Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – Review & Giveaway

Chicken Soup For The Soul - Merry Christmas

Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – Book Review

Are you looking for a special book to help you ring in the Christmas season?

Get ready to celebrate – Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – 101 Joyous Holiday Stories is here!

Merry Christmas is filled with 101 heartwarming and entertaining stories of holiday traditions, family and goodwill that will fill your hearts with the wonder and joy of the holiday season. Reading the stories in this book is guaranteed to put you in a festive mood – the introduction to the book is written by Santa Claus himself!

Adults and children alike will delight in reading and hearing the wonder-filled, Santa-safe stories found in Merry Christmas!, which span the following categories:

  • Tales Of The Tree
  • The Joy Of Family
  • The Perfect Gift
  • A Different Kind Of Christmas
  • Christmas Spirit Is Alive And Well
  • Holiday Shenanigans
  • The Joy Of Giving
  • Traditions Worth Sharing
  • Around The Table
  • Honoring Memories

You’ll even find a few Christmas poems and cartoons in this book!

Reading the stories in Merry Christmas is a fabulous tradition to start with your family. This book also makes a wonderful gift to give to your family and friends!

Be sure to pick up your copy of Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – 101 Joyous Holiday Stories today – or enter our Giveaway for a chance to win a copy for yourself or a friend!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Chicken Soup For The Soul for review purposes. However, the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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About Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC, publishes the famous “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series. In 2007, USA Today named “Chicken Soup For The Soul” one of the five most memorable books in the last quarter century. With over 100 million books sold to date in the U.S. and Canada alone, almost 250 titles in print and translations into more than 40 languages, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” is one of the world’s best known phrases. Today, 20 years, after it first began sharing readers’ experiences, Chicken Soup for the Soul continues to provide extraordinary stories through its new books but has also evolved beyond the bookstore.

Chicken Soup for the Soul is known for high-quality products including wholesome and balanced pet food that recognizes the unique relationship between pets and people and a new line of delicious nutritious comfort food inspired by the connection between food and feelings.

Chicken Soup For The Soul is “always there for you.”

For More Information

Other Fabulous Chicken Soup For The Soul Books

For more inspirational reading, check out these Chicken Soup For The Soul books!

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Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – Giveaway

Would you like the chance to own a copy of the Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas? Create With Joy is excited to offer not one, not two, but three lucky readers the opportunity to win this very special book!

To enter this giveaway, follow Create With Joy and submit your entries through the Rafflecopter form. This giveaway is open to Create With Joy readers, 18 years and older, who reside in the US/Canada, and is open now through Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 11:59 PM PST.

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23 Responses to “Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – Review & Giveaway”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Bethany says:

    It’s a little one, but I really enjoy making wassail. It’s delicious! I live in the US.

  2. Melanie Backus says:

    A favorite Christmas tradition is on Christmas morning every year, we enjoy watching our little grands eyes light up as we see what Santa brought them and then we all enjoy a delicious breakfast together.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  3. Carl says:

    One of our favoirtes when I was a child was to drive all over town looking at the Christmas light displays. I still enjoy doing that today. Thanks. crs(at)codedivasites(dot)com (USA)

  4. Sharon Schoepe says:

    One of my favorite Christmas traditions is baking and decorating cookies with the kids on Christmas eve

  5. Anne says:

    A tradition of a Christmas Eve feast with family and storytelling to follow.

  6. Julia @ It's Always Ruetten says:

    Growing up, my sister and I always were given one gift to open on Christmas Eve and it was always a new pair of pajamas. Although I have not started my own family, it is a tradition I will be sure to continue on myself! Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win!

  7. Leslie says:

    Thanks for linking up at Literacy Musing Mondays. Looks like another great dose of Chicken Soup-style inspiration! I’ll add your link to my giveaway roundup!

  8. Oh I haven’t read a Chicken Soup book in so long, this Christmas edition sounds heartwarming and wonderful. Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!

  9. Melissa S says:

    I love srtinging cranberries and popcorn for our tree each year and putting them out for the birds after Christmas.

  10. Bi this book looks fun and would perfectly with my collection of Chicken Soup For The Soul. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!!

  11. Great review! Chicken Soup for the Soul books are amazing! Thanks for sharing with #SocialButterflySunday! Hope to see you link up again this week 🙂

  12. June S. says:

    Our christmas tradition is getting the whole family together every year, having a big christmas dinner together, and then exchanging the gifts we bought for each other.

  13. Sunnymay says:

    We have two traditions that I grew up with. The first is stringing cranberries and popcorn to onto heavy duty thread and then stringing it around the tree. It looks adds a pop of color and then, when the tree is taken down, the birds get to enjoy the treat outside when placed on a tree there. The second is singing carols.

  14. Dana Kay Murphy says:

    Since my husband and I were first married and for 26 years we have always put up the Christmas decorations on Thanksgiving Day. Nowdays its just me and him as they are all off on their own. But it’s all ready for them when they come to dinner that night.

  15. amy says:

    My favorite tradition as a child was all of us riding around the neighborhood in the car to see all the pretty lights on Christmas Eve, then going home to decorate the tree and drink hot chocolate!


  1. I have great feelings for Christmas because it is solemn, peaceful and serene. – ARTICLES WORLD BANK says:

    […] Chicken Soup For The Soul – Merry Christmas! – Review & Giveaway […]

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