Wordless Wednesday – The Many Faces Of Magellan

Many Faces Of Magellan - 2

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Week

If a picture is worth a thousand words,
Then exactly what are these photographs saying?

The Three Faces Of Magellan

Happy Wordless Wednesday to you, dear friends!
It’s no secret that cats like boxes.
Where there’s a box, there is usually a cat inside!

Many Faces Of Magellan - 3

Recently, Magellan discovered a new box
That was in the process of making its way through the house
On its way to the recycling bin.
Of course, he couldn’t resist turning it into a cat toy!

Many Faces Of Magellan - 1

What was most interesting, however,
Were the wide range of expressions he displayed during the
Duration of his time in the box!

Chat In The Comments

What do you think Magellan is thinking about in these photos?
Do you have a caption that captures the essences of what’s on his mind?

Share your thoughts in the comments and make us smile!

Cat Logic

Wordless Wednesday – Week of August 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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47 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – The Many Faces Of Magellan”

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  1. Keith's Ramblings says:

    What is about boxes that cats and little children like sos much? Delightful shots.

  2. stevebethere says:

    LOL Looking as regal as ever, I think he is thinking “Give me some nibbles and I will get out of the box” LOL

    • Steve. I think you might just be right!
      Photo 1 – Contemplating the best way to approach Mom!
      Photo 2 – Wide eye innocence – that should work!
      Photo 3 – The scowl of disgust when the treats do not appear!
      Have a great day (and can’t wait to see everyone else’s take on these photos!)

  3. LuAnn Braley says:

    So it’s not exactly wordless.

    Speaking of playing in boxes, that reminds me of a story my mother used to tell about when my brother and I (me?) were children. Apparently I was a good deal more energetic than my older brother, and he used to climb into my playpen to get away from me when I was on the loose! :p

  4. Rhonda Albom says:

    That photo in the box, looking up is really cool.

  5. LadyD says:

    Great close up shots of your beautiful cat!!

  6. Linda B says:

    Magellan is thinking about his new fort and that it’s now a part of him and your home. Best not be thinking of removing it.

    Great pics.

  7. He looks very serious about his play!! Does he like to rip up a cat scratching pad or post!
    Happy Wednesday!!

  8. Love all the precious faces! Thanks for hosting! Teresa

  9. My favorite cat.

    He is thinking. This is mine. You can’t take it.

  10. Lee Ann says:

    Shaping up to be a great party today – thanks for hosting!!

  11. If I had to chose one I would select the last one, there is just something about his expression that keeps calling my attention.

    In overall they are all very nice pictures.
    Have a wonderful week!

  12. That second photo is PRICELESS!!!

  13. Really cute video and so true of cats!

  14. The second photo is so funny! Love those expressive eyes!

  15. Thanks for hosting! Love the pictures. Hope you have a wonderful week 🙂

  16. meowmeowmans says:

    Magellan, we love all three of your faces, handsome dude!

    Thank you for hosting the hop, Ramona!

  17. Mary Denman says:

    He’s such an interesting cat! He almost makes as many faces as my daughter!

    I loved the video!!! My cats are so like that! 🙂

    Have a great day Ramona!

  18. Karen W says:

    I love all the expressions. Too cute

  19. Oh kitty cats and their boxes!! lol. Mine have been all over this crinkly reusable shopping bag that got left on the floor!

  20. Star Traci says:

    You’ve got a few novels right there — such an expressive cat!
    Happy WW!

  21. XmasDolly says:

    Kitties always have funny faces to me. they’re so darn cute! Have a great day1

  22. Summer says:

    I think Magellan was just really enjoying himself!

  23. Purrsea says:

    I think Magellan is thinking big boxes needs a lid, or if it has one, somebody to close it. =^,,^=

  24. I think in the last picture Magellan is saying: “don’t even think of throwing this box away. It’s mine!”. My cat also love boxes – and grocery bags 🙂

  25. tea says:

    For the last photo of Magellan he is thinking, “May I get out of here now?”

  26. Carol Samsel says:

    He’s such a handsome kitty 🙂

  27. He looks like he got caught in the first one! 🙂 Thanks for hosting again.

  28. Anita Lim says:

    I love the different expressions in your photos! I think that the middle one looks a little like ‘Who, me??’ Wishing you a happy Wordless Wednesday 🙂

  29. Piranha Banana says:

    Beautiful photographs, so fluffy!


  30. Shadow says:

    purrrrty pictures of an adventuresome cat. That last picture says moms about to take the box away.

  31. Colonialist says:

    The expressions are great!
    My (fairly) wordless contribution appears here:

  32. Robin says:

    Magellan is so cute! I can’t blame him for taking a few minutes to enjoy that box. It looks like he had a lot of fun. 🙂

  33. The middle pic…he has that “You caught me” look on his face. He’s so cute!

    That video totally captures all the things of cats! The kitty in the crock pot. I can’t get over that! I’m tempted to leave mine open to see if one of mine will get in. 😀

    • The funny thing about those photos, Michelle, is that I was going up and down the stairs that day doing stuff (the box was at the bottom of the stairs) and each time I came down he was sitting by himself with a completely different expression on his face – living out a complete drama within the confines of the box!

      Glad you enjoyed the video. Have an awesome week! 🙂


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  4. […] Last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday came from Ramona of Create with Joy. Have you been blogging for a while? And participating in weekly memes? Yes? Then I am sure you know Ramona’s virtual home. She has got fantastic parties running MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday – for the un-initiated :)). An avid reader and book reviewer and creator of beautiful handmade cards, Ramona has quickly become one of our s~A(R)T~urday regulars. And in case she did not create a card, there is always a fun and creative photo of one of her gorgeous Maine Coon cats. She shared one of Magellan in last week’s entry here. […]

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