Wordless Wednesday – A Difference Of Opinions


I Recently Received a Stunning 16 x 24 Print of Legend that I Will Treasure For Life!
Learn How You Can Receive A Canvas Print Of Your Own For Free!

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Week

Cats never strike a pose that isn’t photogenic.
Lillian Jackson Braun

A Difference Of Opinions

Did you hear that we are currently hosting a Giveaway
For a 16 x 24 CanvasPop Canvas Print of your choice?

Imagine your favorite Wordless Wednesday photograph
Memorialized in this way – which one would you choose?

Don’t miss out on a chance to win one for yourself or for
A friend who resides in the US/Canada –
Enter our CanvasPop Giveaway today!

I recently received this stunning 16 x 24 Canvas Print of Legend.
I can’t take my eyes off of it!

Magellan was on hand for the unveiling of the print and
He couldn’t take his eyes off of the print either –
Albeit for slightly different reasons!

Here’s an exclusive peek behind the scenes as
Magellan reveals a few candid thoughts on my beautiful piece of art!


What’s this Mom? A surprise for me?
Hurry and open it – I can’t wait to see what’s inside!


Whoah! Who this?
Look at the paws – it certainly isn’t me!
They must have mixed up the proofs!


What? It’s not a mistake?
You’re not sending it back?
That photo isn’t for me?
Well %$*(%& to you both!
I refuse to look at either of you!


I can’t believe Mom is actually going to display this picture In MY home!
What’s he got that I haven’t got?
Let me go sharpen my claws…

Chat In The Comments

Have you ever seen your children –
Be they human, feline, or canine – react in a similar way?

If so, please share your story in this week’s comments!

Video: How To Photograph Kittens

Wordless Wednesday – Week of April 21, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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80 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – A Difference Of Opinions”

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  1. That is some story, many would say that they don’t really know this or that but yes I think your wording is exactly what was on his mind.

    Our girls do question each picture that they see on our computers or phones, I can’t imagine putting up a picture of someone else in our house and them not questioning all about it.

    Have a great week!

    • I have witnessed several reactions like this over the years in my cats.
      Once kitten, Adonis, had a MAJOR reaction to a new Maine Coon Cat calendar I gave my husband one year.
      He ran into the room and literally came to a screeching halt when he saw the January on the wall –
      He thought it was real and began arching his back and hissing like he’d met his mortal enemy!

      Another cat reacted very poorly to a stuffed puppy my husband gave me as a gift and gave me the cold shoulder for about two weeks when he saw the puppy on the bed next to me!

      Thanks for sharing about your daughters – their artwork that you shared today is just precious!

  2. Those are really pretty pictures of your cats 🙂

  3. stevebethere says:

    That is stunning and so cute especially seeing him next to the print, he looks so proud heheh!

    Have a printtastic week 🙂

  4. Claire says:

    This is a stunning picture, what a great one to treasure 🙂

  5. YAM says:

    Hari OM
    That is FABulous! what a wonderful keepsake. YAM xx

  6. Amila says:

    wow!it is a beautiful print….

  7. Magellan looks so regal, beautiful photo!!
    Have a great day! Thanks for hosting

  8. Patricia says:

    Magellan and Legend do have a lot of similarities, but am betting the personalities are quite different.
    Thanks again for hosting.

  9. They are all good photos and I always enjoy your posts about your fur babies! Hugs! Teresa

  10. Great photo, I love canvas prints! Thanks for the party!

  11. What a magnificent portrait! Legend is so aptly named. 🙂

  12. Love that photo of him looking at his portrait! So cute =P

  13. I love how Magellan’s white paws stand out compared to Legend’s solid colored ones, but Legend’s ones are huge. It looks like Magellan has big paws to fill. 🙂

  14. Mystery Case says:

    What a gorgeous photo. Love it!

  15. Neesie says:

    There’s never a dull moment with our furry critters is there?
    Beautiful print and one that will be treasured I’m sure ^..^

  16. Beautiful print and he will come to like it.

  17. Ashleigh says:

    Well, I just love that picture of the cat looking at the picture of himself! Very cool! Thank you for hosting! Have a great week! xx Ashleigh @SimplyWright

  18. Alissa Apel says:

    That canvas wrap turned out really cool!

  19. Angel says:

    Thanks for the wonderful party. Come join my party too if you can.

  20. Thanks for another week of awesome catness.

  21. meowmeowmans says:

    That’s a beautiful canvas print of Legend! What a handsome guy.

    Thank you for hosting, Ramona. Have a great Wednesday.

    P.S. – No need to be jealous, Magellan! You are handsome, too. 🙂

  22. Mary Denman says:

    What a great gift!! And a gorgeous shot!!

    My sister has been doing watercolors of my cats from my photos. I love seeing their beautiful eyes.

    I’m glad you have such a special treasure!

  23. Gattina says:

    Very cute, but not so wordless, chatterbox !!

    • I guess you know you’re a writer when you fell guilty for actually posting a wordless photo pm “wordless” Wednesday!
      Have a great week (and I noticed that you posted 3 photos – and 3 words beneath yours! 🙂

  24. Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly says:

    What a stunning canvas! I am definitely going to try to enter to win one for myself! I linked up today, Happy WW!

  25. Star Traci says:

    Great print even if he wants nothing to do with it! Haha
    Happy WW!

  26. Kitties Blue says:

    Magellan, we think your mom needs to order a canvas print of you as well. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. What gorgeous artwork, though it has nothing on you Magellan.

  28. I love the new canvas options that are out! Yours came out lovely. I bought one for my mother and had my Dad’s photo and brother put on it (both have passed) My Mom just adores it. They are very realistic, so no wonder your kitty had his reaction. Just fantastic photo shots of the unveiling! 🙂 Thanks for sharing and hosting a great linky.

    • What a precious gift you got your mother! You are right, they are SO realistic!
      This is my first canvas print and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is considering it!

  29. Dawn says:

    It looks like he wants to be the only one and not share his home, what a reaction. Precious though…..I have a furry one who is also not into sharing us with another.

    Beautiful print!

    • Yes, when I decided to open the box he was downstairs and it was like his kitty radar was up – he came tearing up the stairs to see what was going on as if he sensed the presence of another vying for my affection and attention!

  30. Beautiful quote for a beautiful cat! They do tend to give the best poses. What a gorgeous canvas too!

  31. How neat to have that canvas of your gorgeous cat. In fact both cats are quite stunning.

  32. harriet says:

    That turned out really cool looking!

  33. Robin says:

    Magellan is so funny! That canvas print came out really beautiful. I will have to check out your giveaway 🙂

  34. Emilie says:

    LOL My GOODNESS, Magellan! So territorial.

  35. uh oh! Mom needs to order a print of you, too, Magellan!

  36. XmasDolly says:

    Well there ya go. Now I heard of everything. Tips on how to photograph kitties. That’s so cool. Thanks for sharing. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the video. Have a great day! HUGS

  37. Sandy KS says:

    What a beautiful canvas!!

  38. Such a stunning portrait and so lifelike!

  39. WOW..what a picture. It is almost as big as you 🙂 Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday Evening 🙂 <3

  40. Gracie says:

    You are such a beautiful kittie. And I must say that the canvas painting of you is very nice.

  41. I love how you capture Magellan’s voice. I can totally see him talking like that. 🙂


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  2. […] not take kindly to seeing another cat in his home! To see his photo reaction, be sure to visit our Wordless Wednesday Party– and, while you’re there, be sure to share a photo or two of your […]

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