Welcome to Inspire Me Monday
A place to share your creative inspirations
Sharpen your creative vision and
Showcase your creative talents!
I invite you to inspire others and
Nurture your creative spirit by
Joining our Creative Blog Hop!
Preparing For 2022
In a few days we’ll be ringing in 2022.
May I be the first to wish you a year filled with blessings and joy?
To help you prepare for the New Year,
This week I’m featuring posts that will positively impact your life!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Begin to incorporate these positive habits into your life
And you may not recognize yourself on December 31!
Inspirations And Delights
Donna – Read Through The Bible In 2022
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Romans 12:2,
Which tells us not to be conformed to this world but
Be renewed by the transforming of our mind.
Transformation occurs as we allow God’s Word to transform our lives.
Donna explains how systematically reading through the Bible
Accomplishes this and provides tips and encouragement
To get us started!
Angie – Reflections On Social Media Fasting
Earlier this month I attended a Dream Summit,
One of our goals for this conference was to identify the
Good roots in our lives that we want to nourish and the
Bad roots that we need to disconnect from.
For many of us, Social Media can be a double-edged sword –
Something that starts out good but slowly takes over
Without us even realizing it!
For those who may be reevaluating the role that
Social Media plays in their lives in 2022,
I highly encourage you to read Angie’s insightful post and
Check out the book she recommended.
I’ve just added it to my personal reading list!
Lisa – Find My One Word For 2022
Are you interested in choosing One Word for 2022
To guide your intentions throughout the year but not sure where to start?
Lisa has not only identified 3 tips to help you pick the right word for you,
But has created a community full of helpful resources to
Encourage you on your One Word journey in the New Year!
Wendy – Best Questions For Reliable Weight Loss
If you are trying to shrink your waistline,
Are you jumping with joy as you review your end-of-the-year results or
Have the stressors of the past two years derailed your best intentions?
If you fall into the latter category (ahem!)
Don’t lose heart – a new year is about to start and with it comes the
Chance to start again with a fresh perspective and
New tools to support you on your journey!
Wendy’s blog is a great resources for anyone who
Struggles with weight loss and in this post, you’ll find a powerful tool
To employ that won’t cost you a cent and can help you in any situation.
Question everything. Here’s to your success!
If elementary school memories left you thinking that
Growing your vocabulary wasn’t exciting, think again!
As part of her 2021 reflections, Deb shared how learning a new word a month
Took her on an incredible whirlwind of adventures that she
Documented in a monthly post on her blog.
Can’t wait to see where Deb’s vocabulary adventures led her…
Perhaps it’s time to start a list of our own!
Music To Inspire You
Welcome To Music Moves Me!
Joy To The World – Phil Wickham
Inspire Me Monday #519 – December 26, 2021
I like the idea of Inspiration Monday.
Monday’s often get the short end of the stick
But they are fraught with potential!
Judy Palmer
Now it’s time to share your inspirations! You can participate in Inspire Me Monday in the following ways:
- Share “What’s Inspiring You” by creating your own Inspire Me Monday post! You can include any creative challenges you’ve discovered – any books or quotes you love – any bloggers who have inspired you – anything that has inspired you and will inspire us too!
- Share your creative projects with us! You’re welcome to link up your Arts & Crafts projects – your Recipes – your DIY, Home Décor and Organizational Ideas – your original Writing, Music & Photography – you get the idea!
- Visit the participants – share some comment love – let them know what’s inspired you!
When you link up, be sure to include the Inspire Me Monday button and a link back to this post on all of your entries so that your readers can join the fun!
Be sure to link directly to your Inspire Me Monday Posts and Creations using the permalink to the individual posts – not your blog’s home page URL – so that participants can easily find and comment on your creations!
The party will remain open all week so have fun sharing – inspire me with your comments – and please, use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!
Click The Button To Link Up
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If you see this article posted elsewhere, please contact the site owner.
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Wishing you and your family the best of life in 2022! Thanks so much for all the awesome parties through the years!
Miz Helen
Ramona, thanks so much for featuring my post from last week. Hope 2022 is full of God’s blessings!
Thanks for featuring my post on choosing One Word for 2022. I love having one word all year instead of resolutions, like I used to do. 🙂 My word for 2022 will be Release. Hope you’ve had a Merry Christmas!
I love all of the positive features for the new year, Ramona. When it comes to weight loss, Wendy’s blog has been incredibly helpful for me. Thanks for the party!
It’s really hard to believe that we’re gonna start a new year, hope it’s a polite one!
I am a reader of the blog with the “word a month” blog post. All of her posts are well worth a shoutout, so thanking you for mentioning her. Phil Wickham’s performance of Joy to the World is so joyeous and I loved how he incorporated Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee towards the end of the song. It seemed so natural. Happy and Joyful New Year to you!
Thank you kindly for the feature. I hope those who read it can get something out of it.
Happy New year!! Thanks again for hosting this lovely party every week! I know how much time and effort goes into doing so and I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Season’s greetings and wishing a wonderful new year. Thanks for hosting, it is always nice to be here.
Thank you for one more Christmas song, Ramona! I’m not in any hurry to put the holidays tunes away and will continue my Christmas song-a-day challenge until the end of the month. 😉 It’s been a great pleasure to share the dance floor with you this year and I look forward to doing it in the new year. Thanks for hosting such an awesome party of inspiration each week. I always love seeing what others share. Have a joyful week and may God’s blessings be yours, dear friend!
A very happy New Year to you! I enjoyed Donna’s post about reading the Bible. I’ve been so grateful that was encouraged when I first became a Christian. It’s never too late to start!
What wonderfully inspirational features!
Thanks for hosting and I hope that 2022 is great for you. Happy New Year.
I wish you a lovely 2022! Thank you for hosting this party every week for us!
How lovely it was to see my post highlighted here! Thank you so much.
Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and Happy New Year too!
Thanks for hosting the party! Have a fabulous week and Happy New Year!