WOYWW 23: A New Puppy!

OK, technically, it’s no longer Wednesday, nor is this my desk, but my friend Patti recently got a new puppy, Ruby, and she is SO adorable, I felt her photos were too cute not to share!

Ruby is a sweet, exuberant three-month old Keeshond (pronounced kayz-hawnd) who likes to double as her mom’s new foot warmer! When she first came to her new home, this hide-out under the stool was one of her favorite places from which to view the world.

Now that she’s acclimated, she is learning to sow her oats. Here, she is enjoying the spoils of her victory – a chew toy – which she won from her brother Winston and her step-sister Tasha!

Here is a picture of Ruby with her new sister, Tasha. Tasha is Patti’s year old pet and show dog who is currently moving up the ranks in Rally Training. As you can see, they are becoming the best of buds!

Now, if you have a hankering for desktops, mosey over to Julia’s What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday post to see what your favorite crafters are up to this week – but first, leave me and the puppies some love!

19 Responses to “WOYWW 23: A New Puppy!”

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  1. Donna @ The House on the Corner says:

    oh my my my my my!!!!

    Who can resist puppy love!! So sweet – I especially like the picture of Ruby looking at her new world from the safety of her stool perch.

    Thanks for sharing – great way to start the day!!

  2. Liverpool Lou (Anne) says:

    Ah, she's gorgeous, thanks for sharing 🙂
    Anne xx

  3. marsha says:

    Oh how sweet, cute, adorable, cuddly!!! I want a puppy! She is just perfect! (can you tell I luv doggies?)
    Hugs, Marsha

  4. Jan says:

    she's beautiful and I love how she has her little legs stretched out behind her!

  5. yorkmtnprimitives says:

    What a precious little "gem" Ruby is! Thanks for stopping by my blog and it's so sweet of you to mention my giveaway in your sidebar. Hugs to you, Traci

  6. angeleef says:

    Awwww what a cute little puppy! I'd wish they'd stay like that forever!
    ** Evi **

  7. Tracy says:

    That is the best workdesk ever!

  8. Penni says:

    It may not be Wednesday or a Desk, but this piccies are great. She is a beauty, your friend is a lucky lady, although I think cats are a better choice of pet LOL!!!


  9. Wipso says:

    I'm very happy to leave some love for that gorgeous puppy 🙂
    A x

  10. Doone says:

    so glad you posted even if it was after midnight – Ruby is gorgeous – my two doggies are geting quite old now – I forget how tiny and funny they are as pups….

  11. Marlene says:

    AWWWWW!!!!!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!! Why is it that I don't know the difference between this breed and the Chow?

  12. TinaB says:

    OMG! I want the puppy xxxxxxxxxx

  13. The Crafty Chick says:

    Wow what beautiful dogs. And you are a lucky princess you won a PaperArtsy goodie bag on my blog last week and you haven't climes your prize yet!!! Leandra

  14. Angie says:

    They are beautiful dogs… worth a photo xx

    Its Friday and I'm still trying to get round lol

  15. Shar says:

    Oh my goodness, he is too darling!

  16. Low Tide High Style says:

    Ok, first I visit your blog and see a post about yummy cookies, and now puppies?! I can't take much more!

    Ruby is darling, and these photos might just make me start bugging Mr. Tide about getting a 3rd dog! Every few months I start aggravating him getting another puppy, but I always seem to lose this particular battle! *sigh*

    Kat 🙂

  17. Reta says:

    Ruby is adorable, and puts me in mind of Dutch, who clamored for attention and company at meal time. As an adult dog he believed he could still be a lap dog! Remember how he use to sample the cat food; and he loved his treats from you know who?

  18. Reta says:

    The giant cookies look good but I would substitue almonds and cashews in mine and put aside the thought of calories. However my baking days are over with both girls gone and just short little old me! Bet that last line made you laugh.

  19. Van (Vung) says:

    so so so ADORABLE!

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