Friendship Friday Blog Hop 425

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Welcome to Friendship Friday at Create With Joy – a week long blog party where we invite you to:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and blog parties.
  • Chat with us in the comments – we’d love to get to know you!

You may share as many features as you like! Please include the Friendship Friday button on your blog and a link back to our site so that your readers can find us and join the fun!

(To grab the Friendship Friday button, simply right-click on the button – save it to your computer – then upload it on your post and link it back to our site.)

Friendship Friday is the place to make new friends, to grow rich relationships, to explore new blogs, and to expand your social networks! Who will you meet this week? Whoever it is, have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Friend Of The Week – Karin’s Cottage


I’ll confess: after sheltering in place and social distancing for what feels like close to a month now, I can’t help but feel a little stir crazy at times. Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad that I live in a state that is taking the coronavirus crisis so seriously, Still, I long for the “good old days” where life was normal and we all went about our day to day lives, blissfully unaware of the potential dangers that lurked all around us!

That’s why it’s such a joy to hang out at Karin’s Kottage this week. Even though Karin and her husband are empty nesters, they learned how to adapt to their “new normal” and create even more fullness in their lives than they had previously. This seems to me like a lesson in joy that we could all use a little of right now!

Thai Turkey Yams

One of the things that struck me as I explored Karin’s blog is how important the people in her life to her are, and how – even when they aren’t around – she was always planning for the times when they would be. That’s one of the things that I’m reflecting on in the midst of social distancing: how can I find new ways to reach out to family, friends, and the people God is bringing into my lives in ways that will let them know that they are loved, remembered and seen, even when we can’t be there in person to convey that message?

Perhaps, when we’re preparing our meals, we can make a little extra to share with a friend or neighbor who lives alone or who (for various reasons) shouldn’t leave their home, even to shop. Karin’s Quick And Easy Thai Turkey Yams is a scrumptious meal that brighten anyone’s day without breaking the bank!

Heart Shaped Valentine Cookies

Want to go the extra mile? Why not bake some Heart Shaped Valentine Cookies for your family and include some extras in your friend’s or neighbor’s care package as well!

Old Fashioned Paper Snack Bags

Craft projects are not only a fun family project to do together, but they also make gifts and care packages a little more special as well! Karin’s Make Your Own Old Fashioned Paper Snack Bags allow you to add a personal touch to any goodies and treats you make for the special people in your life!

Tissue Flowers

Finally, we all could use some added cheer around our homes! When I was growing up, I loved making paper flowers out of tissue paper. See how Karin used this fun DIY idea (and more) to create a festive Easter Tablescape And Centerpiece for her home!

Making new friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Be sure to visit Karin this week, explore the creative ideas she’s shared on her blog, and congratulate her for being our Friend Of The Week at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy?

Click The Join The Party Button To Link Up!

Friendship Friday is open for your viewing and linking pleasure all week. Be sure to say hello and introduce us to yourselves and your blog in the comments!

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14 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Hop 425”

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  1. Brian Frum says:

    Look at all those beautiful things! No wonder Karin has such a happy smile!

  2. Brian Frum says:

    Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful things you have written about me and my blog! Truly you brought a big ray of sunshine to me this day. You truly have a gift for writing! I feel so honored and blessed to be highlighted on your blog today. Thank you for your kindness and friendship!

    • My pleasure Karin – I always enjoy surprising and blessing someone special with these features ( I never know who it will be until the very last moment myself!) I truly enjoyed visiting your blog and especially seeing your happy family photos on your About page. Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting! It’s definitely challenging staying in all the time (except for an hour’s daily exercise or to go out to buy food or medicine), but I am praying it will help us reduce the pressure on our hospitals here in the UK and reduce the number of deaths from COVID-19. I hope staying in will help in your area too.

    It’s lovely to get to know Karin a bit better. I am enjoying planning new things to do when we are all able to go back to some semblance of normal and blog’s like Karin’s are very inspiring. I’m at number 69 and 70 this week. Take care and stay well!

  5. Jeanna says:

    Crafts and niceties will be especially important this Easter. Still not sure what I’m going to do since it’s got to be just my mother and me and she doesn’t eat much.
    That is the most darling potato chip snack bag I’ve ever seen.

  6. Those folded paper sacks are so cute.

  7. Joanne says:

    That sounds like a wonderful website to visit! Thank you so much for hosting.

  8. Thanks so much for hosting the party. I hope you have a great weekend – stay safe and stay well.

  9. This is my first time stopping by. I’ve been blogging almost 8 years and have gone through a lot of changes and growth since the beginning.
    Thank you for hosting and sharing all the lovely post.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  10. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

    I have been trying to help a little bit when I can. Like bringing a friend a 24-pack of water who can’t drive.

    I did something that I would never do usually. I was doing some walking this afternoon and I went on a different route than normal and took me by a 7-11. I decided to walk in an get a slurpee (Ok, maybe I had it planned, who knows) and some guy was trying to buy a pack of cigarettes with a bagful of change and the clerk was being a jerk saying that he wouldn’t take it. I was in the middle of my transaction using my card and saw that and told the clerk put his cigarettes on my bill. I am really anti-smoking (since I am allergic to cigarette smoke) but it seemed to me the human thing to do. I don’t know if i did the right thing.

  11. Thank you for sharing that lovely picture of Karin with her flowery cottage! We had snow here today and, although the crocuses are opening underneath it, a picture of summer was a pleasant treat.

    I hope you are well and at peace.


  1. […] your style. Home and garden. Waste not. Grandma’s House DIY. Vintage charm. Friday features. Friendship Friday. Funtastic Friday. Grace at Home. Pit Stop. Thursday favorites. BFF open house. Morning Cup Of Joe. […]

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