Timeless Truths Bible – Bible Review

Timeless Truths Bible - Cover Hardcover Wide

NET Timeless Truths Bible – One Faith Handed Down For All The Saints

With each passing year, I’ve become more and more interested in learning the timeless truths of the Bible, especially how our faith has been passed down from one generation to the next.

So, I was super-excited to learn that Thomas Nelson was releasing the Timeless Truth Bible and could not wait to get a copy in my hands to review. When it arrived, I discovered that this Bible was full of surprises!

First. I was surprised to learn that this Bible – which focuses on providing study materials steeped in church history – was written in the NET (New English Translation). Don’t get me wrong – I like the NET translation – it is an easy-to-read modern translation of the Bible. I just found the juxtaposition of old and new made for a rather interesting contrast.

Timeless Truths Bible - Artwork

The feature that most surprised me about this Bible was the inclusion of beautiful, full-color, full page artwork throughout. The inclusion of masterpieces like Rembrandt’s The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee (1633) and Peter Bruegel The Elder’s The Tower Of Babel (1563) really brings the Bible to life. I appreciated the inclusion of the List of Sacred Artwork in the back of the book which provided useful information about each of the 16 artists and paintings included in this Bible.

The feature that I am most interested in is the inclusion of several key creeds and confessions, including famous ones like the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed along with lesser known ones such as the Chalcedeon Definition and the Augsburg Confession. I look forward to studying these because knowing what we believe and why is so important in this era of decreasing Bible literacy. However, I am disappointed to note that a comprehensive list of these documents is not included in this Bible. If you want to study them, you will have to hunt for them and create your own reference list.

Also, not all of the creeds and confessions are included in their entirety. Where excerpts are included (an example is the Lausanne Covenant of 1974), you will need to hunt them down if you want to study the documents in their entirety.

Timeless Truths Bible - The Belgic Confession Excerpt

The feature that I think will most expand my horizons is the inclusion of the biographies of key figures in Christianity. While I have heard of some of the forerunners of our faith such as Ignatius of Antioch, Tertullian and Origen and am familiar with men like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and C.S. Lewis, there are a lot of people I am unfamiliar with listed on the pages of this Bible. I am looking forward to reading about them and learning more about their contributions.

The layout of the Timeless Truths Bible (hardcover edition) is graphically pleasing in its simple layout which consist of one column of text and a wide margin for note-taking. One additional feature of the Bible that I really like is the margin notes included throughout which feature commentary by notable figures such as Augustine, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon. The only caveat that you should be aware of is the regular Bible font is 9 point and the margin note text is smaller, making it a bit challenging to read if you don’t have 20/20 vision.

All in all, I am excited to own this reference Bible and consider it a unique Bible to add to my collection.

I rate this Bible 4 out of 5 stars and would have rated it 5 out of 5 stars had the lack of indexing not made the features so hard to use.

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Timeless Truths Bible - William Tyndale Biography

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I received a copy of this product through the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. Although I’m a #BibleGatewayPartner, the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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