Wordless Wednesday – Nutro Perfect Portions Review

Magelllan The Stalking Cat

Magellan watches intensely to make sure breakfast is prepared just the way he likes it!

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Tsunami & Magellan Review Nutro Perfect Portions

Every morning when I walk into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my family, I am stalked by two ravenous cats: at least, you’d think they were ravenous from the way they howl and yowl! It doesn’t matter that they always have a bowl of nutritious dry food sitting on the table for them to free feed from whenever they are hungry. My boys are smart. They want to start their day with the “good stuff” – the canned cat food that we keep in the cupboard!

Magellan Inspects The Nutro

Nothing smells as good as a package from Chewy.com!

Of course, I don’t mind the daily chorus. Feeding cats quality canned cat food provides them with an important source of nutrition and hydration. The only thing that can be frustrating at times is dealing with leftovers from partially used cans.

Nutro Perfect Portions

If you’ve ever dealt with cat food leftovers you’ll appreciate this packaging!

That’s why I was thrilled when our friends at Chewy.com sent Magellan and Tsunami a case of Nutro’s Natural Choice Perfect Portions Chicken Recipe Cat Free Trays to try! Perfect Portions solves the leftover problem by pre-splitting the packages so that you can serve half now, half latter without messy leftovers! How ingenious is that!

I'm Not Letting The Nutro Out Of My Sight

I’m Not Letting The Nutro Out Of My Sight

As you can see, Magellan was excited by this discovery too! He made it his personal mission to inspect the Nutro at every point of it journey from package to plate!

Nutro Perfect Portions Makes The Perfect Meal

Nutro Perfect Portions Makes The Perfect Meal

Both cats appreciated the opportunity to sample Nutro Perfect Portions and, as always, Tsunami cleaned his plate!

Chat In The Comments

Breakfast is an important meal in our household!
What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Share your thoughts and stories in the comments!

Bubble Baths For Tigers

Wordless Wednesday – Week of July 21, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

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63 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Nutro Perfect Portions Review”

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  1. stevebethere says:

    Aww! cute photos heheh! 🙂

  2. Parent Club says:

    Looks like a great portion size

  3. And what cute reviewers they are! You are blessed!

  4. Eileen says:

    Sweet kitties and cute photos. Enjoy your week!

  5. meowmeowmans says:

    Magellan and Tsunami really seemed to like those Nutro Perfect Portions. Clean plates are always a good thing. 🙂

  6. Such sweet captures… 🙂
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  7. Ashleigh says:

    Thank you for hosting this great linky! Have a wonderful week!

  8. Great review and I love the idea of half portions! My cats are on my WW today. 🙂

  9. Your cats are always so cute! I’ll have to show my son, as he is sorely missing our cat while we’re on vacation!

  10. It is his world and we just live in it.

  11. Mary Denman says:

    Love how your kitties helped with getting their meal ready! Guess they like being featured each week!

    My Monday’s post was about the lessons I’ve learned from my cats. 🙂 I was thinking of your when I wrote it.

    For breakfast, usually coffee and yogurt or a banana.

    I’m going to try for the book “Conquer your Pain.” I don’t know if you know but I have both migraines and fibromyalgia. It sounds like a really good book! Thanks for your wonderful reviews!

    Have a great day!

    Have a great day Ramona!

  12. Ellen Pilch says:

    Glad your kitties like the food. Mine like that kind too 🙂

  13. Thanks for the party!

  14. Claudia says:

    I love your kitties. I wish I could cuddle them for real…

  15. Hello, feline-friends! What a lovely meal you are having – yum.
    My doggies are also featured for this week’s WW.

  16. Terra Heck says:

    Pretty cats! I don’t own any felines but my daughter does. I think the Perfect Portions would be great for them.

    • Thanks Terra! The Perfect Portions comes in a variety of flavors so your daughter could probably find one that her cats will love. I know I could never find a lid that matched the cans I bought!

  17. Perfect portion sizes are nice as there wont be any waste =)

  18. We split our cans now too and have covers, but that looks like a neat idea. Wonder if that packaging increases the price. How do you get samples?

  19. Oh wow! That is ingenious! That’s one of the reasons I don’t get canned cat food for our cats, because they don’t like the other half of the can after it’s been in the fridge – even if I warm it up they still turn their noses up at it. I’ll have to check those out! 🙂

  20. Jeanette says:

    Your mainecoons are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  21. LadyD says:

    I think you and your beautiful cat are the lucky ones. ‘Jazz’ doesn’t like canned food or fish; simply dry on a daily basis! Thanks for hosting, Ramona!

  22. I bought some Nutro for my cat last month to try out…but oh man i could not stand the smell of it! It made my whole house stink!

    Why oh why does my cat have to love soft food so much?! lol.

    Also i got a giggle out of the first pic as I totally thought he was hanging out with toilet paper…until i realized that it was paper towel 😉

    Hope you’ll stop by! 🙂

  23. Star Traci says:

    They certainly seem happy! My kids wail like they’re starving, as well. Even when they have just had something – haha!

  24. XmasDolly says:

    Where do you find these videos! That one is just too cute! Well, another scorcer today and I’m already melting. Hubby stayed home today because of a bad tooth! Bummer… and I just paid off that dentist bill. The last time I told him when I came in is my bill was almost paid off & I get a toothache, but I told him his son wasn’t out of college yet. I have to keep up the payments. bwahahahahaha He laughed too! LOL Hugs and have a wonderful wonderfuf week my friend! HUGS

  25. Tsunami and Magellan are great treat testers 🙂
    I think we don’t have that brand here in Portugal.

    • Hi Rosa – so glad to see you this week!
      I believe that Nutro Perfect Portions is new so it may not have reached Portugal yet but if you are interested contact the company – perhaps they can send it to you! 🙂

  26. Look like great portions!

  27. What smart packaging!

  28. Ken says:

    Hi! My first time here. I’ll make sure to remember Tsunami – your adorable baby! That name caught me!

  29. Robin says:

    Nutro is a great food! My cats love it. The perfect portions are great too. There are a lot of cats who prefer to have more frequent, smaller meals and Nutro Perfect Portions makes that easy.

  30. paula schuck says:

    I have seen this food and it looks really good actually. I need to watch that Tiger video again and show my kids later. LOL.

  31. Nona says:

    Well isn’t that genius! Really perfect for single cat households! And grain free too!

  32. Lisa Ehrman says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this Awesome Party at What Are You Doing? Blog Hop!

  33. Lucky kitties! Looks like you got to try some tasty grub. And thanks for sharing the tiger bubble baths. What fun for them!

  34. I have seen so many over weight cats, that I think controlled portions like these are a great idea. I am visiting from the blog link up and hope that you stop by and say hello as well.

    Enzie from Portraits-by-Nc.com

  35. Me to sings for my humans until I get my wet food in the morning 🙂

  36. Ellen Pilch says:

    My kitties love that food too. You 2 look adorable.

  37. Athena and Marie says:

    Lovely photos!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  38. Sounds like yummy food! Yummy food for a handsome kitty!!!

  39. That looks like some good food!

  40. Kitties Blue says:

    We got some of that food at BlogPaws and liked it. Mom says with eight of us it is a pain opening all the little packages as we are all very impatient. Enjoyed the bathing tigers. Thanks for joining our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    • Boy, I know how impatient my 2 cats are – I need to wear a helmet at feeding time as the cats are underfoot trying to trip me trying to get to their food – I can only imagine what mealtime must look like in your house!

      With 8 cats I’m sure there is always someone there to clean your plates!

  41. WOW We arrive late for the Sunday Selfie and find you nomming super special treats!!! * grin* Hope they are tasty!


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