Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!
Beautiful Distractions
If you are owned by one or more cats, have you noticed how whenever they walk into a room, they have a way of taking over everything? For instance, just as I sat down to write this post, Magellan (like clockwork) came bounding over to my chair, trilled at me expectantly, jumped on my lap, and (as is his way), insisted that I put my current plans on hold and make petting him, hugging him, kissing him, and loving him my highest priority of the day!
There is no limit to this behavior. For instance, movies and television shows frequently get disrupted in our home whenever Tsunami decides to jump on Dear Dad’s chest and block his view with his mountain-sized silhouette!
Bathrooms are another favorite hangout for our cats. Lately, whenever I go to brush my teeth, I find my routine interrupted – no, make that pre-empted – as Tsunami races to the sink for a very long sip of water and a chance to freshen up his paws right in front of me! (Apparently, the rules regarding cutting in line were never discussed in cat finishing school!)
And nothing will attract our majestic felines to us faster than a book or creative project in hand! The moment we lay anything on our table, our cats are there, sprawled on top of it, and distracting us with their most innocent of eyes!
Chat In The Comments
How does your pet put you under their spell and
Distract you from your tasks at hand?
Please share your stories in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!
Wordless Wednesday – Week of June 5, 2018
Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!
To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!
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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!
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It’s funny the way pets can pre-empt our movements – I guess we have more routine than we realise!
When Rom was alive, we ‘shared’ an L shaped desk – my side faced the wall and I faced my computer; Rom’s side faced the window overlooking the garden. I typed on my keyboard, he sprawled on his while he chirped at butterflies and birds. We were both content.
(Rom’s keyboard wasn’t plugged into a computer)
I miss my L-shaped desk! I had to pull it apart to get it to fit into my current room configuration. Tsunami used to love to sprawl in the L – now I have to work had to find him a space!
Nice post I enjoyed that, great shot got caught in a pose heheh!
Have a posetastic week 🙂
My four legged friend is of the canine version and she just thinks she is the ‘queen bee!’
But rather than barge her way in, she will get within the direct line of your vision and give you the most pitiful look until you just CAN NOT stand it anymore and go to her to coo and ahh and scratch her behind the ear or the belly!
Thanks for sharing!
– Lisa
Aww…Magellan would be impossible to resist. I have 13 cats so someone is always distracting me.
Ramona, it’s true! Gracie and Ava love “helping” us with whatever we’re doing around the house. 🙂
Hugs to you, Magellan and Tsunami. Thank you for hosting!
Those kitties are very smart when it comes to finding the last paper, notebook, newspaper or book down, they just have to sprawl, so cute but can be annoying!
Thanks for hosting, hope you have a great week!
I still say your felines are adorable and they look like royalty for sure! Have a great day!
Oh yes, when Mom gets out her sewing or crafts of any kind I’m usually right there to supervise. Yesterday she was practicing some calligraphy and I was making sure that she dotted the “I’s” and such. Tee hee hee.
I have seen it with other people but not me since I have never owned a cat. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.
My Yorkie mix Ziggy does this. He expects full-time entertainment, even giving you the sad ‘puppy dog look’ when you don’t respond right away . He’s just a little spoiled 😀 .
I have two dogs and a cat…and they all seem to think that when I sit or lay down, I instantly become their pillow. My dogs are not small either…and the cat is pretty hefty as well. It’s definitely funny how they think they are our masters and not the other way around!
So nice to have the company, but interruptions do rather make writing my book rather difficult…. still it is great to have Mrs H around and I wouldnt be without her….
Toodle pips
Ooh your two make me laugh! They are so cheeky aren’t they 🙂
Have a good week you kitties and Mom!
Magellan and Tsunami sound like real characters, Ramona, and such sweet little chaps. I really miss our cat boys – they were real characters too. I still remember my Jake sitting in my lap and laying his head on the keyboard of my computer so I couldn’t work…and Elwood was a wonderful, chatty little chap. They lived to be 18 which is pretty good, but even ten years on, we still miss them! Thank you so much for sharing this post with us at the Hearth and Soul Link Party. Have a lovely weekend.
Aaawwww… Don’t you love beautiful interruptions! 😉 Thank you for sharing at Words on Wednesday. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Ah well we are slaves to our pets,xx Rachel Speedy’s mum
Thank you for hosting each week, always fun to stop by and join in on the party!!!
Have a great weekend!