Welcome to Inspire Me Monday
A place to share your creative inspirations
Sharpen your creative vision and
Showcase your creative talents!
I invite you to inspire others and
Nurture your creative spirit by
Joining our Creative Blog Hop!
To participate, simply join my creative community and
Follow the guidelines at the end of this post!
What’s Inspiring You This Week?
Here’s What’s Inspiring Me…
My One Word For 2014 – Change
Happy New Year to you, dear friends!
As we celebrate the start of our 3rd year of Inspire Me Monday,
What’s on the horizon for you as you begin 2014?
For the past several years, I’ve selected One Word to
Focus my intentions in the New Year and this year,
For 2014, my One Word is Change.
I’ve selected Change because I feel my priorities shifting
As the New Year begins and I anticipate making a
Number of changes in my life this year to support my goals!
What Word have you selected for yourself this year?
For more inspiration, visit Melanie at Only A Breath!
Inspiring Music – Man In The Mirror
This week I”m honored to be the first
Spotlight Dancer of 2014 at Music Moves Me,
Hosted by Marie Moody,
My Top Blog Commenter of 2013 at Xmas Dolly!
As I think about My One Word – Change –
One song comes to mind –
Michael Jackson’s Man In The Mirror.
Change begins on the inside –
But it has the power to impact the world around us!
So – as 2014 begins:
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself then make a change!
New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge 2014
What do you want to accomplish in the New Year?
Would reading a book help you to accomplish your goal?
If so, during the month of January, start off on the right track –
Join Joy Weese Moll in her annual New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge!
The challenge is easy. Pick 1 to 4 books of your choice
That will help you to accomplish your goals –
Read them during the month of January –
Then link and share what you’ve learned!
I enjoyed participating in this challenge last year and will be
Participating in January 2014 at the Passionate – 4 Book level!
Are you striving to get healthier in the New Year?
What does getting healthier mean to you?
These are some of the topics my friend Christina is
Inviting you to share as she as she begins her journey
Towards better health – and invites us to travel alongside her!
Christina is launching a Healthy Life Linky Party at her New Blog
And I encourage you to stop by and lend her your support!
If reading is one of your goals in 2014, get off to a grand start
By joining the Bout Of Books 9.0 Read-A-Thon this week!
Bout Of Books is a low-pressure Read-A-Thon that runs from
Monday, January 6th through Sunday, January 12th and
Offers participants optional challenges, giveaways,
And a grand prize!
I’m participating – and I hope to see you there!
Sunshine Award
Thanks to Sally at Our Krazy Kountry Family for
Honoring me with the Sunshine Award!
Highlights From Inspire Me Monday – Week 104
Following are a few highlights from last week’s party:
At the start of the year,
Let’s look at our life and see
Where our heart is.
And if we see that there are
Things we need to change,
Do not lose hope!
Miz Helen – Spicy Cranberry Coffee Cake
Today I’d like to honor long-time friend Miz Helen –
Cookbook Author, Recipe Developer, Organic Gardener –
For being a part of Inspire Me Monday from the start!
If you are looking for a good recipe, you’ll always find
Something delicious on Miz Helen’s blog!
Julia – Blog Ideas For Your Calendar
Looking for blogging inspiration for the New Year?
Check out Julia’s updated calendar with ideas for the
First quarter of 2014!
Talent is timeless.
For more fabulous features,
Visit my creative friends at
Inspire Me Monday – Week 104!
Inspire Me Monday #105 – Week Of January 5, 2014
I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer
Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in Inspire Me Monday in the following ways:
1) Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!
2) Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!
3) Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!
When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and a link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun! The blog code is on the side bar if you need it!
Be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!
The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!
For More Creative Inspiration
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Wordless Wednesday
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Happy New Year, Ramona!
Love your ideas for new goals, and your special word for the year. Change is so healthy and vital for one’s growth and prosperity, isn’t it? I, myself, have been guided by the word, ‘simplify’ for the past few years and am glad to say that, in fact, it has helped me appreciate so much of what I have, both inside and out. 2013 was one of many changes in my life and I am hoping that this year will also bring about various changes in health, thinking, and spiritual serenity.
Have a lovely week and thanks so much for hosting.
Thank you for sharing Poppy – simplifying is something I want to do in a big bad way in 2014!
I’ve already begun the process but have a long way to go!
I hope the New Year brings you the focus, clarity and energy to bring your goals and changes to light!
Happy New Year to you Poppy!
Have a great week and thanks for hosting.
Thank you Meryl! I appreciate you so much!
Hope you have an awesome year in 2014!
So happy that you’re joining us for The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge again this year! Looking forward to seeing which books you choose.
Thanks Joy! I hope I am able to join in on some of the Twitter challenges this month!
Am in the process of selecting my books for this very special challenge right now!
So glad you’re hosting!
Hope some of my readers find my way to your fabulous blog! 🙂
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for hosting Inspire Me Monday!
Look forward to it each week!
Thank you so much for being a part of Inspire Me Monday, Mary!
You have been here since the beginning and I appreciate it SO VERY MUCH!
Hope the New Year brings you all of the recognition, success and happiness that you SO deserve! 🙂
I am so honored that you included my new linky. I think that was divine intervention so I don’t ignore it and say, “oh well, no one is there anyway.” 🙂
THANK YOU!!! 🙂 Man in the Mirror – great song for the theme Change. I’m off to visit all of your links in the post and then make some new friends on your linky. Happy 2014 and now it’s time to make that change.
Hi Christine,
Consider it doing my part to ensure your new blog stays very much alive! 🙂
Health is a huge focus of mine in the new year too! Baby steps – but progress none-the-less!
Thanks for hosting, lovely party 🙂
Thanks so much, friend, for hosting!
God blessxoxoxo
I love picking a word for the year. My word this year is ’embrace.’ I like your choice of ‘change’ too. Here’s to a great 2014! chin, chin.
Thanks so much for hosting each week! Wow, trying to pick ONE word… better? Praying for a better year, healthier year, be a better person, etc. Better. I guess that is it!
Hi Joy,
Thank you so much for your kindness, friendship and kind comments. I am truly honored to be mentioned on your blog. Wishing you every happiness in the New Year and thanks so much for the awesome parties!
Miz Helen
Well, I’m for one going back to the gym, which is across the Street from me and dieting to lose 5-8 pounds. I’m good at keeping them, so wish me luck! Thank you for hosting all of 2013 and for hosting today, and 2014! Happy New Year.
Happy New Year . . . are you snowed in? We are and it is great fun! As long as the power doesn’t go out and we have heat and light, I am delighted to stay home and work on all my creative projects. Just stopping by to link up this week and hoping to be able to link up every week. I’ve got a couple of Creative Challenges that I’m working on that you might be interested in, so stop by my blog and check them out. Let me know what you think: http://mamaslittletreasures.com/inspire-me-monday-creative-challenges Be safe, stay warm, and have fun creating this week! Nina @ Vintage Mama’s Cottage and Ruby for Women
PS I’m trying to decide on a word for this new year . . . . I’ve been working on “Simplify” which has been very helpful in getting organized, but I also like the work “Challenge” which I sometimes need to do to push myself when things get overwhelming and I tend to give up and go take a nap! I’ll let you know what I decide.
Happy New Year thanks for hosting
Great post! I’m going to go visit some of those blogs you mentioned. Have a great week!
Thanks for the great features & for hosting & God bless!
Thanks so much for hosting! Hope your 2014 is off to a great start!
Thanks so much for your inspirational post! =)
I love your word for 2014!
I’m still debating on my word..Im thinking maybe “Expectations”
Happy New Year!
Change, that’s definitely my word too, as long as I can manage to be silent let the Lord help make them come true. Thank you for all your support of my work during 2013, and look forward to participating in your weekly forum this year. Have a blessed 2014, with the strength, courage and wisdom to make all the changes you need.
Oooh, I did a focus word for the year, too, and it’s also in my Music Monday post. Good to meet you!
I love your word: Change.
I haven’t not picked a word as yet and I do like this idea.
I’ve always loved that song too. Spot on!
Aloha 🙂
Thanks for hosting and a Happy 2014 full of creativity and fun. Tina
Change is a powerful word for the new year. Can’t wait to see what you accomplish with it!
Congrats! on Spotlight Dancer 🙂
I always sing Man In The Mirror whilst shaving …just joking 🙂
Have a tanfastic week ahead 🙂
Just noticed I uploaded the wrong badge sorry about that arrrghhh!
Thanks for hosting and Happy New Year!
Congrats for being our first Spotlight Dancer of the New Year! Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror is an excellent choice to dance to this morning. My main resolution for 2014 is to do more strength training. I will be sure to check out some of your featured bloggers. I love how you do this each week. Anywho, thanks for joining the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance party!
Hi Joy,
I want to thank you for the hop, am ahaving a ball.
I hope that you have a wonderful day.
Love and best wishes.
Thank you so much for featuring my updated blog ideas calendar! Hope you have a great week!
I’m here from the Monday’s Music Moves Me linky and congratulations on being the spotlight dancer! Who isn’t inspired by Michael Jackson’s “Man In the Mirror”? Great choice. Love your blog too, wow.
Hope I’m not too late to the inspiration party. I’m linking up my new thing for this week and it’s a biggy.
One of my favourite MJ songs and I always try to take it to heart. Just like that quote “be the change you want to see in the world”. No use complaining if you are not willing to do something about it, right?
SO MUCH going on here today! I will be back and click some more links.
I have never been much of a Michael fan after he left his brothers.
But this is one song I do listen to and enjoy.
thank you i am new at blogging and today is just my second day trying link parties
Well, I could’ve sworn I commented here last night, but oh well here I am pestering to you again. CONGRATS on be chosen by random.org to be our Spotlight Dancer at “Monday’s Music Moves Me! Woo Hoo1 Also, thanks for your suggestion in a theme so quickly. Sometimes getting that from winners is like pulling teeth. LOL I truly hope you enjoyed yourself today, and got more comments for your Posts. Love your choice with your song. The Man in the Mirror sure went big, and it’s a cool song to boogie too also! May I have this dance! WOO HOO! HUGS & THANKS FOR PLAYING ALONG. You may keep your Spotlight Dancer Button if you like as long as it leads back to me. Besides who knows random.org may pick you again one day soon. I’m so happy you’ve decided to join us. HUGS AND THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW ABOUT LAST FRIDAY. I WAS SO SURPRISED.
Happy New Year to you Ramona! Thank you for hosting. I love Patsy’s bird in her painting, just so sweet!
So my link-up number is like astronomically higher this week. Oh well. I will blame it on the reading for the Bout of Books. Glad to see a familiar face there! Read on! :O)
I love this quote –
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”
still one of my all time favorite songs on his simply beautiful