Odie The Stray Kitten & Odie’s Best Friend – Review & Giveaway

Odie The Stray Kitten – Book Review

Odie The Stray Kitten

Odie is an orange and white kitten who gets separated from his mother, brother, and sisters on a snowy winter’s night. Scared and alone, he seeks warmth and finds shelter in a barn. The next day, when the barn door opens, a human girl and the resident cat wander in.

Will they befriend him?
Will Odie find a forever home?

Odie The Stray Kitten is an endearing story that’s written for young children – but one that readers of all ages (especially cat lovers) will enjoy! The story is told from Odie’s point of view and the beautifully colored illustrations charmingly bring his story to life.

Kristen and Odie The Stray Cat are recipients of the Indie Book Award.

Odie The Stray Kitten Indie Book Award

Odie’s Best Friend – Book Review

Odie's Best Friend

Odie’s Best Friend tells the story of Bandit – the older, resident black and white cat that Odie meets when he wanders into a barn on a farm one cold and wintry night.

As a cat lover, I found Bandit’s life story sad but important. It brings home the reality of what happens to all too many cats when they are abandoned because they become an inconvenience to their owners. It also provides parents with an opportunity to teach their children life-long lessons in compassion and responsibility towards their pets.

Fortunately – particularly since this is a children’s’ book – Odie’s Best Friend ends on a happy note.

Odie The Stray Kitten and Odie’s Best Friend will make delightful additions to your children’s book collection!

About Kristen Mott

Kristen Mott

Kristen Mott is an indie award-winning children’s author and animal lover, wife, and mother. She graduated from the Indiana University School of Journalism in 2008 and is currently back in school studying to become a Registered Veterinary Technician.

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Odie The Stray Kitten & Odie’s Best Friend – Book Giveaway

To celebrate Children’s Book Week, Kristen Mott would like to offer one Create With Joy reader the opportunity to win a copy of both books!

To enter this giveaway, please follow Create With Joy, leave a comment, and submit your entries through the Rafflecopter form as directed. This giveaway is open to ALL Create With Joy readers, 18 years and older, now through Sunday, May 24, 2015.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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36 Responses to “Odie The Stray Kitten & Odie’s Best Friend – Review & Giveaway”

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  1. Ellen Pilch says:

    Looks like a great book 🙂

  2. lana says:

    aww… I wann win!

  3. Mary Preston says:

    I have been adopted by stray kittens and cats for that matter. They came for the food & stayed for the love.

  4. Karen Malena says:

    Kristen’s books are adorable and she’s a lovely person!! Great article!

  5. Alesha ol says:

    4/5 meow sons are strays they showed up in various ways in, on our yard, so very young, and I KNOW The Lord had a hand in it, so we could not turn them away

  6. Sounds like a book that we would enjoy.

  7. Nancy says:

    We have never adopted a stray kitten. We are mostly dog people.

    • You don’t know how many cat owners I now know who swore up and down that they were dog people… lol…
      Have a great week Nancy (and watch out – there’s a kitten out there somewhere waiting to melt your heart!)

  8. Julia @ It's Always Ruetten says:

    So cute! But what I love the most is the name of the kitten because that’s my orange and white cat’s name too! I named my Odo (Odie for short) after the character from Star Trek, but I’m going to tell her he’s famous in her own right with this book. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • That is so cool Julie!
      I watched Star Trek so I know exactly who Odo is as well!

      You learn the meaning of the name Odie in the book (not going to spoil it for you all, you have to buy or win the book to find out) but I was so surprised to find out what it meant – I loved it!

      Thanks for sharing – hope you’ll help spread the word! 🙂

  9. Theresa C. says:

    No I’ve never adopted a stray kitten. But I would definitely take one in if I thought it needed help!

  10. I love the cover of this book. thanks for a fantastic giveaway 🙂

    Hopping over from the Kid Lit Blog Hop

  11. Laura says:

    These look like books my kids will LOVE! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Such precious covers that draw you in and make you want to read more. Sounds like some important topics too. Thanks for sharing with the #KidLitBlogHop!

  13. Aww, these books look adorable.

  14. karen says:

    such a great giveaway, thanks for hosting.

  15. Renee @ MDBR says:

    Oh, these stories look so sweet! Thanks for sharing in the Kid Lit Blog Hop. 🙂

  16. Carolsue says:

    This would be for my grandson and last Christmas, we brought him a straw kitten that was abandoned near our hourse. He’d love this!

  17. How adorable. I have a friend with a black and white cat named Bandit. Going to try to win this for my friend 🙂 thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday linkup. Pinned to our linkup board.

  18. Shared! Thanks for hosting.

  19. Jean says:

    That sounds like a terrific book!

  20. Zarah Robinson says:

    We once had 21 kittens…or cats. We had one of our own and then a momma & daughter cat took up residence in our garage and both had litters. We fed them all and found homes for all but Mama Cat, who we kept (and always called Mama Cat).

  21. Janice Wald says:

    Cute. Found you on Literary Musings. My kids are grown. I miss kids’ books.

  22. lana says:

    I wanna win! >3 Odie

  23. Xyra says:

    Hopping over from #KidLitBlogHop.

    My husband and I are animal lovers with a preference for kitties. Just reading your description and reviews on these two books (even without spoilers) tears came to my eyes.

    All our cats were sent to us in one way or another. The last two through our vet. Piper (the kitten) was brought into the vet at 5 weeks of age with a broken pelvis. She almost lost her leg. It was late september and she’s a black cat – her chances of a forever home would have been slim if we hadn’t met. Thunder…we’re his third attempt at a forever home. He is 11 and has litter box issues, but he is cuddly and smart, so while he does try our patience we love him and keep trying to retrain him.

    • Wow, Xyra, so glad you found us – your story brings tears to my eyes – I’m so glad that there are people like you in the world with huge hearts who are willing to open up your home to kittens like Piper and Thunder in need.

      Best of luck to you in this giveaway. I’m thrilled to share that I’ve just received the third book in the series from Kristen the author, so watch for it as there will be an upcoming review and giveaway for that one as well!

  24. Mary Hill says:

    Thanks again for sharing on Literacy Musing Mondays. 🙂

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