Friendship Friday Blog Hop 336 Featuring Talkspace

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Welcome to Friendship Friday at Create With Joy – a week long blog party where we invite you to introduce yourselves, share your thoughts about life, and spotlight your blogs!

Have You Heard About Talkspace?

Woman On Phone

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt alone, anxious, and depressed… over your head and in need of professional counsel… but unsure of where to turn for help?

At some point in our lives, we all find ourselves in a place where we could benefit from the services of a licensed therapist – someone to help shed light and professionally guide us through whatever circumstance we’re facing.

That’s where Talkspace comes in.

Talkspace is an online therapy app that brings a therapist to you whenever you need one, wherever you are. For as little as $49 a week, you can find the perfect therapist and plan for you (costs vary according to plan). Some plans are text-based only. Others combine texts and online video chats.

Talkspace therapists are trained to help individuals deal with a variety of issues, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Relationships (Family or Friends)
  • Suicidal Thoughts

Talkspace also provides specialized counseling services to couples, businesses, veterans, the LGBT community, and those dealing with social media dependency issues as well!

Talkspace therapists focus on providing people with cognitive, behavioral-based interventions that focus on getting them to change the way they think and behave – not just understand why they feel the way that they feel.

If you are wondering if Talkspace might be right for you, I encourage you to thoroughly explore their website and read some of the online articles written by people who have used the service. While this service might not be right for everyone, I think Talkspace provides an exciting option for those who need help and might not be able to get it otherwise!

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat

What do you think about Online Therapy?
Would you ever consider trying a service like Talkspace?
What do you see as its potential benefits and drawbacks?

Please share your thoughts and stories in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

Welcome to the Friendship Friday Blog Party #336!

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday at Create With Joy – a week-long event where you’re invited to:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and blog parties at Friendship Friday.
  • Chat with us in the comments – we’d love to get to know you!

You may share as many features as you like! We encourage you (if possible) to include the Friendship Friday button on your blog and a link back to our site so that your readers can find us and join the fun!

Friendship Friday is the place to make new friends, to grow rich relationships, to explore new blogs, and to expand your social networks! Please take the time to connect with your best buddies as well as reach out to a few new friends each week – it makes your experience so much more rewarding!

Have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you’re up to this week!

Copyright © 2018 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.
If you see this content posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
Thank you for helping to prevent content theft!

20 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Hop 336 Featuring Talkspace”

Read below or add a comment...

  1. Thank you so much for hosting again this week. You always do so much for bloggers! Try to stay cool and enjoy your week ahead.

  2. Hi there, I’ll stop back later to link up.
    Please also linkup on #omhgff….
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Ellen Pilch says:

    Thank you for hosting. Have a great weekend!

  4. Yvonne says:

    Hope you have a great weekend, Joy!

  5. MarEliz says:

    Thank you so much for hosting. I brought my favorite Sans Rival, its such a nice treat- with Buttercream and lots of cashew. Have a great weekend.

  6. For some reason the party isn’t loading. I’ll try again later.

  7. Talkspace sounds like a wonderful thing. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  8. meowmeowmans says:

    Thank you for hosting, Ramona! We hope you, Magellan and Tsunami are doing well, and having a great weekend. 🙂


  1. […] I’m sharing at Create With Joy’s, Friendship Friday! […]

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