You Don’t Have To Be Good At Art To Benefit From It Did you know that even if you don’t consider yourself to be a creative or artistic person, that creativity actually plays a crucial role in your overall well-being? Being able to express yourself through art when you can’t find the right words to […]
The Gift Of A Bookmark
Friendship Friday 134 – Anything Goes
Welcome to Friendship Friday! Friendship Friday at Create With Joy is a week-long event where you can: Share what’s unique about you and your blog! Foster friendships with other bloggers! Expand your social media networks! This week, we’re celebrating another week of Anything Goes! Share your favorite posts and projects throughout the week. Share your […]
500 Handmade Books, Volume 2
Happy WOYWW to you, dear friends! Today I’d like to share a book that I recently received from my friend, fellow blogger and author Cym Lowell. The book is called 500 Handmade Books – Volume 2 and was compiled by Julie Chen (the book artist, not the television personality!) 500 Handmade Books, Volume 2 contains […]
Decorating With Packing Tape
Decorating With Packing Tape Are you looking for a versatile crafting product you can use to decorate just about anything? If so, give Decorative Packing Tape a try! Decorative Packing Tape is like Washi Tape on steroids! It’s inexpensive – a little goes a long way! It doesn’t require any special skills or fancy tools to […]
WOYWW – Bookmark For A Friend
WOYWW – Remember Collage Tag
This week, my One Word Journey is leading me down Memory Lane. I’m taking a metaphorical trip into the past. To artistically commemorate the occasion, I created this Vintage Collage Tag. I had fun digging through my old stash looking for the perfect pieces to incorporate into the design. As always, everything on it is […]
WOYWW – 2013 Altered Planner
WOYWW – Altered Picture Frame
‘Tis the season for handmade gifts and as you may suspect, many of Julia’s elves have been burning the midnight oil in WOYWW workspaces around the globe! Last week I shared a cute little Altered Tin that would be perfect for tucking away a gift card or two. This week I’m invoking nostalgia with a coordinating […]
WOYWW – Altered Tin
Happy WOYWW to you! This week, I’m sharing an Altered Tin I created. It’s a perfect enclosure for gift cards and money, crafting embellishments, and delicious little treats, and it makes a pretty memento for the recipient long after the gift-giving occasion has passed! WOYWW is where crafty bloggers share what’s on their workspaces each week. […]