Wordless Wednesday Blog Party – Magellan Turns Five!


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Magellan Turns Five And Celebrates With Fancy Feast #ChewyInfluencer

Today is an incredibly exciting day for us at Create With Joy. Magellan – our precious “baby” Maine Coon – just turned five!

Magellan Loves Fancy Feast Just Appetizers

We’re not sure how this has happened! With so many adventurous moments from our rambunctious “little” boy, the past five years have truly flown by! It seems like yesterday we were preparing for his arrival – hoping Tsunami would make nice with him (turns out he was the one that terrorized Tsunami day and night for the longest time!) – running ourselves ragged to keep up with his boundless energy as he constantly brought us toy after toy to play with (regardless of whether we were eating, working, watching tv, or sleeping!) and just doing everything within our power to let him know how he is just the most cherished, most precious kitty alive!

(Quick, Tsunami, cover your eyes – you are still our most cherished Little Prince Cat and you always will be!)

Fancy Feast Appetizers - Meow To Wow

To celebrate his special day, our little “fireball” has wanted nothing but love – he’s mellowed into a sweetheart of a lap cat who loves to be held and cuddled (although he’s still happy to play a fun game of chase with us too!) And of course, he’s been in the cupboard looking for his special treats – he somehow knew his friends at Chewy.com wouldn’t forget him on his special day!

Since a Mama Cat always knows what their “baby cats” love most, we celebrated Magellan’s special day with the new Fancy Feast White Meat Chicken Appetizers – served in a Savory Tuna Broth!


I’ve been saving this treat for Magellan’s special day because he goes absolutely wild over Fancy Feast Chicken Filets but they require you to chop them up into bite-size pieces for your cats (if you have dogs, watch out – they’d be happy to swallow those filets whole!)


The Fancy Feast Appetizers are fab because they come in 10 ounce trays and contain real chicken shredded in a delicious tuna. They are easy to serve and cats like Magellan love them!

For Maine Coons, they truly are appetizer size – they make the perfect evening snack or a delicious complement to their regular meal – but for smaller cats, they might be the perfect portion!

Disclosure: Magellan and Tsunami received today’s featured goodies from Chewy.com. They are both members of the #ChewyInfluencer Network and Chewy.com Autoship customers. Any opinions they share reflect their personal experience with these products and services.

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Let's Chat

Are you celebrating your birthday this month?
Please let us know in the comments-
Purr-haps Magellan will share his Chewy treats with you
(Although – speaking from experience – Tsunami highly doubts it!)

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Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post. It would also be great if you could invite your friends to join us through social media buttons!

Have a fabulous week and we hope to see you at Inspire Me Monday and Friendship Friday as well!

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48 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday Blog Party – Magellan Turns Five!”

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  1. Happy Birthday, Magellan! Wow! Time does fly by. I still remember your mom staying overnight in a room with you to help you adjust to your new home. It sounds like you not only adjusted, but took over the house! Hahaha!

    • You’ve got a great memory Christina!
      Remember the touch lamp that Magellan broke as a kitten?
      It finally short-circuited last night (I’ve been using it with the missing panels all this time) so I finally have to get it replaced!

  2. What a pretty Birthday boy, Happy Birthday Magellan!!! Im sure there were special treats!!
    Thanks for the party!!! Have a wonderfur week!

  3. teresa says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Magellan!

  4. Happy birthday Magellan! I hope it is the best birthday ever so far and that you have many, many more very happy birthdays ahead of you. 🙂
    Have a blessed day.

  5. Ellen Pilch says:

    Happy Birthday Handsome Boy! XO

  6. YAY! Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday sweet Megallan and have a wonderful day with lots of yummy for the tummy???Extra five Pawkisses for the occassion???

  7. Karen Waide says:

    Happy birthday Magellan! Can’t believe it’s been 5 years. I still remember when you introduced him to us.

    • What a great memory you have Karen – Mom says there was a time when I wasn’t here but I have a hard time believing that!
      Thanks for helping to make my birthday extra special – have a purr-fect weekend!

  8. Pam Greer says:

    Happy Birthday Magellan!

  9. Bee Halton says:

    Happy Birthday, Magellan!!!

  10. Happy Blessed Birthday to my favorite cat. Wishing Magellan many more. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  11. Maggie says:

    Happy Birthday handsome Magellan! Wishing you a happy healthy year ahead filled with treats and toys.


    Thanks for celebrating with us!!

    – Lisa

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    Happy birthday, Magellan! We love you, buddy, and hope you had a great day!

  14. Brian Frum says:

    Happy Birthday Magellan, you are such a special Maine Coon dude!

  15. Comedy Plus says:

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Magellan,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

  16. No way is the boy five. Wow, and looking more gorgeous than ever!

    Thank you for joining the Pet Parade it’s lovely to see your post.

  17. Erin the Cat says:

    Wow, they really do look like the best birthday meal for one. I do like whole food rather than processed and the broth sounds just perfect too, for rehydration and adding that tasty tang, rather than a thick jelly or gravy.
    Have a wonderful birthday!
    Toodle pips

  18. stevebethere says:

    A very Happy Birthday, Magellan 🙂

    Have a birthdaytastic week 🙂

  19. Comedy Plus says:

    Happy fifth birthday. Looks like you had a special day.

    Happy weekend. ?

  20. He’s five?!?! OH wow (and utterly gorgeous!!)

    Sorry we are late, we lost our internet and website for almost a whole day. We are back for the selfies now and its good to see you.

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  21. meowmeowmans says:

    Happy Birthday, Magellan! We sure hope you had a super special day! Love you, pal!


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  5. […] few weeks ago, I (Magellan) celebrated my 5th birthday – it was just paw-some – so imagine my surprise when my friends at Chewy commemorated the […]

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