Where Do You Find Creative Inspiration?

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Find Creative Inspiration – Overcome Creative Blocks

One of the biggest challenges bloggers face is how to find new ways to create fresh content for their blogs.

Where do you turn for inspiration when you feel creatively challenged? How do you keep your niche content fresh and exciting? What do you do to push past your creative blocks?

These are the types of tips I invite you to share this week as we inspire one another to new creative heights!


1. Where do you turn for creative inspiration?

2. How do you overcome your creative blocks?

I look forward to reading your thoughts. Thanks for participating – have a fabulous week!

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46 Responses to “Where Do You Find Creative Inspiration?”

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  1. Self Sagacity says:

    1&2) I don't have a place to go or something to do to get inspired. I am inspired everyday from looking and visiting other people's blogs. I always think something needs to be changed with my blog, so it just comes with being motivated.

  2. waytenmom says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am excited to be cohosting the blog hop this weekend. It seems to me that some of my best (or at least most interesting) creativity comes when I start asking other people about their endeavors. That's how I ended up making the "bagelbike" featured in this post: http://waytenmom.blogspot.com/2011/05/wordless-wednesday-ride4relief-edition.html

  3. thepennywisechick says:

    Stopping by from the Frugal Free Gal's Friday hop. Check out my site at

  4. Steph says:

    Hi! I'm a new follower from Alexa's Blog Hop! Hope you follow back. 🙂
    My children inspire me! When they ask for something… I try to provide using my creativity!

  5. Tracy says:

    I tend to meet the need of a gift or something from what I see on web sites or mixture of my abilities and the person recieving . recently I needed a gift for a terminally ill aunt , I had a nother friend who made patchwork squares so I bought a fleecy blanket and had my friend make a square in my aunts fav colours and put it together .
    loved your blog

  6. BEAR's Mom says:

    intersting question
    i blog-browse BUT
    then i always come back to ME

  7. Amanda says:

    Great questions!

    1. Where do you turn for creative inspiration?

    Memes and writing prompts. Love them. They really helped me get over a writing block.

  8. SquirrelQueen says:

    I think inspiration is all around us if we just keep our eyes and mind open. One of my favorite ways to get the creative juices flowing is a walk in nature. I have a couple of favorite park trails that are relaxing and quiet.

  9. Stacy Uncorked says:

    A lot of times I'll ask Princess Nagger what she thinks I should post on my blog – an 8 year old perspective can sometimes be quite creative! 😉

    As far as getting over creative blocks, a lot of that does happen when visiting other blogs. So many bloggers are so inspirational! 🙂

    Aloha: Mother's Day

  10. I am Harriet says:

    Running in the morning really clears my mind.

    Have a great day!

  11. Time4Mommy says:

    I found you from the Find Friends Weekend Blog hop. Love your site! (I try to be crafty)


    Check out our Brand new community for Moms http://time4mommy.com

  12. JamericanSpice says:

    Sometimes it just happen in daily life going on with me, or strangers or friends or reading a book 🙂

    I don't. I just let it have it's time and then move on. 🙂


  13. Jacqui' says:

    I adore your blog new follower. I usually listen to music to find inspiration or I go outdoors. When I have creative roadblocks, I kinda just wait until something sparks back up or I just work through it.

  14. Patricia says:

    I love to make kids clothes and which I walk into the fabric department of a store I see a dress, pants etc. that would be so cute in the fabrics I am seeing. I have to have a lot of will power not to buy up too much fabric after all I am one person. I would never get all my creations made.

    I am following you via TGIF blog hop. Please follow me.


  15. Melissa says:

    Hello. I am a new follower via GFC, and I am excited to be here.

    I am pretty new at blogging. Please check us out.


  16. Kat says:

    What a bright and beautiful day to join a blog hop!

    Just popping by to say hello and check out your blog!

    I'm Kat the author/editor of The Vivification of Mrs. Moment (MrsMoment.Com). VMM is a A blossoming community of storytellers weaving true tales about fleeting moments that touch our lives in incalculable ways. Plus, excerpts from my odd little life.

    Stop by, get involved, tell a story, or follow back. We love to welcome new writers into our community.

    Peace and illumination,


  17. ~ Noelle says:

    my son is where i draw all inspiration

  18. Marilyn Rock says:

    I, too, find much of my inspiration from visiting blogs.

  19. mymy says:

    interesting questions! seeing other posts by bloggers can sometimes spark that creative juice. 🙂

    hi, am a new follower via gfc. hope you'll have the time to follow back. many thanks!


  20. KAT says:

    I am inspired by Nature, Birds,flowers, plants, waterways, trees, and people and buildings also

    When I feel artistically blocked I daydream and nap…or go for a hike in the woods! take along my camera and shoot photos of everything!
    KAT Please visit my blog and see my latest project with my folk art
    Thank you

  21. Jennifer says:

    The web 🙂 I am stopping by from the Alexa Hop. Here you can find my story.

  22. Tracy says:

    I get my inspiration from my family activities and my children, just living one day at a time! I always have a camera ready in case my creativity springs up to create another blog post! Thanks for linking up to NOBH! 🙂

  23. Melissa says:

    I blog hop to get creative inspiration. There are so many ideas out there. I'm stopping by from Makobi Scribe's Alexa Hop.

  24. Katie says:

    Honestly there is no set way for me to get inspiration, though a lot of times I do get some of my best ideas when I am showering. I guess I am not worried about anything else at that time and it gets my creativity going! I can also look at something, anything really, and at times figure out the perfect scrapbook layouts – but some days I can be completely stumped. It is kind of weird how that all works…

    (stopping by from the alexa hop)

  25. Brea says:

    My inspiration often comes from desperation or lack of money (or WAY overpriced products!!)…as for overcoming creative block? I just need to have time to sew! LOL 🙂

  26. Skye says:

    I over come my blocks by stepping away and playing with my wonderful babies 🙂

  27. dj Goddessa of Funk Sanctum Radio says:

    cruising through w/Alexa hop today. It appears am following already but must have been a "senior" moment. I love this blog and have fun!


  28. The Old Block House says:

    I find inspiration in the things around me, the things I find, and the wonderful projects and people that I meet online.

    Hopped over from the Alexa Hop. Please visit me at http://theoldblockhouse.blogspot.com/2011/05/lets-go-to-movies.html

  29. Odahingum says:

    Great blog! New GFC follower from the Saturday Spotlight Blog Hop and I hope to see you at mine though I’m just starting out. ☺ ☺ ☺



  30. Matter of Cents says:

    I use a variety of different way to overcome writer's block. Sometimes, I will just go outside for a few minutes to get some fresh air and I might be reminded of something I thought about before but hadn't written it yet. Playing with the kids, internet (mostly Facebook), and oddly enough, doing chores or taking a long, hot shower all help to clear my head and come up with new ideas. Found you on the Alexa hop.

  31. Tina Peterson says:

    Hi! Happy Mother's Day. I'm visiting from the Hoppin' Weekend BH and thought I'd say hi.


    Thanks! Tina "The Book Lady"

  32. DeDa Studios says:

    Spearmint Baby Alexa Blog Hopping Happy Mothers Day

  33. my3littlebirds says:

    Hi there…visiting from FTLOB. I have not yet really struggled with finding inspiration for blog content, and I think it's because my blog has a lot of different aspects to it. I host a link party every Monday called What's for Dinner?, so I know that on Sunday I need to have a food post in mind. I do a lot of creative writing on My 3 Little Birds and I do writing prompts a few times a month. I find inspiration for parenting topics from other blogs and websites like Cafe Mom. And of course Twitter is great for having access to lots of different topics and ideas.

  34. Lisa@Flour Me With Love says:

    Stopping over from Comment Love Day 🙂 I'd say I turn to blogs for inspiration and to get through a block, I read a lot of cookbooks. It seems like they sooth my soul, lol.

  35. Sandy Elliott says:

    I think inspiration is all around us. But sometimes you just have to give yourself a change of scenery. One of my favorite quotes: You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. Mark Twain.

    Stopping by from the Alexa hop.
    Sandy~ French Macaroons

  36. Chase says:

    I've been writing everything down that I want to blog about–even then, my list is short!

    Visiting from the alexa blog hop!
    Chase’s View

  37. Janee says:

    I find my inpiration in my children =)

    I have awarded your blog The Versatile Blogger Award. Please check out the post below and pass it on!


  38. Patricia says:

    Hello I a back again! I am following you via the MMM blog hop. Please follow me.


  39. By Word of Mouth Musings says:

    Guest from the Alexa blog hop – hope you know how it all works …
    my take is to visit everyone … and then when you are done – go and visit them all again 🙂

  40. Jenny says:

    Hi! Another fascinating topic. I think I'm a freak but I have never gotten writers block.

    I keep a little board with strange ideas on it, and once in awhile I have to resort to it…although often I've forgotten what I was reminding myself to write about.

    Thanks for a thought provoking link to Alphabe-Thursday.


  41. brooke says:

    1. Where do you turn for creative inspiration? From blog hopping, my son, and honestly just the randomness in my head that says, "what would happen if I put this together?" (I am creative by baking)

    2. How do you overcome your creative blocks? Take a break and do something completely different. For me that might be sitting and reading or popping in my favorite exercise DVD.

    (new follower from Follow Me Friday!)

  42. Danielle says:

    My blog is mainly product review and giveaways. Honestly, I am addicted to reviewing products and getting products to try that I just can't stop emailing companies. I confess. But I really do love blogging and I've tried including other topics to my blog as well. I try to talk about parenting, pregnancy, and children. I'd love to get more into that so people will actually READ my blog, not just come by to enter my giveaways. I blame this all on myself though. That right there inspires me to right a post actually. Reading others blogs inspires me as they give me topics to possibly write about.

    I'm a new follower from the Alexa Hop. I have a blog hop on my page also, if you'd like to link up.


  43. Missouri's Lilac says:

    Your blog is wonderful! Glad you commented on my blog so I could find you. 🙂
    I find inspiration in a million places, my son, nature, my husband, my parents, friends just to name a few.
    When I need to overcome a block I tend to look at vintage photos and inpressionist art works. That always helps. Music also helps.

  44. Mama Chocolate says:

    Inspiration is all around me in my family and home, but when I get stumped, I like memes and such.

    Stopping by (very late!) with my Alexa toolbar! 😉

    Johanna at Mama Chocolate
    Family life, tips for mom, reviews, giveaways and more!

  45. Nora B. Peevy says:

    When I have blog block I just read a book and don't think about it. It's funny because I never suffer from writer's block, I just suffer from blogging block. My stories flow perfectly and I never run out of ideas. I find if I don't think about my blogging, I work better. Ideas come organically when I am cooking, reading, or just laying in bed. Staring at a blank screen does not help much.

    My biggest challenge is keeping working on my actual writing career while also trying to keep my writing blog going. It's hard to juggle both at times.

    Found ya on the Weekend Creation Hop. I write speculative fiction.

    Nice to meet you.




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