Friendship Friday Blog Hop 493

Friendship Friday

Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Welcome to Friendship Friday at Create With Joy – a week long blog party where we invite you to:

  • Share what’s unique about your blog and spotlight your favorite features!
  • Link your favorite posts, projects, giveaways and blog parties.
  • Chat with us in the comments – we’d love to get to know you!

You may share as many features as you like! Please include the Friendship Friday button on your blog and a link back to our site so that your readers can find us and join the fun!

(To grab the Friendship Friday button, simply right-click on the button – save it to your computer – then upload it on your post and link it back to our site.)

Friendship Friday is the place to make new friends, to grow rich relationships, to explore new blogs, and to expand your social networks! Who will you meet this week? Whoever it is, have fun connecting with one another – building friendships is what this community is all about!

Friend Of The Week – Life As A LEO Wife

Spiral Deco Mesh Wreath Tutorial

Goodbye July – hello August – can you believe how fast summer is flying by? Have you had the opportunity to check off some of those “must do” items on your bucket list this summer? If not, and your list includes creating some new DIY projects to beautify your home, then you’ll enjoy meeting Nikki, the blogger behind Life As A Leo Wife!

The first thing you need to know about Nikki is that LEO does not signify her astrological sign: it indicates that she’s the proud wife of a Law Enforcement Officer! While her husband is busy crime-busting, Nikki is creating tutorials like her Spiral Deco Mesh Wreath Tutorial to help you “DIY a life you love”. She also writes about family life, parenting and her Christian faith and host three blog hops a week!

Nautical Glass Gem Topiary

Looking for an unusual summer project you can create on a budget? Nikki’s Nautical Topiary is the perfect project to make on a hot summer’s day! Just looking at the blue glass gems will cool you down!

Decorative Initial

Decorative initials are always in style and make an elegant decorative item in your home or a thoughtful gift! Nikki’s tutorial walks you through the process and makes it look easy peasy!

Making new friends and deepening existing relationships is a joy. Be sure to visit Nikki this week, explore her blog, leave her some comment love, and congratulate her for being our Friend Of The Week at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy!

Click The Join The Party Button To Link Up!

Friendship Friday is open for your viewing and linking pleasure all week. Be sure to say hello and introduce us to yourselves and your blog in the comments!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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15 Responses to “Friendship Friday Blog Hop 493”

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  1. Brian Frum says:

    Nikki is very talented and we thank her husband for is service, we all love and respect LEOs everywhere. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Cool Esse says:

    Creating unique home decor is the best, great ideas!

  3. Thank you for hosting! Hope you enjoy Homemade on a Weeknight’s recipes this week.

  4. Timmy Tomcat says:

    Really fun today with that little shell decoration

  5. Ellen+Pilch says:

    I like her craft ideas. Thanks for hosting Have a nice weekend.

  6. Lovely crafts, and thanks as always for hosting! Happy Friyay!

  7. Amy Johnson says:

    Oh that baby wreath is such a good idea. Thanks for the party.

  8. April+Harris says:

    Time really does seem to be flying by! I can’t believe it will be August in 2 days! Thank you for hosting the party. It was lovely to get to know Nikki a little better. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  9. I had a chuckle where you described Niky’s blog name! When I first started following her, I did think it was her astrological designation but was confused why it was all in caps! I quickly figured it out, but it made me laugh that I obviously was not the only one with that confusion! Thanks for hosting! Have a fabulous weekend!


  10. So nice to read about Nikki and like Brian said we appreciate her husband’s service. But I appreciate her service, too. I have 2 grandsons who are police officers and I know the families make sacrifices, too.

  11. Thanks for hosting this wonderful party. Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.

  12. meowmeowmans says:

    Nikki is so talented and creative! Happy weekend!


  1. […] Brian’s Home 2. Dash Kitten 3. Nugget 4. Messymimi 5. Octopuss Thankful 6. Phamily Blog 7. Friendship Friday 8. […]

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