Wordless Wednesday – The Sentry

9-8-15 Magellan - The Sentry (UD)

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Quote Of The Week

I’ve met many irresponsible people in my life
But never an irresponsible cat.

Rita Mae Brown

Magellan – The Sentry

Do you have someone who watches over your home?
Perhaps you have a dog…
A home security system…
Or even an eagle-eyed neighbor…

In our home, we are blessed with Magellan,
Our self-appointed Sentry and Neighborhood Watch Cat!

Maine Coon Cats are natural-born guardians
Who bond very closely with their families,
Have a keen sense of territory,
And are naturally protective of those that they love!

They will watch over you while you sleep
(Often positioning themselves between you and the doorway) !
The will lay where they can guard doors and windows –
And alert you to the slightest change in your environment!

Maine Coons have a keen sense of time.
In our home, my cats have a sense of everyone’s schedule and –
When someone is out longer than they should be –
They will sit by the doors and windows awaiting their arrival
Until all household humans are present and accounted for!

Today’s photo shows The Sentry in action.
He is guarding the stairs –
Making sure no one passes by while his upstairs people sleep –
While making sure the downstairs people stay safe!

Chat In The Comments

Have you ever met or owned a self-appointed watch pet?
Share your stories in the comments!

Thunder Dog by Michael Hingson

As we approach the anniversary of 9/11, I wanted to share the amazing story of two World Trade Center survivors with you – Michael Hingson, a man who was born blind, and his guide dog Roselle, who guided him to safety that day.

Michael tells their story in his wonderful book Thunder Dog.

Wordless Wednesday – Week of September 8, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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49 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – The Sentry”

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  1. Ellen Pilch says:

    Maine Coons are very sweet and lots of fun.

  2. What a gorgeous cat. Thanks for hosting WW. Have a great week.

  3. Eileen says:

    Your kitty is adorable, pretty photo. Have a happy week!

  4. stevebethere says:

    I think that’s the best photo of Magellan so far 🙂

    Have a regaltastic week 🙂

  5. Gorgeous kitty! Magellan steals the show!

  6. Love visiting you and seeing Magellan!

  7. Claire says:

    Such a sweet picture 🙂

    Thanks for hosting,,

  8. kristi says:

    Magellan looks like a perfect sentry to me – very watchful and dignified!

  9. Love the pictures! Makes me want to get another cat — especially this breed. Then I remind myself about kitty pans and decide against it 😉 Love the post!

  10. Heather says:

    That’s so interesting about main coons. My siamese “Sam” likes to growl at the door. I had never heard a cat growl like a dog until he became a part of our family. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog!

  11. Mary Denman says:

    What a fantastic breed! Our Alpha, Duchess, prowls the perimeter of our yard and will fend off dogs if necessary!

    I found out this weekend Kuzco can hear our car from about 2 blocks away. I was talking to my daughter as she drove in to our neighborhood. As she neared our house, Kuzco went on alert. I asked her where she was. “A couple of blocks away.” He stayed on alert till she came in, then went to greet her!

    Magellan is just beautiful. 🙂 Have a great day Ramona!

    • It’s amazing how attuned cats are to their environments – you can learn so much from them just by watching the visual cues they give you!

      Have a wonderful week! Hope to see some Kuzco photos real soon!

  12. meowmeowmans says:

    We love Maine Coons, and we love Magellan, too! 🙂

    Thank you for hosting, Ramona. Have a great day!

  13. XmasDolly says:

    Well, it’s a wee bit late for this one to be watching a video so I’ll save that to watch it with my coffee. Sweet dreams my friend and may you be in heaven ten minutes before the devil knows your gone! HUGS…

  14. Summer says:

    I like to think I’m a watch cat, but my human says I’m just a lookie-loo!

  15. Claudia says:

    Not only is he the sentry, but Magellan is also very majestic 🙂

  16. Kitties Blue says:

    Tortie Astrid is our watch cat. Though Mauricio and Lily Olivia can often be found on the front porch SLEEPING, Astrid is normally on the cat tree in the front window or sitting in the window watching all the comings and goings. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. He is simply “The Most Interesting Cat In The World.”

  18. Mister Cat is also a sentry and neighborhood watch cat. Like Magellan, he loves to control everything that’s going on and protect the house.

  19. XmasDolly says:

    What a nice video for you to Post and what’s even nicer is this man writing this book. I tried to find the button you said was in your side-bar, but it’s probably so big it would bite me in the nose, but I don’t see it. I was going to share for you. Thank you for sharing for the 9/11 tribute. I told you I’d be back… hehehe

  20. What a beauty! Looks quite majestic!


  21. Magellan is such an elegant cat! I could look at pictures of him for hours––gorgeous! <3

  22. super cuteeee…feel like cuddling you beautiful pet 🙂

  23. Robin says:

    Magellan looks like he is doing a great job as a watch cat! Neither of my cats would make very good watch cats. I suppose that Manna would be the closest because she needs to check out everything that is going on.

  24. Ah Magellan sounds amazing. I’ve never owned a cat but reading this I actually feel like having one 🙂

  25. Nice that you have someone to guard the house!

  26. Rorybore says:

    I don’t think our cat would even notice if someone came into our house. he just comes to find us when his food dish is empty, or he wants out.
    but.. I noticed he does not like any squirrels in HIS yard. ha

  27. Melissa B says:

    I love Maine Coon Cats! =)

    When I lived on the farm, many years ago — we had a Family Dog that used to wait on the side of the country road until we arrived back home.

  28. Mummy here and there says:

    What a gorgeous kitty kat, purrr!

  29. We have dogs and cats at home and I feel safer where they are there. My fave guard is Kitty a white dog. She is dead now but she is the best dog ever!

  30. That’s a great quote, Megallan and you’re a beauty 🙂 Pawkisses 🙂 <3

  31. That’s a gorgeous kitty! 😀

  32. Oh, what a gorgeous cat. I have a cat that is likely to just stare at an intruder in disgust and a labrador who would bark like crazy and then lick the person to death! Thanks for linking up with #featurefridays

  33. Michelle says:

    I’m behind again! Magellan certainly seems like a terrific sentry. 🙂

    Alice has always been some kind of a guard cat. It mostly amounts to her growling when someone comes to the door. lol


  1. […] Wordless Wednesday (create-with-joy.com) […]

  2. […] You can meet Magellan – one of my fur babies – at this week’s Wordless Wednesday party! […]

  3. […] It’s not quite wordless, but this photo is part of Wordless Wednesday on Create With Joy! […]

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