Friendship Friday 126 – Anything Goes

Friendship Friday

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This week, we’re celebrating another week of Anything Goes!

  • Share your favorite posts and projects throughout the week.
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Blog Of The Week – Bits Of Positivity

Featured Article – Do You Follow The Thumper Theory?

If You Cant Say Somethng Nice

When I was a child, I had a record filled with positive songs.
My favorite song on the album I remember to this day.
The takeaway lesson and lyric went like this:

If you can’t say something nice – shhh!
Say nothing.

I didn’t realize it was from Bambi until I read Deb’s post!

Deb Chitwood is the blogger behind Bits Of Positivity
An inspiring woman who I’ve been following for several years now!

At Bits Of Positivity, Deb shares inspiration, motivation, word art freebies,
And all sorts of positive tips on how to build your child’s character and
How to make a difference in this world!

Today’s feature article is one that I encourage every blogger to read –
And if you haven’t already met Deb, I invite you to visit her today!

Win Free Books!

Looking for a good book to read this summer? Check out these books! If you’re lucky, you could even win a copy!

Laughter Is Good For The Soul – The Monkey & The Tigers

Have Fun!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

For more opportunities to Create and Connect, join us for Inspire Me Monday and Wordless Wednesday!

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35 Responses to “Friendship Friday 126 – Anything Goes”

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  1. Love the positive quotes.

  2. Angel says:

    Thanks for the wonderful party.

  3. Thanks for the great features & for hosting & God bless!

  4. I linked up my 4th of July Pretzel Treats today. Thanks for hosting such a great party!

  5. I am so glad to be back here! Thank you a ton for continuing to host such a wonderful Blog Hop! 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    I love that Thumper Theory! I’m not always successful at enacting it, but I do try! 🙂

    Thank you for hosting Friendship Friday. Have a great weekend!

  7. Poppy says:

    Laughter is certainly the best medicine! Thanks for hosting, Ramona and have a wonderful weekend!


  8. Mary Denman says:

    Thanks once again for hosting!!

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my post! And thanks for the very sweet comments about me and my blog. You made my day! <3

  10. XmasDolly says:

    Been following that theory for a long time. My mama told it to me and I told it to my children, and now my grandchildren. Your video was way too cute! Thanks for sharing and h ave a great weekend. Any recipes to share please come and sign up on my linky and share them. THANKS.

  11. Bahaha the video is hilarious.

  12. Marcia says:

    I’ve long been a believer of the Thumper Theory, need it often, especially when I write.
    Thank you for hosting.

  13. crystal says:

    I raised daughter on what I call “thumper’s law.” Even to this day as an adult if you ask her what is Thumper’s law she will recite it verbatim. Words to definitely live by! 🙂

  14. Jessica says:

    Thank you for hosting! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! -Jessica

  15. Tina Ernspiker says:

    Thanks! I shared on FB, Twitter, and Google! Have a great weekend!

  16. Paula J says:

    Happy Friday Ramona!!
    Thanks for hosting 🙂

  17. Mary Hill says:

    I loved Thumper in the movie. I am checking out Deb’s blog. Thanks for the recommendation.

  18. Holly says:

    Thanks so much for the invite and for hosting. Happy Friday! Have a lovely day!

  19. What a funny video! Thanks for the great party and happy weekend!

  20. BeBetsy says:

    We love your blog. Thanks for hosting a fun party!

    Best Wishes,
    Denise & Aubrie

  21. Phoenix tears healed says:

    Noo lol I think Thumper should be put in a pie 😀

  22. Nice theory! And another full house for you this week, Ramona!…:)JP

  23. Allie says:

    Thanks for hosting!

  24. Helen Fern says:

    Thanks for the linky party! I’ve visited quite a few – even following some! Linkies are fun!

  25. Pamela says:

    I knew Thumper was wise! That’s one of my life mantras. Thank you for hosting! ~Pamela

  26. Kalliste says:

    Randomly stumbled upon this linkup. I really like the quality of the posts and have found some really enjoyable reads today.

  27. Farrah says:

    I love this! I definitely try to live the Thumper Theory everyday. I always feel better about myself when I do.

  28. Hi Ramona, I was taught very young, if you dont have something nice to say, you dont say it. I

    I have to go meet Deb that you mention, she sounds like an awesome lady. I am also enjoying my book I received as a prize, sometimes I only get to read one story then lay it down. Thanks again for that. And for stopping by last week to share your post.

    Enjoy your week, Karren


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