Wordless Wednesday – Feline Dreams

Tsunami & Magellan - Feline Dreams

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Photo Of The Week
Tsunami & Magellan – Feline Dreams

Quote Of The Week
How nice it is to think that feline dreams,
Like our own,
Are painted with creative brush strokes
From time to time.

Perhaps my cats and I even share the same dream:
A world where all kittens are wanted and loved,
And where every cat has a safe, warm place to sleep…
And to dream.
Barbara L. Diamond

#HillsPet Giveaway – Help Your Pet Get Into Shape!
(Funny Video – Sponsored)

Recently I learned two facts that shocked me:

More than half of our nation’s pets are overweight.
Most pet parents don’t recognize their pets are pudgy!

Is it possible that your pet could use a little help getting into summer shape?

If so, visit our #HillsPet Giveaway to see if your pet is
Eligible to win 1 of 10 prize packages!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of March 11, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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62 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Feline Dreams”

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  1. Feed Me Dearly says:

    Awesome kitties! 🙂

  2. Thanks for hosting again 🙂

  3. stevebethere says:

    Aww! what a fba photo they look so cute together 🙂

    LOL @ the cat in the video 🙂

    Have a purrrfectlicious week 😉

  4. I love the photo of the two cats. It saddens me to see people with overweight pets.

  5. Awwww…..this is precious!…:)JP

  6. keiths ramblings says:

    Furry fun!

  7. And who knows maybe we do dream alike,
    maybe there is a world where we share more than just what we do in this one.
    maybe we communicate and collaborate on things to do.

    Have a lovely rest of the week!!

  8. Angel says:

    Thanks for the party. Have a wonderful day.

  9. Meryl says:

    Wonder what they’re watching…. Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

  10. Mystery Case says:

    You have been in my thoughts this week. Hoping you are well. Please email if you feel like chatting. Raych xx

  11. Hi Ramona, I think sometimes we think we have to spoil our kitties, giving them to much food and give into their whims of treats on demand, I have to refrain myself to keep kitties waists trim.

    Thanks for pointing this out and for hosting today.

    • Good point Karren! I know my husband is especially vulnerable to their “beggar eyes”!
      Did you watch the video? I thought it was so well done! Looks like me trying to get Tsunami to move! 🙂

  12. such a beautiful photo!

  13. Can I just say I LOVE CATS =)

  14. I love Magellan’s dark coloring. Will that fade as he gets older?

    • Hi Danielle – great question!
      Magellan is a Brown Classic with White Maine Coon.
      His coloring will NOT fade as he gets older – it’s a part of who he is!
      Have a great week!

  15. Wouldn’t it be cool to get a glimpse into a feline’s dream?

  16. Very sweet. Wish I could get my two cats to cuddle like that…unfortunately they have opposite personalities that DO NOT attract in this case 😉

  17. Getting back into blogging again. It’s been a long time. 🙂

  18. I love that poem. If I could, I would care for even more cats. Oh the precious things! 🙂

  19. Heather McD says:

    Awww I always love their fluffy fur. They are too adorable! I know my kitty is getting a bit pudgy. She has gotten lazy this winter.

  20. Ai Sakura says:

    Aww wonder what they are dreaming of? :}

  21. kewkew says:

    Lovely picture. I have never really thought about animals’ dreams before. Something to wonder about.

  22. Trisha says:

    They look deep in thought!

  23. FABBY says:

    Adorable and cuddly cats! Thank you so much for the fun party! Enjoy the rest of your week.

  24. Ruchira says:

    thanks for hosting and those cats are so furry and cute 🙂

  25. You’re right about cats being overweight. My Cougar girl loves to eat…and eat…and eat. We started to feed the girls in two different rooms because Cougar would rush through dinner in order to eat her sister’s food. Before we realized it, Cougar was two pounds overweight and had to be put on a kitty diet. She is back down to 10 pounds and both her and her vet are much happier with her weight.

  26. Kitties Blue says:

    That really would be a dream come true for all of us who have anything to do with rescue. Magellan and Tsunami look like they were made from the same huge ball of floof. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. meowmeowmans says:

    We love the thought that kitties and us can share the same dreams. 🙂

  28. What a beautiful photo of two BEAUTIFUL kitties!
    Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

  29. XmasDolly says:

    I have so got to get our dog some of that food! She’s a fatty for sure! Plus she’s old and has arthritis in her hips (Black Lab). So she really needs to lose it. Thanks for sharing my friend I shall definitely look into this. Have a great day & thanks for sharing.

  30. Gattina says:

    The cute kitties are certainly nice hair producers too !

  31. thanks for the hop your cats are lovely frankie says hello.

  32. I know my female dog is over weight and I’m hoping once spring gets here she may shed a few pounds. Happy WW!

  33. Sorry I put the wrong blog address in.

  34. Bethany says:

    This photo makes me sigh… a very comfortable, day dreamy sigh… Lovely!

  35. Hi Ramona, I hope you are doing better and thanks so much for the party even though you are going through a lot right now. Yes I worry when my dog does not finish his food and want to give him an extra treat! I give him carrots so he snacks on something healthy and he likes apples too! Take care and have a good day.
    Julie at Julie’s Lifestyle

  36. Shala Howell says:

    Thanks for hosting again this week. I found some great blogs through your linky!

  37. Gorgeous photo, and I love your dream ideas. 🙂

  38. Aww… what a sweet picture!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  39. I share the poet’s dream–for all creatures (including humans)!

    lovely photo of your kitties!

  40. Sparkle says:

    That is what I dream about… when I’m not dreaming about catching big, fat mice!

  41. Rosey says:

    Those are beautiful cats, and they look like they love each other. 🙂

  42. Super cute cats! I linked up both of my blogs, Thoughts from Tiffani and Mom to 4. Hope you will stop by!


  43. Look at all that fur! So beautiful 🙂

  44. So cute! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  45. Donna says:

    Look how sweet they are together!


  1. […] another peek at inside my workspace, pop over to Wordless Wednesday, where you’ll find a gorgeous duo of felines […]

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