Wordless Wednesday – A Force Of Nature

Magellan At Play

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Photos Of The Week
Magellan – A Force Of Nature

Quote Of The Week
The trouble with a kitten is that
Eventually it becomes a cat.

Ogden Nash

Magellan's 1st Night

It’s hard to believe that Magellan has been with us for three months.
My sweet little kitten is growing up so fast!
I remember the night he first arrived and
Made himself at home inside his Play Cavern Scratcher!
It’s the place where he and Tsunami first met.

Magellan loves to play with this toy!
He loves to run up and down the ramp and
Launch his favorite toys from it!
He particularly enjoys having toys tossed inside so that
He could dive inside to retrieve them!

There’s only one problem with this scenario…
Magellan is growing and can no longer fit inside.

Today, Magellan discovered a toy in his cavern.
When he discovered he could no longer dive inside to retrieve it –
Or that he couldn’t even fit his head inside the hole –
His determination and fury knew no bounds!

Magellan is a force of nature.
Magellan will not be denied!
Where there is a will, there is a way
As evidenced by the aftermath.

In Magellan's Wake

Happy Wordless Wednesday to you from Hurricane Magellan!

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Wordless Wednesday – Week of March 10, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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64 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – A Force Of Nature”

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  1. Feed Me Dearly says:

    Love your Magellan! 🙂

  2. Magellan is so adorable! I love that scratch box. It’s cool that there is a little cubby underneath that he can hide in.

  3. YAM says:

    Hari Om
    Been busy with moving so am a bit over boxes – ironically the only two places I am joining in the linky (NC Sue the other) what do I find??? heheheheheh. Have a great week. YAM xx

  4. Aw! Cute! Thanks for hosting. 🙂

  5. stevebethere says:

    Aww! how cute I like watching cats play it can be quite comical

    Have a purrrrfectlicious week 😉

  6. It seems as if Magellan is one to get what he wants.
    Have a lovely day!!

    • Magellan has a will of steel – when he sets his mind to something there is no stopping him!
      Even if I temporarily distract him – when he is done being distracted – he will go right back to what he was originally doing – mischief making! 🙂

  7. Natalie says:

    poor magellan! oh i mean poor cavern. haha. so cute 🙂 Happy WW!!

  8. Angela says:

    Love your kitties!!! I have a maine coon whom I adore…but she can be so mischievous. She needs a lot of exercise or she will seek her own outlet. So glad to see you enjoying your new furbaby! Thanks for hosting this hop! Looking forward to making new friends and connections.

  9. Ashley Hauck says:

    Your kitten is adorable! I used to have one who looked just like him. He was also a troublemaker 🙂

  10. Angel says:

    Thanks for the party.

  11. Bernadette C says:

    We had 2 cats….until about a week ago. We stopped in PetSmart and ended up picking up another 🙂 sooo now we have 3.

  12. Amy Hagerup says:

    I love cats and wish we could have some here. We used to have cats and kittens when we lived overseas. Blessings, Amy

  13. Why that little stinker! He is such a cutie, though. You must have forgiven his little transgression.

    • I wish I had a video camera at the time he was doing it so you could have watched him tear his toy apart!
      I’ve never seen anything like it!
      He is so long and tall now, he is opening doors without even trying and jumping to places he should not be!
      We are on full alert for his safety (and ours!) at all times!

      (and yes, he was forgiven…)

  14. Oh my word! The cuteness of it all!

  15. Raven says:

    Magellan reminds me of my cat I had when I was younger. He had such an attitude, but he brought me lots of love and laughter.

  16. Heather McD says:

    haha I love how you show the before and the aftermath. It looks like something my kitty would do. Cats are so funny!

  17. Ai Sakura says:

    wow time passes by so fast!

  18. Such a sweetie, and I agree they grow so quickly!

  19. I used to love Ogden Nash as a kid! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  20. Oh the energy of a kitten and the determination of a young cat…a deadly combination. One that is sure to give you interesting and lovable (albeit mischievous at times) photos.

  21. Oh goodness… if only we could capture kitten magic and put it in a bottle! Speaking of kitten magic, I think you need to take a quick trip over to Zee and Zoey’s blog to say hello to someone!!

  22. Char says:

    What a cutie pie!

  23. Evelyn says:

    Magellan is flippin’ adorable!

  24. Kristin says:

    Hurricane Magellan, too funny! He may be bigger, but he still enjoy kitty antics, I see. Beautiful boy.

  25. Is Magellan an Aries? LOL

    Smart cat! Thanks for the linky, I linked up, Happy Wordless Wednesday! 🙂

  26. moni says:

    What wonderful picture!
    Wish you a nice wednesday

  27. Truly a force of nature! What Magellan wants, Magellan gets.

    –Purrs (and woofs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

  28. Star Traci says:

    I’d say that he really loves that toy!

  29. Cats are so funny to watch when they play. I miss having kittens around the yard chasing one another. What fun! Thanks for hosting.

  30. Thanks so much for the party and your cat Magellan is too cute! Have a nice day!

  31. Looks like she’s having so much fun! Too bad that they have to grow up so fast.

  32. Magellan is a cutie. And that looks like a fun play thing.
    Oh well, it seems the cavern is no longer, at least not in its original form.

  33. What a great scratching toy, complete with a hidey place. I wonder if they make a larger version so Magellan can still fit.

  34. XmasDolly says:

    Always luvin’ your kitty pictures… so fun! Thank you for being a grand hostess & for your linky. I was at the wrong Post some how & left a comment on your WW of 10/13/13 LOL
    Have a great day!

  35. Kitties Blue says:

    That was a cool scratcher until el destructo got his paws on it. Must have been a really great toy. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    • El Destructo – I love it! That might be my new nickname for Nagellan! lol

      (by the way – Magellan is now the ONLY cat who has figured out how to open my drawers and help himself to his own personal selection of cat toys – whether they are cat toys by appointment or not!)

  36. That is such a cool scratching post house. I would be upset if I didn’t fit in it anymore too Magellan! Have you considered building a bigger door in a dream house make-over? Haha!
    Bark More, Growl Less Barking from the Bayou!

  37. Nina says:

    Such a sweet – and playful – kitten Magellan is! 🙂

  38. Hazel Moon says:

    Thank you for sharing with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” Cats and dogs too love to have a place of their own to hide and feel safe. I loved your story about your new kitten and his making his old play house topsy turvy to get at his toy!

    • That’s so true, Hazel, about pets needing a place of their own to hide and feel safe.
      Did you see the awesome cat house that one of our readers and her daughter made out of boxes this week?
      Check it out – it’s one of the featured posts at Inspire Me Monday!

  39. RedIza says:

    They love boxes, but seem to also love a challenge when said box is too small, it never stops them 🙂

  40. Guess he told that Play Cavern Scratcher! Too funny. Just like a kid when they outgrow a toy. Tantrums abound. 🙂


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