of the week. You’re also invited to link up your home page and social media links on the week that your blog begins with the featured letter of the week!

Friendship Friday from A To Z an inspiring way to:

  • Jumpstart your creativity.
  • Explore new blogging opportunities and avenues.
  • Think outside the box.
  • Write about and create new things.
  • Feature fabulous but long-forgotten content from your back-posts.

Our challenge to you is to express yourself in ways that brings you joy and spotlight the uniqueness of your blog!

We’ll do the Happy Dance if you spread the word about Friendship Friday by adding our beautiful blog button to your posts/blog and spread the word on your social media sites so that others can join the fun!

Want to make us swoon? Follow our blog and social media outlets via E-Mail, RSS, BlogLovin, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Pinterest!

Ideas For Exploring The Letter B

Best Foot ForwardPhoto Credit

Thanks to all of you who joined us for last week’s launch! Everyone brought their A-Game to the party. I look forward to catching up and featuring some of our fabulous guests!

This week we’re exploring the Letter B! Are you ready to put your BEST Foot Forward?

Here are some ideas to jump-start your creativity this week!

  • Count your Blessings!
  • Share your favorite Books and Book Reviews!
  • Blog about your Best Friend!
  • Share the Best Thing that’s ever happened to you!
  • Share a “Best Of” Post from your Blog!
  • Share something Beautiful – a creation – a poem – a photograph!
  • Share your favorite Bible Verse!
  • Write about the Beatitudes!
  • Share your favorite Baking Tips!
  • Share your favorite Baked Recipes!
  • Share a “B” Recipe – Bananas – Baked Beans – you get the idea!
  • Share your Best Blogging Post – or create a new one!
  • Share your Favorite Band with us!
  • Write about someplace you’ve visited. Ever been to Baltimore – Boston – the Bahamas?
  • Blog about something meaningful: Balance, Building Bridges, Being…
  • Write topically. Love to Bike? Live with a Bengal? Why do you Blog?
  • This week’s topic can Be about anything you want it to Be – so have fun and be creative!

We can’t wait to see who joins us this week and Brings their Best to the party!

Let’s Connect! 
For this week’s Chat In The Comments,
Share your Best Blogging Tips with us!

Band Of The Week – Bon Jovi

Don’t Miss Out On These Posts!

Here are a few of the Best articles I’ve written at Create With Joy. Don’t miss out on these posts!

As a Book Reviewer, I was recently honored to receive Litfuse’s Blogger Of The Month Award! To learn a little more about me, you’re invited to read my Interview With Litfuse!

Have Fun!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

For more opportunities to create and connect, join us for Inspire Me Monday and Wordless Wednesday!

Great Tools, Great Service

Copyright © 2014 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

54 Responses to “Friendship Friday From A To Z – #103”

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  1. No way, I got there first? Crazy! Maybe this is what happened when you only focus on a couple of blog hops/linkys each week. 🙂
    Thanks for hosting and have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Hazel Moon says:

    B = Best friend – – Jesus is my best friend and hubby comes next!

  3. Thanks for the party! Have a great weekend! & Stop by anytime the doors always open. Theresa

  4. Jessica says:

    Thank you for hosting!

  5. Debbie @ says:

    Thanks so much for hosting! Bon Jovi puts on a great show!

  6. Happy 2014!
    What a wonderful, joyful link up of ideas and inspiration!
    Thank you for hosting this!
    Today I shared “A New Year, A New You: 25 Green Resolutions for the New Year, Part 1”

    All the best,

  7. Hi,
    I am counting my many blessings this year!
    It’s a new year and a new you, so why not get your resolutions off to a good green start with
    an eco friendly party with friends, family and neighbors.
    I have added another post to this friendly party: “A New Year, A New You: Get Your Green Resolutions Off to a Good Green Start with an Eco Friendly Party!”
    All the best,

  8. As a relatively new blogger, I would have to say that my best blogging advice is to enjoy what you are doing and make new friends who share your passion and interests. And support other bloggers like you are doing here.
    I have found that the greatest joy of my blogging experience has been meeting other bloggers and hosting a blog hop in my niche on my blog,
    All the best,

    • Deborah, that’s fabulous advice and I couldn’t agree more!

      People blog for a lot of different reasons, but I find that the ones who are most likely to be blogging long term are the ones who blog about those things they are most passionate about!

      I have met SO many awesome people and made so many wonderful friends along the way! Connecting with people within your niche is fabulous. One of the encouragements I would offer to new bloggers, however, is not to be afraid to connect with others outside your niche. I learn something from everyone I meet, and you never know what shared interests you may have, regardless of what you blog about!

      Have a wonderful weekend, Deborah. I’m so glad that you are a part of our community! 🙂

  9. Mary Hill says:

    I love Bon Jovi and this song is so moving. Thanks for sharing. Now I am trying to come with B and am going to go ahead and work on C. I really love the inspiration you provide each week and winning prizes is great too. 🙂

    • I love Bon Jovi too and was tempted to post the whole unplugged album – but decided to show a little restraint today!
      I thought this was a great sentiment to kick the year off with.

      It’s been a tough week here.
      My sister-in-law – the one whose birthday we just celebrated – is in ICU and we are bracing ourselves for the worst.
      She was on my mind when I shared this song.

  10. Vickie says:

    I found some free Kindle BOOKS on gardening and raising chickens, so I included them in my post! Thanks for hosting!

  11. Judy says:

    Thank you so much for the party. Glad to be back here, it’s been awhile since my last visit.

    Take care!

  12. Thanks again for another wonderful party….thanks so much!

  13. great tips on writing posts. I will use them when I run out of things to blab about. LOL> Have a great weekend.

  14. I read your interview on Litfuse. It’s always nice to get to know a blogger better. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is awesome, but I’m surprised you read it at age 9. Did you have a kid friendly version to read? I hadn’t heard of Litfuse before, or at least if I had, I wasn’t aware of who are what they were. God bless for the Best of 2014!

    • Hi Christina,

      No, I read the original – discovered it on the bookshelves that summer and found myself immersed in Middle Earth!
      What a wonderful place to spend the summer!
      Litfuse is a wonderful company – they tour some really fabulous books! 🙂

  15. Anne Byerley says:

    Hi Joy,
    Thanks for hosting, am having a ball, don’t know anything with b except that I have blogged.
    I hope that you have a wonderful day and weekend.
    Love and best wishes.

  16. Laura says:

    Thank you for hosting the best parties.
    I am sure I read great advice in the comments above but I will repeat.
    Write about what interest yourself, find others who also enjoy those topics. Support other bloggers. Become part of the conversations.
    You don’t have to blog daily but find a regular rhythm that works for you. Be consistent.

    I am struggling with life/blog balance at the moment.

  17. Great interview! I wanted to leave a comment but could not find where! ANyway- I love your book reviews. Happy Friday, Ramona!

  18. Ugochi says:

    Thanks for hosting again! Have a super blessed weekend!

  19. Dee Williamson says:

    What a great idea for a link-up! I am definitely excited and anxious to find ways to be more creative. LOVE thinking outside of the box when given an opportunity.

    Thanks for hosting and I will be back with my B blog post! Yay!

  20. LuAnn Braley says:

    Have a great weekend, Miss R! :O) Oh, you’re not going to believe this. I signed up for the Resolutions Reading Challenge and saw your graphic over there. But I’m only doing one book, since it’s already the middle of the month.

    How ’bout if my favorite songs (well, one of them) is “Boondocks”. There’s a B. And I’m a B too (that’s my last initial and not a statement on my personality…ok, not most of the time.) *LOL*

  21. Julie says:

    Hi there! I am a brand new follower on Bloglovin’ and this is also my first time linking up! Can’t wait to “hop around” and meet everyone! Thanks for hosting!

  22. B = Believer
    I am a believer and I know that he has a plan for me. He keeps me strong and helps me get back up when I’m down.
    Blessings to you!!

  23. Yona says:

    I love all of your inserted ‘B’ words in your post.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend Ramona!

  24. Sylvia says:

    Thanks for Linking up with us and sharing your giveaways at Living and Learning With Our New Normal!

  25. Liz F says:

    I LOVE this Friendship Friday! I have been really inspired to blog! I added my post about BUNTING. Thanks for hosting!

  26. Poppy says:

    Hi Ramona,

    It’s my first at THIS wonderfully friendly party, although I’ve been a longtime guest at Inspire Me Monday, where I’m off to next! Why haven’t I taken notice of this lovely gathering before?!! Anyway, love Bon Jovi, and was pleasantly surprised to see them here; a great way to start my week!

    ‘B’ is for blogger buddies, who have I’ve been blessed to meet in this great big blogosphere, and have added just a little more balance to my days.

    Thanks so much for hosting and wishing you an amazing week!


    • Dear Poppy,

      I’m so glad to see you have joined us for Friendship Friday!
      We have a wonderful community here as well and I hope you’ll become a regular!

      Balance is certainly something many of us are working on right now.
      Glad to know you’re a Bon Jovi fan as well!

      Have a wonderful week, dear friend!

  27. Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions


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