Whiny Whiny Rhino – Book Review & Giveaway

Whiny Whiny Rhino

Whiny Whiny Rhino – Book Review

Have you ever wanted to get more out of life than you’re currently experiencing but let your fears and worries get in your way?

Have you ever wanted to try something new and fun but had difficulty overcoming the voices in your head?

Have you ever been pushed, cajoled or even bullied by those around you into doing something you didn’t want to do but weren’t sure how to deal with the situation?

Have you ever whined and complained and rained on everyone’s parade without even knowing you were doing it?

If so, you simply must read Whiny Whiny Rhino!

Whiny Whiny Rhino is a delightfully illustrated, charmingly crafted children’s book that was created by the father-daughter team known as McBoop. Although it’s designed for young children, I believe it’s appropriate for kids of all ages – even the gray-haired variety!

Whiny Whiny Rhino introduces us to Tiny Tiny Rhino – a lovable character with three big brothers who have a predefined notion of how rhinos should act.

For example:

Rhinos should rumble
And tumble around.
Not hide out inside
Where it’s safe and sound!

Unfortunately, when Tiny Tiny Rhino does not live up to his brothers’ expectations, they call him terrible names like Whinocerous and tear him down instead of building him up.

Can you relate?

Whiny Whiny Rhino - Sample Page

Tiny Tiny Rhino tries to put on a brave front. He goes out into the world determined to have some fun. However, he soon finds he can’t get his brother’s words out of his head. He passes up countless opportunities to make new friends and participate in rewarding activities because he can’t get past those limiting voices!

Whiny Whiny Rhino is a fun yet empowering story that teaches children how the things we say can profoundly affect others.

Its most important lesson, however, is that we have the power to overcome the hurtful words of others through our own positive choices, actions, and attitudes.

Whiny Whiny Rhino is a gem of a book that I highly recommend to you and your children.

I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

About McBoop


McBoop is the creative team of Carmin Iadonisi & Amanda Iadonisi-Word. This father-daughter duo co-wrote and illustrated Whiny Whiny Rhino. They currently live in New England where they enjoy making art, reading comics, playing board games, eating fancy chocolate and whining about the weather.

Whiny Whiny Rhino Book Tour

iRead Book Tours

Create With Joy is delighted to be a part of the Whiny Whiny Rhino Book Tour, which is hosted by iRead Book Tours!

The Whiny Whiny Rhino Book Tour runs from September 22 through October 10, 2014. Please visit the Whiny Whiny Rhino Book Tour Page to learn more about this book – to read some of the delightful reviews, guest posts and interviews along the way – and to enter more giveaways to increase your chances to win this marvelous book!


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Whiny Whiny Rhino – Book Giveaway

Would you like the chance to WIN a copy of Whiny Whiny Rhino? Create With Joy is thrilled to offer one reader the opportunity to own a copy of this fabulous book!

To enter this giveaway, please follow Create With Joy and submit your entries as instructed on the Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is open to ALL Create With Joy readers, 18 years and older.

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Please note that this Rafflecopter and Giveaway is hosted by the Book Tour company. They are overseeing the drawing and will contact you if you win!

The sponsor is solely responsible for prize fulfillment. The winner releases Create With Joy from all liability associated with this product/contest. All decisions by the sponsor are final. See the Terms and Conditions on the Rafflecopter form for additional information. By submitting an entry, you are indicating that you have read and agree to these Official Rules.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from iRead Book Tours to review. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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11 Responses to “Whiny Whiny Rhino – Book Review & Giveaway”

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  1. Thank you for sharing the great review! Sounds like a fun book with a good lesson.

  2. Ruth Cox says:

    Whiny Whiny Rhino would either remain in my personal collection of books for kids or be sent to my grandson as a gift from his long distance Grandma.

  3. McBoop says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review our book! We’re so happy you enjoyed the story and the message – and we’re extra happy to hear it can be appreciated by kids of all ages, “even the gray-haired variety” 🙂

  4. H. L. Burke says:

    I’d win it for my daughter. The 2-year-old loves books about animals. Her favorite, weirdly, is alligators, but I’m sure she’d also like rhinos.

  5. Denise Taylor-Dennis says:

    I would like to read this book to my son I am always talking to him about being brave.

  6. Julie Grasso says:

    This looks so cool. Thank you so much for sharing it with us on the Kid Lit blog hop

  7. This book looks adorable! I love the illustrations! Thanks for sharing this at Mommynificent.com’s Booknificent Thursday! Always enjoy your contributions!

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