Friendship Friday Blog Hop 446 – Processing Grief Through Song

Friendship Friday

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Processing Grief Through Song

The First Time I Held Tsunami - June 1 2007

Tsunami was just 7 weeks old the first time I held him in my arms.

It’s now been two weeks I’ve held him – two weeks since I’ve prayed for him – two weeks since I’ve said my final farewell and I can’t get this Taylor Dayne lyric out of my head:

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing…

Have you noticed how, in the wake of a traumatic loss, our sense of time becomes altered? Like songwriter Prince and singer Sinead O’Connor, I find my awareness of time has been altered and heightened:

It’s been seven hours and fifteen days since you took your love away…

Memories Of Tsunami

Each of us grieves in different ways and at different rates. When someone deeply touches our hearts, I don’t think we ever completely recover from their passing. Still, as my husband, Magellan and I try to come to terms with our loss, we’re looking for signs of healing and trying to move forward.

Two weeks ago, my husband couldn’t look at Tsunami’s cat carrier – this week, he cleaned it and put it away. Two weeks ago, Magellan spent most of his waking moments curled up in a ball by the door where he last saw Tsunami – this week, he’s hanging out with us by day and checking in on us at night.

The Song Is Ended Quote 1

In seasons past, when dealing with loss, I’ve kept my emotions frozen inside of me because they’ve felt two painful to express. Tomorrow, on Friday, August 28, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite memories of Precious Tsunami and celebrating his incredible life as part of the 5th Annual Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Blog Hop. Please stop by and join us.

Ecclesiastes 3:4 tells us that there is:

A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance…

I hope and pray that if you are dealing with loss – no matter the source – that each day brings a little more sunshine into the darkness and that you can move slowly with me back into the light.

Happy Friendship Friday to you – thanks for your support – as Celine Dion so famously sang:

You are safe in my heart and my heart will go on and on.

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25 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Hop 446 – Processing Grief Through Song”

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  1. Brian Frum says:

    Yes, it sure is tough, we know all too well. It doesn’t really get easier, we just accept it easier. Hugs and thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Pat says:

    I once heard the expression “we don’t get over a loss instead we learn to accept it.” that made sense to me. The sadness doesn’t go away but we move forward from it, as life must go forward. I know you and your family will always treasure the time you had with Tsunami and he will always be in your heart and memory.

    • That’s so true Pat – and it’s hard because I know people who are never able to accept their losses.
      My encouragement to anyone who is grieving – no matter what the loss – is to be gentle with yourself –
      to understand that grief is an individual process – to not put yourself on a timetable – to let yourself feel –
      but try to focus on the positive even in the midst of your loss so that you can gradually find your way forward.

  3. Naush Samama says:

    I have written to you earlier as well. I know how you feel – I lost 2 of my fur babies last year – and I’ve not been able to get over it. I know its a process but the vacuum and regret is all too strong.

    • I understand, Naush. I’ve lost pets unexpectedly and I’ve been put in the position where I’ve had to make the call and either way is terrible. Praying for your peace and healing. xoxo

  4. It’s so kind of you to walk through your grief process here for the benefit of others.

  5. Amy Johnson says:

    I’m so sorry this has been so hard for you and your family. Thank you for the link up.

  6. Thank you for continuing to share your journey with us.

  7. Ellen Pilch says:

    Beautiful post. Thank you for hosting.

  8. Priyam says:

    Thank you so much for hosting!

  9. Marielle says:

    Music is healing. Thank you for sharing. And thank you as always for hosting!

  10. Newbie stopping in today. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!

  11. Still sending you and your family prayers and positive thoughts. Very true about song and how it help us in our grieving. Beautiful songs.

  12. meowmeowmans says:

    You know we’re here if you need us, Ramona. Hugs, purrs and prayers to you, Roy and Magellan.

  13. Alana says:

    Losing a fur member of the family is hard. This song fits the mood exactly.

  14. Ramona,

    I know your heart is broken. Tsunami blessed and touched your life in a special way. I pray that our heavenly Father fills your heart with comfort as He holds you closely in His arms. There’s a time and a season for all things. Tsuanami meows and runs like a kitten once again, my darlin’ friend. Saying prayers for you! {{hugs}}

    • Thank you so much Cathy. I started a prayer journal today. Not that it’s specifically related to Tsunami’s passing… but in this season it feels like I want to draw closer to God than ever. xoxo

  15. It’s not easy and it doesn’t matter how long ago, we always have tears when we’re thinking of our Angels? Soft Pawkisses and a big hug for you???

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