Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Dry Cat Food – Review & Giveaway


Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Dry Cat Food – Review

Every now and then, you make a discovery that’s so exciting, you can’t wait to let the proverbial cat out of the bag!

That’s how I felt when I learned that Chicken Soup For The Soul – the brand that nourishes our minds and bodies through heartwarming books and delicious comfort foods – also makes holistic food for both cats and dogs!

My cats were very excited to receive a bag of Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Cat Food to devour!

As you can see, Tsunami camped out by his food bowl and used his best Jedi-mind tricks to try to open the bag with his piercing stare, while Magellan circled the bag, trying to determine the best way to break into the safety-fortified seal!

What was the verdict when the food finally made its way out of the bag and into their food bowls?

As the saying goes: hmm, hmm good!

What do you need to know about Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Cat Food?

  • This cat food contains Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Salmon and Vegetables – healthy ingredients you and your cats will love!
  • This cat food is enriched with antioxidants, Vitamin E and selenium and contains chelated minerals.
  • This cat food contains taurine to help promote proper heart and eye function.
  • This cat food helps clean teach and reduce plaque.
  • This cat food is naturally preserved.


Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Cat Food is available in 5 pound bags (shown here) and 15 pound bags. You can purchase it online or at your local pet store!

One final tidbit about this brand:

Chicken Soup For The Soul not only believes in providing great nutrition for pets, but also providing support for animals in need. They donate money to local shelters and use rescue animals as their pet models. They also partner with the Humpty Dumpty Institute to support initiatives such as literacy, hunger and to provide assistance to animals in need.

About Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC, publishes the famous “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series. In 2007, USA Today named “Chicken Soup For The Soul” one of the five most memorable books in the last quarter century. With over 100 million books sold to date in the U.S. and Canada alone, almost 250 titles in print and translations into more than 40 languages, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” is one of the world’s best known phrases. Today, 20 years, after it first began sharing readers’ experiences, Chicken Soup for the Soul continues to provide extraordinary stories through its new books but has also evolved beyond the bookstore.

Chicken Soup for the Soul is known for high-quality products including wholesome and balanced pet food that recognizes the unique relationship between pets and people and a new line of delicious nutritious comfort food inspired by the connection between food and feelings.

Chicken Soup For The Soul is “always there for youTM.”

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Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Dry Cat Food – Giveaway

Would your favorite feline enjoy feasting on Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Cat Food? Create With Joy is excited to offer one lucky reader the opportunity to win a 5-pound bag for their cat(s)!

To enter this giveaway, please follow Create With Joy and submit your entries as instructed through the Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is open to Create With Joy readers, 18 years and older, who reside in the US/Canada, and is open now through Friday, October 31, 2014 at Midnight PST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Additonal Information

The winner will be contacted via e-mail and have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. The sponsor is solely responsible for prize fulfillment. The winner releases Create With Joy from all liability associated with this product/contest. All decisions by Create With Joy are final. The complete Terms and Conditions are listed on the Rafflecopter form. By submitting an entry, you are indicating that you have read and agree to these Official Rules.

Disclosure: I received a sample of this product from Chicken Soup For The Soul for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

Chicken Soup For The Soul Badge

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26 Responses to “Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Dry Cat Food – Review & Giveaway”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. lesley says:

    we have two cats, a brother and sister, bo and eve. they looked like twins when they were born, only two in the litter that were tigers, and we had to lift tails for a few weeks to know who was who. five years later, he is twice her size and a big lazy goof who only wants to sleep and eat. she doesn’t like naps and is the hunter of the two, as well as the one who rules the roost with him.

    • Your cats sound delightful Lesley! Ny sister and I adopted strays we found by the side of the road when we were kids. They were also brother and sister and they grew into two very loved, very long-lived spoiled, fat, happy cats!

      Best of luck in the giveaway – I’m sure they would love this food!

  2. Shelley P says:

    I have one cat named Shadow. She is a beautiful Russian Blue. She was a stray that adopted us when we bought our house 🙂 We think she is the best!

  3. Alesha ol says:

    We have 4 meows who I think would love to try this, and i have to budget so carefully, as we have 1 income, these precious boys rescued me, as I have multiple illnesses!!

  4. heidi says:

    The three beasties in my home would go crazy over this. Bobaloo, Captain and Smokey all decided that this is one giveaway that should be entered.

  5. Carolsue says:

    I have a 6 year old rescue cat, a Maine Coon, named Bugsy. He would enjoy this food!

  6. kathy downey says:

    I help out donating to a rescue group in my town and they will get this prize if I won.I am in canada

  7. Alexia H. says:

    My cat Jay Jay would be enjoying this food.
    I’m from Canada.

  8. Lego our new darling who is two years old. He loves food! 😉

  9. Melissa S says:

    We just took my mothers 2 year old cat a month ago, she is just now starting to fee; really comfortable here and is starting to show her personality more. She is a funny weirdo just like cats are.

  10. We would love to try this. We already love the canned food!

  11. We have 4 cats and one is around 11 and the youngest is 2. They’re so fun.

  12. Danielle D says:

    We have several ones that would love this catfood!

  13. Michelle says:

    I have on cat named ZeeZee- she’s 10 months and beautiful and very vocal lol

  14. Hi Ramona, I just finished the giveaway, I have added it to #WW this week as a way to share! You know, our giveaways are the only ones I enter!!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  15. Carissa Joslyn says:

    i have five cats.
    diamond who is a 9 year old. rescued her when she was 6 weeks. shes my baby
    frankylou who is also 9 and was rescued at 6 weeks as well.
    patchleigh is 6 year ol rescue as well.
    asa and raiden are persian brothers.

    from us 🙂

  16. Linda Bradshaw says:

    I would give to my 4 cats. They would love to try new food. My cats are my babies.
    Linda Bradshaw , teachinmomma123abc at yahoo dot com


  1. […] Chicken Soup For The Soul Adult Dry Cat Food – US/Canada, 10/31 […]

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