Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!
Quote Of The Week
By and large, people who enjoy teaching animals to roll over
Will find themselves happier with a dog.
Barbara Holland
Photo Of The Week – Magellan The Daredevil
When it comes to my pets, I am a super-protective Mom.
I constantly check on them throughout the day to
Make sure they are okay.
I worry when things are too quiet,
Especially since I have a daredevil of a kitten in my midst…
The larger Magellan grows –
The greater an explorer he becomes!
He is definitely living up to his name…
One of Magellan’s favorite discoveries and newest hangouts is a place
I have not so fondly named “The Death Ledge”.
Originally frequented by Tsunami,
The Death Ledge is the nice wide landing at the
Top of the staircase that the cats love because it
Gives them a birds eye view of the comings and goings in our home!
The problem is that Magellan likes to lean over the
Far edge of the ledge – the one with the huge drop –
And often gets so relaxed that I am afraid he will
Get cozy – fall asleep – and roll right off the ledge!
Of course, the more one tries to dissuade a cat from
Lounging on such an inviting spot –
The more tempting that spot becomes!
Does your pet have any habits or hangouts that they adore –
But you are less than fond of?
If so, share your stories in the comments!
Just For Fun – Stray Cat Strut
Wordless Wednesday – Week of August 26, 2014
Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!
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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!
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Aww! another cute pose heheh!
My cat Thomas (who has now passed) used to lay outside on my balcony ledge in the sun it used to scare the wits out of me LOL
Have a rolltastic week 😉
Yes, balcony ledges are scary for human parents – but attract cats like magnet!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Maybe you can nail a white painted board along the ledge like on a bunk-bed. That way the cats can still go there without the risk of falling. Cute photo, by the way. 🙂
Oh, what a clever idea!
You definitely think like a cat mama! 🙂
Ooh.. they are certainly daredevils. I betcha your heart must have skipped a beat when you saw him in that location. Happy WW
Yes, my little daredevil has been giving me heart palpitations since the moment I went to pick him up!
Scary! I hope ge wont fall in there. #ww
Why they like high places is beyond me. Must be all the living in the trees by their ancestors.
Sweet. Thanks for hosting and have a great week.
Kitty sure looks focused 🙂
And yet another great model pose !!!
I hope you are making a book or a calendar, since you have so many great shots.
Have a great week!
Yes just last night our Sabrina, we sometimes call “monkey tail” because its soooo long, jumped up on the fridge and I worried how she would get back down. I hate to see them have to put so much pressure on her body when she lands. By the way, she was looking for “Cat nip”
Thanks for hosting, enjoy your day!
I know what you mean about those landings – I try to jump my cats on cushioned spots whenever possible for just that reason!
I used to have a cat who ADORED running around the ceiling! In the kitchen, he would jump on top of the refrigerator and then proceed to jump to top of the bookshelf to the window fan to the kitchen cabinets and literally run around the top of the room!
In the basement – which was unfinished – he would run around the tops of all of the pipes!
Sometimes, they really to the darnedest of things!
Magellan looks purrfectly happy and relaxed on his ledge… Could you put a decorative (unbreakable) pot or other decorative item on the ledge so there is no more lounging room?
Great idea, but alas, we tried that and no go – Magellan is a rough and tough boy and I am in the process of replacing several items as a result!
(P.S. You can’t tell from the photo but it’s a long drop down!)
Your quote is so true! It’s next to impossible to teach a cat to roll over. At least with mine it was. I’ll be back later to link up.
Look forward to it Susan! Have a great day!
Thanks for hosting. Always a pleasure coming by, sharing and seeing all the great posts.
Our little dare devil was spooked this week and almost hit by a car as he ran away from builders who had the hide to turn up for a full days work at our place with their dog. I wasn’t happy.
Oh no! I certainly hope he is home safe now!
A daredevil indeed, and with a mischievous smile 🙂
maybe the ledge needs some carpet for kitty claws to grab onto??
Ah – then he’d probably be scaling the ledge like Spiderman – lol!
He really is a daredevil!
Our Linus likes to sleep anywhere, but his favorite is our bed. I know it is impolite to awaken a sleeping feline. Wether or not the intended bed owners are tired at 11:00 PM…
You have my full sympathy Ralph.
Sometimes the only alternative to not moving those sleeping felines is to sleep on the floor
(since they take over the couch as well!) 🙂
Oh such a daredevil!
Cute cat, and I love the Stray Cats video.
I’m so glad you enjoyed that video Joyce – the Stray Cats and the Stray Cat Strut rocks!
Ramona, I put up pics of my new kittens!! Emperor Kuzco and Lady Catherine De Bourg!
I hope Magellen stays safe! I’m sure he will. 🙂
Mary, I stopped by – your new kittens are gorgeous!
I’m so happy that they are blessed to find themselves in such a happy loving home!
I know they will bring you and your family great joy – I can’t wait to read about and see more of them in the weeks to come!
Awww. your kitty is so adorably photogenic!
Thanks – he knows when to be a charmer, doesn’t he?
Cats do love the edges and ledges, and I think they assume Bay Windows to be their personal throne, queendom and empire! LOL
Thanks for always making me smile!
Comment luv is still being mean to my feed so here is this week’s WW post: http://www.ascendingbutterfly.com/2014/08/dont-fall-into-health-rut-find-new.html
(well OK not entirely wordless…..as usual…….)
Ah yes, bay windows – I have always wanted a home with a few of those, but who am I kidding?
I’d never have a chance to enjoy it because it would be the perfect pet perch!
Pretty cat! I don’t own a cat, but have a dog that likes to try to take me out when we’re on the stairs.
Ah, you really have to watch those animals on the stairs – our cats like to race us and try to take us down as well!
I’m sure your cat will be fine – but I agree, they are a bit of a worry at kitten stage. My cat fell off the bannister upstairs right down the stair well as a kitten – slipped I assume! Luckily for me and her she was none the worse for her tumble! Jx
No pets here, but I do know how they can be. Especially, cats with their weird, favorite places to lounge. Happy #WW!
Our kitty loves balancing herself on the top of our fence and we love watching her!
I can’t have pets due to allergies. Unfortunately cats are the worst. But I have seen enough to know what kind of daredevils they can be.
Gorgeous photo! I’m sure Magellan always lands on his feet though. 🙂 Here’s my WW: http://anotherday2paradise.wordpress.com/2014/08/27/wordless-wednesday-waiting-for-the-big-one/
We only have accidental daredevils in our house. None of the kitties really seek out “dangerous” places but sometimes end up in one. Magellan is getting so big and is such a handsome kitty. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
When we had cats, we had one who loved the high spots. We’d find her on top of the fridge among other places.
Happy WW!
Hey, your post inspired me to post my cat’s favorite pose, haha!
It’s my first time to join your linky party, and I’m loving it! 😀
cute cat! ♥
Welcome to the party Teresa – so glad you could join us! 🙂
He’s such a pretty kitty. 🙂 Your cats are always so photogenic.
Magellan is gorgeous! I know how you feel. Our cats like to get in the back window above our basement staircase and sleep. We’ve actually had a couple fall off into the stairwell which was scary but thankfully they weren’t hurt. – Wow you have a lot of participants for WW. – Your little musical video was cute and fun.
Lovin’ your kitties video! I even showed it to the hubby and he started playing along with his guitar. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Have a great day. The gardeners next door woke me up today so as they say I’m still trying to wake up. MORE COFFEE… hehee
I sure do miss having a kittie around the house.
What a cutie! And I LOVE the name!
Its amazing how you could capture with both his eyes wide open 🙂
Great click!
happy to linkup!
Yikes! That would be scary.
Pretty spunky kitty!!
Cossette likes to jump off my husband’s armoir. May have to get my kitty a parachute!
Kitty parachute – that’s funny – can you imagine?!
Maybe he’s not so scared since, you know, he’s got nine lives after all. And cats always land on their feet – so I’ve heard. 😉
Awww, what a handsome cat.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday. ☺
Thanks for stopping by – hope you enjoy Feline Friday too!