Does Your Bank Reflect Your Christian Values?

Mom & Daughter - Give Back

Do you remember the last time that you opened a new banking account or joined a credit union?

If you are like most people, you probably opened your banking account in response to a major life transition, such as a new job, a move, or even marriage. At the time, you probably considered several factors when making your decision, including the services they offer, the convenience of interacting with them, the interest rates they offer and the fees they charge – perhaps even the promotional gifts and bonuses they tempted you with upon sign-up! And, provided that nothing has changed to cause you to re-evaluate your relationship with them, chances are you’ve continued to deposit your earnings and savings into that institution ever since.

There is nothing wrong with taking this approach to banking – these are all good, practical things to consider as you decide where to deposit the money you earn. As a matter of fact, I still have the step stool I received as a sign-up gift from the very first bank account I opened when I got my first job and moved into my first apartment!

However, in the years that have passed since I first opened the “step stool” account, I’d like to think that my perspective on financial decision-making has grown. As a Christian, I’ve learned that there’s more to good financial management than making an adequate living, investing in the future, and spending our money wisely. Depositing our money in a bank with Christian values that align with ours is also a factor worth considering!

AdelFi - Better Banking Higher Purpose

God wants us to be good stewards of everything He entrusts to us, particularly our finances. The Bible tells us that “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). God gives us the power to gain wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18), but with this privilege comes great responsibility!

Where we invest our money is important. How we earn interest on our investments matters to God. Just as we would evaluate the financial security of an institution before deciding to place our savings in their hands, we should also do a background check on any institution we are considering doing business with to make sure that their values align with ours.

Here are a few important questions to consider when determining whether a financial institution’s mission aligns with your Christian values and whether you want to you want to support a financial institution by investing your hard-earned money with them:

  • Do you know where your bank gives and invests its money?
  • Are the organizations your bank supports places you support?
  • Does the way this bank does business align with your values?

When you examine your bank in light of these questions, chances are, you may end up with quite a different view of your financial institution than the one you had formed based primarily on the glossy brochures and enticements you were offered at the beginning of your relationship. And – based on your exploration of other similar institutions – you may find yourself ready for a change.

Banking Values

That’s where AdelFi steps in. AdelFi is a Christ-centered credit union that offers all of the convenient online and mobile banking features you’d expect from a traditional bank while faithfully stewarding God’s resources!

When you place your financial resources with AdelFi, you’re uniting your finances with other believers to advance Christian values with empathy and compassion. AdelFi supports thousands of Christian organizations worldwide that spread the Gospel as part of their commitment to give back 10% of its profits every year to support Christian ministries. Whether you’re starting a family, running a business, or serving a non-profit or ministry, AdelFi has products and services that align with your financial goals and Christian values. Partner with like-minded people and still access the technology and services that makes day-to-day finance transactions easy.

AdelFi recognizes their role and responsibilities as stewards of God’s money. They believe that where you bank has a ripple effect on how resources are used or recycled within the Christian community. Because of their beliefs, AdelFi supports fellow Christian businesses. They understand the need to promote the intersection of faith and finances.

AdelFi Slogan

When you bank with AdelFi, you support Christian consumers, businesses, churches, non-profits and other worthy causes. Your money doesn’t go to Wall Street, but to God’s streets, where the Gospel is spread domestically and internationally.

AdelFi operates as a not-for-profit credit union that is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). They’ve been in operation since 1964 (under various names) and rebranded in February 2022 as AdelFi to better reflect their mission of supporting their brothers and sisters in Christ in financial stewardship. AdelFi represents “better banking with a higher purpose”.

If you find AdelFi’s mission to provide Christ-centered banking to consumers as appealing as my family does, I invite you to learn more! Visit AdelFi to learn more about their mission, the services they offer, and how you can become part of the AdelFi family of financial stewards!

Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and complete an application, I may receive a small referral fee at no cost to you! Thanks in advance for your support!

Copyright © 2022 by Create With Joy. All Rights Reserved.

2 Responses to “Does Your Bank Reflect Your Christian Values?”

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  1. I had never heard of this bank but you’re right, it is certainly worth considering. I think that’s true of where we shop or who we use when we need other services. I think there could be a time coming when it will be harder and harder to even work in certain professions where employees or business people will be required to do things that violate their Christian values and the direct commands of Scripture. And it will be more and more important that we support one another in the body of Christ.

  2. Paula Short says:

    Wow! I had no idea. Great questions. It never would have occurred to me to research bank values. Thank you for sharing this wealth of information with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend.

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