Friendship Friday Blog Hop 445 – When Cats Grieve

Friendship Friday

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When Pets Grieve

Tsunami & Magellan - Acceptance

First and foremost, thanks to each and every one of you who has taken the time to extend your condolences and memories of our Precious Tsunami as well as share the loss of your own precious pets with us. I’m sorry I have not been able to write to each of you individually, but my bandwidth is a little narrower than usual at the moment.

Rainbow Bridge Logo - 8-28-20

I want to let those of you who have lost pets know that next Friday, August 28, is the 5th Annual Rainbow Remembrance Day, an event hosted by my friend Deb Barnes at Zee and Zoey. I plan to commemorate Tsunami on that day and I encourage those of you who are able to celebrate the lives of your pets as well.

I Miss U

This is the first week that we’ve been living in the aftermath of Tsunami’s farewell and trying to adjust to yet another new normal (how many of these does 2020 hold?) I won’t sugar coat it – it’s been tough. We can all sense the shift in energy in our environment – Tsunami added so much love and life – and we miss him every moment of every day.

Magellan - 8-19-20

Magellan is particularly taking his absence hard. He has been spending most of his days and nights mournfully curled up by the door where he last saw Tsunami and the sight has been heartbreaking. At night, when we call him to come to bed with us, he meows back as if telling us he is awaiting his brother’s return and heads downstairs for door duty. Although he has slowly started to spend more time with us these past few days, he continues to spending a lot more time nesting in “safe” places like his cat house as he sorts through his grief.

Impossible To Forget

If you have any helpful tips for helping Magellan deal with his loss, please feel free to share them in this week’s comments.

Have a wonderful week and thanks for the gift of your friendship!

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38 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Hop 445 – When Cats Grieve”

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  1. Brian Frum says:

    It just takes time for hearts to heal, including kitties. Magellan just needs lots of extra love and assurance that he won’t go through that door and not come back too. Hugs and love from all of us. We can’t do the Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, it just makes us all too sad, but we read the posts, all of them.

    • I totally get that Terry – it’s the first time I’m participating (I was so “stuck” in grief when Legend died I couldn’t even share). Thanks for everything – I’ll be debuting Tsunami’s memorial badge at the event!

  2. Mary McNeil says:

    Time and patience and continued loving, as you are doing, and would do if Magellan were a human member of your family. Purrayers.

  3. Penny Zeller says:

    So sorry to hear about Tsunami. It is heartbreaking to lose a pet. May God give you peace and comfort during this time.

  4. Ellen Hawley says:

    I wish I had a suggestion on how to help your cat through his grieving, but I don’t. One of ours, Moggy, visibly grieved when Big O’l Red Cat died. Eventually she’s picked up the pieces and came back to us. That’s the best I can offer. They do leave a gap in our lives.

  5. Oh, poor Magellan. My heart aches for him and for you.

  6. Ellen Pilch says:

    I feel so bad for Magellan. I wish I had some advice, but I don’t know what to do other than give lots of love which you are doing.

  7. It’s so hard to miss a pet we loved so much. But as time goes on, all those fond memories become sweeter and sweeter.

  8. You and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers, Ramona. Poor Magellan, it’s so hard to lose a brother. When we lost our Elwood, his brother Jake got very cuddly with me in particular, but by then Jake was so poorly I think he was distracted by his own discomfort as we had to say goodbye to him just a couple months later. Sending a huge hug. Thank you so much for continuing to host Friendship Friday.

  9. Sandee says:

    We grieve and they do to. It’s good that you are aware of that. Our babies are so in tune with their surroundings and their family members.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a blessed weekend. Scritches to Magellan. ♥

  10. I’m so sorry for the loss of Tsunami. It is so hard for both human and animal family members. We are adjusting to life without our Remy, who passed in July. It is not an easy adjustment, is it? Condolences to you all, including Magellan.

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    That’s just heartbreaking about Magellan mourning so deeply for Tsunami. You are doing the right things. It’s so, so difficult, and we are purring and praying, and sending you all love and good thoughts. Just keep giving Magellan lots of extra love and attention, which we know you and Roy are doing.

  12. elvira says:

    Time will heal everything. Be strong!

  13. Erin says:

    We are so sorry to hear that Tsunami has left us. Our hearts reach out to you and Magellan. You have such fine photographs and happy memories of Tsunami, which I know will bring much comfort and help soothe the pain.
    Gentle purrs
    ERin & Mrs H

    • Thanks so much for the love, Erin.
      I can’t tell you how comforted I am to know that I have a blog full of memories and photographs at my fingertips to go to whenever I need to walk down memory lane.

  14. Timmy Tomcat says:

    We have had a very difficult time since our Alpha Cat Buddy Budd left us this year. It created such turmoil in the home besides that deep in our hearts and we are finally getting settled after over 6 months. Purrs of support friends

  15. I am so very sorry for your loss of Tsunami, sending purrs and prayers and POTP your way.

  16. Wes was so furry sad to reads about Tsunami. Wes losted Ninja this spring. He went out and did not come back. This has been purrticularly hard on his best buddy, Marv. Who still gets furry excited when he sees another back cat and there are several in our neigborhood. We sends yous and youe cats much love, purrayers and strength.
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

    • I’m so sorry to hear about Ninja. I lost my first cat when I was a child that way and I still haven’t gotten over that so I feel for Marv. Cool that he gets excited when he sees other black cats.

  17. The Dash Kitten Crew says:

    Our Silver still misses his best friend who died about three years ago. He visits Riley’s family almost every day. They would sit in the neighbours house as best buds and Silver still looks across at their house with a lost look on his face so I know this grief is very real, and a struggle for Magellan. He lost a true friend. Broke my heart too.

    • Wow, three years? Our pets are SO amazing! They feel so deeply and love us and so much.
      Today Magellan was in the bedroom meowing and looking for Tsunami under the bed which was one of his getaway spots.
      It breaks my heart that my explanations to him will never be enough and that his world is now rocked.

  18. Sending positive thougths and hopefully time will heal Magellan.

  19. When my Bucky passed, Boudicca sat in his spot every day. We just sat with her and petted her. When I cried, she climbed into my lap and licked my tears. We simply mourned together. Five months later we lost two more. They were ferals we adopted and we let them out during the day. Sadly someone poisoned them. Boudicca and I mourned together again. I think cats, like humans, just need time to adjust to the absence of their beloved friend. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.

  20. Pam says:

    Oh, poor Magellan! That must make your grief doubly hard, to see Magellan so sad. That is heartbreaking, and I’m sitting here sobbing. I wish I had an answer for you to help Magellan. Lots of extra snuggles is all I can think of, but I know you’re already doing that. I’m sure time will help him and you, too, even though it’s so hard right now. Like you, he will always have his memories of Tsunami, I’m sure.

    • I’m so moved that my post brought you to tears Pam.
      Magellan definitely misses his brother but he’s slowly beginning to realize that Tsunami isn’t coming back and like the rest of us, trying to figure out how to move forward without his companion.

  21. Karen Waide says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I haven’t been posting a wordless wednesday for a while, so I just found out this morning. I actually had thought of you a while back because the lady we got our Callie from told me there was part Maine Coon in her. We were so happy to get her after the stray we had sort of adopted (Swiftpaw) had not come back one morning. We aren’t sure what happened to him, hoping he didn’t die, but he was old and got into lots of fights out there.


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  4. […] who expressed condolences for Tsunami and shared the loss of their beloved pets. This week at Friendship Friday 445 I shared how Magellan is mourning the loss of his brother. The loss of a pet leaves a hole in the […]

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