5 Minutes With Jesus by Shelia Walsh – Book Review

5 Minutes For Jesus

5 Minutes With Jesus – Book Review

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105

Do you ever have the desire, in the midst of your busy day, to spend some alone time with God – but feel so busy or so overwhelmed that you struggle to work Him into your schedule?

Do you ever want to pull out your Bible and spend some quality time reflecting on God’s word but don’t feel you have the time to spare?

Best-selling author and Bible teacher Shelia Walsh knows that trying to balance work, family, friends and ministry can be a struggle, and thankfully, she has a win-win solution for you.

Sheila says that in those moments when life is so pressure-laden that you feel you don’t have time for one more thing – 5 Minutes With Jesus is all it takes to begin to renew your spiritual life.

5 Minutes With Jesus – Making Today Matter is a timely devotional that presents life-changing truths in bite-sized pieces. The devotions, while brief, hit the mark in providing women with the spiritual nourishment to feed on as they go through their busy days. Each devotional contains a positive biblical message and several passages of Scripture to reflect upon throughout the day.

Sheila reminds us:

God’s time is not like ours…
He can do more with us in five minutes than if we spent five hours on our own.

If you are looking for an inspirational book that’s short, sweet and to the point – a devotional that’s both practical yet Christ-honoring – 5 Minutes With Jesus will meet your needs.

I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.

About Sheila Walsh

Shelia Walsh

Sheila Walsh is a powerful Bible teacher and best-selling author from Scotland with over 5 million books sold. Her international ministry has reached more than 5.5 million women by combining honesty, vulnerability, and humor with the transforming power of God’s Word.

Calling Texas home, Sheila lives in Frisco with her husband, Barry, her son, Christian, and three little dogs.


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Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Icon Media Group for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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11 Responses to “5 Minutes With Jesus by Shelia Walsh – Book Review”

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  1. Sheila Walsh has been off my radar for some time, so thanks for making the connection for me, again. Too often I think I need five minutes with God and put it off, thinking if I just get “this” done, I’ll then have 10 minutes to spend with Him. I will check out her book. Thank you! Brenda

    • I was excited to see and read Sheila’s book too as it had been a long time since I had read a book from her and I have always enjoyed her books. So glad you stopped by Brenda – hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 🙂

  2. Melissa B says:

    Thanks for sharing the information about this book! It sounds wonderful.

  3. Nicole Blean says:

    Hello! Stopping by from Katherine’s Corner Thursday Favorite things. I enjoyed your book review and love your blog!

  4. C.L. Murphy says:

    I love the idea of finding more time to reflect on God’s word. <3

  5. Suzie says:

    I had heard of this but didn’t know more about it. Thank you for this post. I am considering getting it!

  6. Jann Cobb says:

    Thank you for sharing about this book. I love Sheila Walsh. Stopping by from Reflect.

  7. Jessica says:

    Great review! I like the fact that you reflected upon the content in a personal way but explained it to your audience without any assumptions. Great work : )

  8. Leslie says:

    Thanks for the tip. Sounds like a great book! I’m so glad you linked up at Literacy Musing Mondays.

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