Friendship Friday From A To Z – #109 – The Letter H

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about you and your blog!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!
  • Expand your social media networks!

This year, you are invited on a creative journey through the alphabet! Please join us for Friendship Friday from A to Z!

Each week, you are invited to share posts that spotlight the featured letter of the week. You’re also invited to link up your home page and social media links on the week that your blog begins with the featured letter of the week!

Friendship Friday from A To Z an inspiring way to:

  • Jump-start your creativity.
  • Explore new blogging opportunities and avenues.
  • Think outside the box.
  • Write about and create new things.
  • Feature fabulous but long-forgotten content from your back-posts.

Our challenge to you is to express yourself in ways that brings you joy and spotlight the uniqueness of your blog!

We’ll do the Happy Dance if you spread the word about Friendship Friday by adding our beautiful blog button to your posts/blog and spread the word on your social media sites so that others can join the fun!

Want to make us swoon? Follow our blog and social media outlets via E-Mail, RSS, BlogLovin, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and Pinterest!

Ideas For Exploring The Letter H

H Is For Happiness!

Rules For Happy LivingPhoto Credit

What can you do to generate some Happiness today?
Here are some ideas to get you started!

  • Do something that makes you Happy today!
  • Hug someone you love!
  • Honor the memory of someone you love.
  • Home is where the Heart is. List the ways you keep love alive in your Home?
  • Stay fit – play Hopscotch or Hula Hoop!
  • Is Honesty always the best policy? Share your thoughts!
  • If you could Hire someone to Help with one thing – what would it be?
  • Share your Home-Décor posts and projects!
  • What does it take to be a good Hostess? Share your Hospitality tips!
  • Bring a gift to someone who is in the Hospital.
  • Share the gift of Hope through books, quotes, songs and verses!
  • Ever been to Hawaii? Holland? Hong Kong? Share your photos!
  • Share your Ham, Honey, Hollandaise, Hamburger, Hot Dog and Hot Food recipes!
  • Write about Hamsters, Horses, Hawks, Himalayans, Huskies and Hounds!
  • Share your favorite H-themed songs, groups, books and movies!
  • Have you ever been Hypnotized? Experienced miraculous Healing?
  • What’s the Hardest thing you’ve ever done?
  • Ever been on a Helicopter ride or gone Hang-Gliding?
  • Share something you find Humorous.
  • Share photos of stylish Hairstyles – and lovely Headbands!
  • Share your Health-related tips, books, journeys and motivational posts!
  • Write a Heavenly post!

If it’s Hip – if it’s Hot –if it’s Hopeful –
It would be Helpful to share your ideas and photos with us
At this week’s Friendship Friday party!

Song Of The Week – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

Book Of The Week – The Secrets Of Happy Families

The Secrets Of Happy Families

Check out this fabulous book that describes over 200 strategies that happy families employ that others do not!

Have Fun!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

For more opportunities to create and connect, join us for Inspire Me Monday and Wordless Wednesday!

Great Tools, Great Service

Copyright © 2014 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

31 Responses to “Friendship Friday From A To Z – #109 – The Letter H”

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  1. Hi my friend…life is so crazy but I finally got here, thanks to an email prompt! I breathed a sigh of relief for the Heavenly post option! lol…I just wrote a devotional tonight, and wanted to link up here, and thought, YIKES…how will that be H?

    Phew. Will be catching up. Praying for you…grateful for you as well. Much love in Christ, Dawn

  2. Thank you for hosting “Friendship Friday”! We always look forward to making new friends and exploring what’s new in the blogging world!

  3. Gail Golden says:

    That is one of my favorite songs. (Big Smile)


  4. Thanks so much for hosting Friendship Fridays! Hope you have a great weekend! Theresa

  5. My post this week is “Home Again!” Thanks for hosting & God bless.

  6. Paula J says:

    Hi Ramona!! I can’t believe it’s already been an entire week since last Friday’s party. Thanks so much for hosting 🙂

  7. Poppy says:

    Thanks so much for hosting, Ramona. Have a wonderful weekend!


  8. XmasDolly says:

    LOVE your song! Don’t worry be happy now!!! Thanks for the linky and always you are such a gracious hostess! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  9. Thanks for hosting once again! I love that song, Don’t Worry Be Happy. I’ve used that song as an example when I’m teaching kids spiritual truths from the Bible, like don’t worry, have faith, hope and joy, especially from Philippians 4:4-9. God bless!

  10. Mystery Case says:

    Oh what a week. We have a long weekend with a public holiday on Monday here and I’m rather looking forward to it.

  11. Debbie @ says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  12. Hi Ramona, thanks so much for the party and have a nice weekend!

  13. Allie says:

    I love that song, and always sing it to the kids. That and Don’t Worry about a thing, every little things gonna be alright! TGIF, thanks for hosting JOY! Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. How much do you really like who you are??
    If asked, would you really choose yourself as a friend?
    So today for Friendship Friday I shared:
    “Want to be Your Own Best Friend? 10 Wonderful Ways to Make Friends with Yourself?”

    Thanks for motivating, stimulating and inspiring us with your creativity!

  15. Hello Ramona! Thank you for hosting ‘Friendship Friday’! Have an awesome day and weekend!

    ~ Vashti

  16. Thank you for having us once again! Another snow event coming here!!!…:)JP

  17. Nina says:

    Great rules for happy living! We need to focus on the good things, there’s showers of blessings around us, if we just look around and notice them!

  18. BeBetsy says:

    Great Party! Thanks for hosting again this week. We really love visiting your blog and seeing all the fun new things.

    Have a fantastic week,
    Sharon, Denise & Aubrie


  1. […] Create With Joy for Friendship Friday From A to Z #109 […]

  2. Create a happier life, starting TODAY! | Be Healthy, Be Happy Wellness says:

    […] Shared on Friendship Friday […]

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