Wordless Wednesday – Cat TV

Cat TV - 1

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Photos Of The Week – Magellan – Cat TV

One of Magellan’s biggest thrills as a young kitten
Was the day he discovered my computer monitor.

Oh! The Joy! The Fun!

Cat TV - 2

Every time Magellan came into my office
He would head straight for the monitor and
Start attacking the cursor or anything else on the screen that moved!

To calm him down, I turned him on to “Cat TV”.

“Cat TV” is what I refer to as any video I can find that
Entertains, soothes, and fascinates Magellan for long periods of time!

Cat TV 3

Bird watching videos are his favorite – but through “Cat TV”,
Magellan has met all kinds of different aquatic and mammal wildlife!

You’ll find Magellan’s favorite bird video below –
Along with a video about Tara, the Hero Cat!

How many of you have pets who like to watch TV?

Magellan’s Favorite Bird Video

Tara, The Hero Cat

Wordless Wednesday – Week of May 20, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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51 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Cat TV”

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  1. sally says:

    So enjoyed your post!!!

  2. Just like a little kid, I can’t believe that he would stay watching the TV just like that. He is such a smart car, and yet he is probably wondering how does birds got in there lol…
    Have a lovely rest of the week.

  3. stevebethere says:

    Aww! how cute does he look LOL

    That cat in the video was amazing and not in the slightest bit scared a feline hero heheh!

    Have a tellytastic week 😉

  4. Thanks for sharing that follow-up story! I agree that the dog should be put down if it can’t be rehabilitated. That was a vicious attack and uncalled for. I love animals and I believe that humans should protect and care for nature and all living things, but this was frightful. What if the mother and cat weren’t around? By the way, I loved watching that cat in action the other day when the video clip went live. 🙂

  5. Aw! I love the cat tv photo, he looks very captivated!

  6. Meryl says:

    Thanks again for hosting this awesome hop!

  7. Ai Sakura says:

    haha that’s a brilliant idea!! 🙂

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wednesday

  8. How cute! Thanks for hosting & God bless!

  9. That story about the hero cat made me tear up! How lucky the cat was so close by.

  10. meowmeowmans says:

    Cat TV is awesome! We have several kitties at the shelter who love to watch it. 🙂

  11. XmasDolly says:

    I personally wonder why that dog attacked the boy. Do you think the boy was mean to that dog prior, but really that wouldn’t make any difference that animal needs to be put down especially now that it has tasted human blood. So not good. What a hero Cat! Thank God for that feline. Just an Angel in disguise for that child. I’m glad I know now that the mother was going after the dog to put him away. I thought she was running in the house and forgetting about her little boy for pity sakes. Sheesh! Well, as you know I have your button on my Post. Stop by & see my new little grandson. He’s too cute!

    • I don’t know – I haven’t had a chance to read more of the story to know if there is any history there – when I saw the video, I assumed that the dog just had a high prey drive and chased after the boy because he was moving.

      How heartbreaking for all involved – but based on the wounds during the short duration of the attack – I believe that Tara the hero cat saved the little boy’s life!

  12. Gattina says:

    My cat Arthur loves to watch Golf ! and each time the ball falls into a hole he looks under the TV for it !
    What an unbelievable story with the Hero cat !

    • How cool that Arthur likes to watch Golf! I would love to see him hunt for the balls!
      Magellan used to run behind the monitor to look for things that ran off of the screen! 🙂

  13. Bethany says:

    Wonderful photos of very cool moments- I’ll have to show that video to Amelia!

  14. Sparkle says:

    Magellan, what a cutie you were! And are!

  15. Awww she wants to play with the birds! So cute! #WW

  16. ncsue says:

    Thank you for visiting Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) @ acts17verse28.blogspot.com
    and sharing your photo. I hope to see you again next week!

  17. paula schuck says:

    Super Duper cute. I remember my cats doing that!! LOL. So adorable.

  18. This is so funny. Yes, I can well imagine that the bird watching would be a firm favourite. 🙂
    Here’s my WW: http://anotherday2paradise.wordpress.com/2014/05/21/wordless-wednesday-i-scream-you-scream-we-all-scream-for/

  19. Kitties Blue says:

    Does Magellan ever try to go behind the monitor to look for the bird or animal when it leaves the screen? That’s what some of us do, and it really cracks Mom up. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    • Yes, he LOVES to go behind the monitor and cause mischief (much to my chagrin!)
      Especially now that he has tripled in size, it’s a habit that I GREATLY discourage!

  20. I love your site! Especially the cats, they are so dang cute! Thanks for the opportunity to join the party and all the work you do to make it happen. Blessings…Shari

  21. Thanks for hosting! What a fun post. Magellan is adorable and that cat, Tara, deserves a medal. Have a super rest of the week!

  22. We’ll have to watch this one!
    Recently, Oliver (my kitty) was watching a birdie video on my iPhone. It was quite amusing!

  23. Athena says:

    How sweet! And we’ve seen the video of the cat that saved the boy. Amazing story!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  24. Feed Me Dearly says:

    Love the Cat TV concept – what an awesome idea! 🙂

  25. I love the Cat TV idea, I guess Magellan would love my computer monitor too, I like to pick the underwater screensaver, all those swimming fish would certainly be hard for a cat to resist!

    Comment luv hasn’t been playing nicely with my feed lately, I linked up, my Wordless Wednesday is here: http://www.ascendingbutterfly.com/2014/05/wordlesswednesday-simple-tree-in-park.html

  26. sassmuffins says:

    Really, how do the birds get in there??? My kitty Lucy loves watching TV, and likes to “attack” people or animals in motion. Thankfully she’s the only pet that does this!

  27. Our guys are big TV fans too – we have a bird DVD which they love!

  28. Kim says:

    Loved it! My dog, Maci (who is my Wordless Wednesday pic today), loves to chase and bark at any animal on the tv! 🙂

  29. So adorable! Magellan is just like a human child (but with a lot of fur). He looks really amazed by those birds.

  30. It has been a while since I have been over here.. Shame on ME! But now that I am doing an Almost Wordless Wednesday post I will sure to be back… Thanks for hosting.

  31. Red Iza says:

    One of my cats used to jump on the TV (back when they were bigger !), lie on top and watch the screen upside-down, trying to grab what he saw 🙂

  32. Holy moose-poops!!! Worse than the Pres!!!!…:)JP

  33. Yvonne says:

    Cat TV….I love it! Great pics!

  34. Magellan is so CUTE! Precious!

  35. Bushrangers says:

    What a great link up…so many people. Thanks Joy.

  36. First of all, what a monstrous computer monitor you have! It’s about 3 times the size of mine laptop screen. 😀

    I should do that for the girls. We have Netflix on the Wii in the living room and we can watch YouTube on it. I know Arya’s playful self would love it.

    That Tara cat is amazing! I’m not really surprised though. I’ve had several cats who growled when someone came to the door…just like a guard dog. 😉

  37. Molly says:

    Those are brilliant pictures. Our cat has a thing for the mirror in the dining room and often gets up on the table and has a good look in it



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  3. […] – as Tara the Cat so majestically proved with her brave feat – Cats make magnificent watch animals […]

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