Wordless Wednesday – A Taste Of The Wild

Hungry Cats

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

A Taste Of The Wild Cat Food #ChewyInfluencer Review

Lately, we’ve been wondering where our cats pack all of their food. They nibble on kibble around the clock. They dine on moist morsels morning and night. And yet – when we meet and greet them in the morning – they howl and yowl because they’ve licked their plates clean!

Could there be a basket of kittens living in the basement that we know nothing about?


Since cats are carnivores – and protein is supposed to fill them up – this week, we decided to start their day with Taste Of The Wild, a new food the Royal Taste Testers have been asked to sample, complements of Chewy.com!

Chewy sent them two flavors – Taste Of The Wild Salmon and Roasted Venison and Taste Of The Wild Trout And Salmon – to sample. This grain-free food comes packaged in 3-oz metal cans of 24 (5.5 oz cans are also available).

Taste Of The Wild features real meat, served in a gravy taste, with powerful antioxidants delivered from fruits and vegetables.


On Day 1 of their taste test, Magellan and Tsunami dined on the Salmon and Roasted Venison. Although both cats ultimately ate their food, Tsunami clearly enjoyed it more than Magellan. Magellan was a reluctant eater: he circled both plates repeatedly and only ate after a bit of coaxing. After eating, he showed much more enthusiasm for playing with his Chewy box top than he did for his entire meal!

On Day 2 of their taste test, Magellan and Tsunami were offered the Trout and Salmon, which clearly did not appeal to either of their taste buds. Magellan flat out refused to eat any of the food and waited until he was served his regular kibble to eat. Tsunami did eat some of the food – but normally, he will eat both his and his brother’s food if given the option, and there was plenty of food left behind on both plates.


Perhaps my boys would have liked this food better had they received a Chicken sample. I was certainly hoping they would like Taste Of The Wild since the formulation is healthy and other felines have enjoyed it – but when it comes to food, cats are like horses: you can lead them to water, but you can’t make them drink!

In any event, we appreciate Chewy’s generosity and look forward to sharing the results of their next taste test with you!

Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami received a free sample of this product from Chewy.com as members of the #ChewyInfluencer Network. The opinions we’ve shared reflect our personal experience with this product. We are also Chewy.com Autoship customers and we highly recommend their service to you!

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Do you notices changes in your pet’s appetite as the seasons change?
Please share your stories in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of April 4, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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35 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – A Taste Of The Wild”

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  1. stevebethere says:

    Aww! they look like they like it heheh!

    Have a cutetastic week 🙂

    PS: I have cancelled your acupuncture appointment

  2. Ellen Pilch says:

    Sorry it wasn’t a hit like it was here.

  3. It is amazing to me that cats find and like the smallest boxes, no matter their age, they just have to sit!!! Have a great week!

  4. They are so sweet and I enjoy seeing them hanging out together. Thanks for hosting!

  5. meowmeowmans says:

    Well, at least Magellan and Tsunami gave it a try. 🙂

  6. I just love looking at their expressions. They both look so ‘Noble’.

    Thanks for sharing! ( I tweeted your linkup too 😉

    – Lisa

  7. Daniela says:

    I’m sincerely grateful to you for hosting, sweet friend, and let me know that your fur babies are simply stunning ! !

    Enjoy the remainder of your week,
    may it be filled with joy and wonder

    XOXO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  8. Maggie says:

    Chewy’s is a terrific source. Thanks for the link-up!

  9. Ramona, thanks for hosting the mid-week fun. Be sure to drop by for a look at the letter “D” (dogs)in my A2Z series, Art Sketching through the Alphabet! 😉

  10. Thanks for hosting and have rest of the week.

    The kitties know that your food dish is best.

  11. Shanna says:

    Thanks for the review. With two picky cats, I always appreciate reading about other cats’ opinions of products.

  12. Valentine says:

    Hi Magellan and Tsunami and your human! It is pawsome that you get to be food testers! I found Taste of the Wild moist foods to be yum yum. However, Mom says I am allergic to the foods with gravy added, so she doesn’t feed them to me much anymore. I love gravy, too, and am really hoping my allergy for it goes away! -Your new pal, Val.

  13. Even if they didn’t like some of the food, at least they got a fabulous box to sit in!

  14. Marie Moody says:

    My numbers has catapulted downward this morning. I cannot believe it. They’re over 100 lower of people who have stopped by. I’m so sad I cannot believe it. I’m on here all the time and this happens. I was up there and now I’m in the 300’s 🙁 NOBODY LOVES ME!!!! sniff-sniff…. I need to figure out something to make my blog more interesting… any suggestions my friend???? Thank you so much… maybe I need to get some kitties… 🙂 could never get any as cute as yours though… thanks for sharing.

  15. Betty Sue says:

    That first one looked yummy enough for human food! I do believe that cats are even pickier eaters than their humans. I know mine are. Homemade bread is pretty much unanimous as a favorite food among all of my cats, though.
    Such beautiful cats you have!

  16. Sharon says:

    This is my first visit to your blog. Magellan and Tsunami are beautiful!

    I love your creative blog hop as well. I’ll try to join in next week. I’ve signed up for your new posts by email. Look forward to getting to know you!

  17. Your cat is gorgeous! I love Chewy.com. I have an order arriving tomorrow. Such a great company.

  18. Robin says:

    These foods look really yummy! I think that my cats would enjoy the chicken the most too. There’s just something about chicken that they can’t resist. 🙂

  19. Melissa says:

    Cat’s are very selective…and it takes a while to warm up to new food! At least with my boy,

  20. Hi guys you look stunning, as usual. I always vote with my paws by walking from all but the best food. Alas to date there is none that matches Mice and Sparrows by ‘Natures Own’. MOL

    Purrs, Erin

  21. Good to know about the taste tests. And as always love looking at your stunning babies!

  22. speedyrabbit says:

    Kitties can’t like everything,xx Speedy


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