Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 244

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Expand your social media networks!
  • Foster friendships with other bloggers!

Each week, we invite you to:

  • Meet our Featured Friend Of The Week and enjoy our Spotlight Post!
  • Grow your Social Networks by participating in our rotating Social Media Boost.
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and parties at Friendship Friday.
  • Visit your neighbors and make new friends!
  • Chat with us in the comments – we’d love to get to know you!
  • Follow Create With Joy and explore our blog for our latest creative features!
  • Check our sidebar and enter our latest Giveaways!

We’d appreciate it if you’d spread the word about Friendship Friday by adding our beautiful blog button to your blog/posts and spread the word on your social media sites so that others can join the fun!

We look forward to connecting with you on:

Instagram * Pinterest * Twitter * Facebook *
Google Plus * BlogLovin *
StumbleUpon * GoodReads * RSS * E-Mail

Opportunity: Join The Dealspotr Influencer Network

dealspotr influencer network

Are you are committed to helping your family make the most of their resources? Do you like to help others do the same? If so, I’d like to invite you to join the Dealspotr Influencer Network – a group of bloggers and social influencers who earn rewards simply by helping other people save money!

Whether your interest lies in parenting, travel, crafts, food or other lifestyle topics, there’s a place for you in the Influencer Network! To learn more about this opportunity, read my Dealspotr Review – then use my affiliate link to Join Dealspotr as an Influencer and enter referral code OFra8FM1 at the prompt to receive valuable points that can be redeemed for gift cards or cash, based on your status within the network!

In my first 8 days I’ve qualified for $60 in gift cards/cash via paypal and received a $25 bonus gift card for sharing my suggestions so don’t miss out on this fabulous opportunity that rewards you for helping others save!

Friend Of The Week – Lydia


Who have you met on your blogging journey this week? As I visited last week’s partygoers, one of the bloggers I met was Lydia Borengasser – a young women who is focused on another type of journey on her wonderful blog, Journey Of The Word!

Lydia is a faith-based blogger who loves the Lord and shares the indestructible hope and indestructible joy that her faith in Jesus provides her. The focus of her blog is getting to know God through His Word, and she’s provides amazing resources and community for those who share her aspirations.

On a more personal note, Lydia shares that she’s a Southerner who lives in a semi-Northern state – an older sister to five – a piano teacher – a former conference director – and a photographer wanna-be!

Comments mean the world to bloggers. Won’t you brighten Lydia’s day by dropping by her blog, introducing yourself, and congratulating her for being our Friend of the Week at Create With Joy?

Now It’s Your Turn To Share!

Let's Chat

Question Of The Week:
What is your favorite Fall activity?

Please share your thoughts in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

We’d Love To Feature You!

We’d love the opportunity to get to know you better!
Please introduce yourself in the comments and
Tell us a little about yourself, your blog, and the story behind it.
Each week, we’ll select a blogger to feature as our Friend Of The Week!

Be sure to link to us and spread the love
By sharing our Friendship Friday party with all of your friends!

Remember – building community and developing friendships
Is what Friendship Friday is all about!

Social Media Boost Of The Week – Twitter

Welcome to the Social Media Boost Of The Week! Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to grow a different social network. This week, we’re boosting Twitter!


To join the fun:

  • Please follow Create With Joy on Twitter!
  • Add the Twitter account link you’d like us to follow.
  • To help ensure that everyone who participates in the event benefits, please be sure to follow and like a few of the accounts on the list!

Thanks for joining us – we look forward to connecting with you!

IMPORTANT: ONLY Add TWITTER Links to this Social Media Boost list!
Add your Blog Posts to the Friendship Friday Link-Up (BELOW!)

Social Media Boost – Twitter

Friendship Friday Blog Party

Friendship Friday

Welcome to the Friendship Friday Blog Party – the heart of our weekly gathering! You are invited to:

  • Share your favorite blog posts and projects throughout the week.
  • Share your favorite posts from the past.
  • Share links to giveaways, reviews and any parties that you host.

You may share as many features as you like!

Friendship Friday is the place to make new friends, to grow rich relationships, to explore new blogs, and to expand your social networks! Please take the time to connect with your best buddies as well as reach out to a few new friends each week – it makes your experience so much more rewarding!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Be sure to check the Sidebar for our latest Giveaways and leave a comment and let us know what you’re up to this week!

Copyright © 2016 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

14 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Party & Social Media Boost 244”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Melissa says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Thankful for your faithfulness here!

  3. Thank you for hosting at Create With Joy! I love comments, too, so I’ll definitely stop by Lydia’s and leave a comment.

  4. Oh my goodness! How sweet of you to feature my blog! Thanks for sending people my way and for hosting this linkup every week! Blessings to you!

  5. My favorite fall activity would be seeing the fall leaves turn colors and hearing the leaves crunch! Hope you are enjoying your fall.
    Thanks for hosting, have a great week! Stay safe!

  6. Helen Fern says:

    Great party!! Visited a few blogs, clicked a couple of interesting ads – Thanks for hosting!

  7. Thanks for hosting Ramona! And thank you for sharing with my party as well 🙂

  8. meowmeowmans says:

    Lydia sounds like a really cool blogger! We will go and check out her blog. 🙂

    Thank you for hosting, as always, Ramona. Big hugs to you, Magellan and Tsunami! 🙂

  9. Thistle says:

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  1. […] Penny’s Passion, Live Laugh Rowe, Katherine’s Corner, A Bountiful Love, Saving 4 Six, Create with Joy, Diary of a Real Housewife, Sincerely Paula, Life with Lorelai, A Kreative Whim, Organized […]

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