Wordless Wednesday – Sink Hole

Tsunami - Wk 1 Day 4
Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

When Tsunami was a young kitten,
The paparazzi followed his every move.
One of the things his fans soon learned was that
He had a penchant for sleeping in unusual places.

For the first week or so of his arrival,
He frequently gave everyone the slip.
Parents and paparazzi alike would search high and low
To see where he would go,
To no avail.

One day, they hired a private investigator to follow him about.
The P.I swore she would not give up
Until she found his secret whereabouts!

She searched high and low
Until she came to the bedroom.
Undaunted, she crawled under the bed, turned upside down,
And saw a sack hanging underneath of it.

It turns out that Young Tsunami was giving the paparazzi the slip by
Crawling into a hole underneath the mattress,
Creating his own hammock of sorts,
And sleeping peacefully away for hours!

Sadly enough,
Young Tsunami soon outgrew his favorite spot,
As evidenced by a hole in the sack a week or so later.

Tsunami Wk 1 Day 4 Sink

Another favorite Tsunami hangout is the cool porcelain sink!
On his fourth day in our home,
Tsunami was found face up, feet up and belly up to the world!

Although Tsunami is no longer the svelte little kitten that he once was,
He still relives his glory days from time to time!

Tsunami - Tight Fit

Yesterday, we discovered our oversized Tsunami had
Managed to squeeze himself into our undersized sink

Which lends credence to today’s quote:

A cat will assume the shape of its container!

Thanks for joining us for
Wordless Wednesday at Create With Joy.
Have a fabulous time at this week’s party!

Wordless Wednesday – February 26, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

Please spread the word about this party by displaying our beautiful Wordless Wednesday button and linking back to this post (the code is on my sidebar!) It would also be great if you could use the social media buttons below the post to spread the word!

Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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109 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday – Sink Hole”

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  1. Karren Haller
    Twitter: Myllls

    Boy he is either a huge cat or a small sink, which ever it is one bowl full of cat! Cats are so entertaining and always involved in our lives!! Thanks for hosting hope you will have time to stop by!!
    Magical Miniature Gardens

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      He is a huge cat! I thought it would be fun to show how much he has grown. It has been awhile since we have weighed him but the last time we did he was 23 pounds!

  2. keiths ramblings says:

    Too cute! Delightful.

  3. stevebethere
    Twitter: bethere2day

    Them photos are triple cute heheh!

    Have a purrrfectlicious week 😉

  4. Danielle Royalegacy
    Twitter: Royalegacy

    That is just so cute! I guess the sink does make a nice cuddle bed. Have a wonderful day, and thanks for hosting.

  5. Meryl says:

    OMG She’s hysterical!!!! LOL. Thank you not only for hosting, but for the huge smile I leave with. Have a great week.

  6. I had a cat that adored sleeping in the sink too 🙂 It’s the perfect spot!

  7. Don’t animals sleep in some crazy ways. Our dog must be under blankets. He will stare at you awkwardly until you lift the blanket and let him under. Insanity. Great post!

    Have a great day!
    CHM @ The Hickman Five

  8. Kerri says:

    How adorable!!!!

  9. I want to come back as a cat!

  10. Patricia
    Twitter: SugarSpiceATN

    Adorable little kitty ( now a cat)…. I guess we all long to fit into the things we did as a younger version of ourselves… so why not Tsunami….love the name!

  11. Penni says:

    Gorgeous photos – Tsunami is so cute curled up in the sink, Orion loves to sit in the sink too!
    Hope you are all keeping well.

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      I was just thinking of you today! Missing you, Orion and the gang and wondering how the search for “Big Red” is coming!
      Drop me a line when you have a moment! 🙂

  12. Theresa says:

    I always laugh at cats in sinks pictures!

  13. Dawn
    Twitter: breathoffaith

    Oh my gosh, love the pictures of Tsunami! I have so many pics of my old dear boy Tawny (who I just now realized had a resemblance to Tsunami!) sleeping in the sweetest places! I had three male cats before the two girls- I used to call them My Three Sons! Magic, Arnold and Tawny. Oh my sweet boys all gone from me now…sweet fur angels. I love this post, Ramona- it gave me a smile and left me remembering sweet memories.

  14. Christina Morley
    Twitter: tinarobmorley

    I loved today’s W.W.! It was so fun! I’m hooked on cats and I’m so glad we now have two of them. I still want to give an update on mine, but now Amanda’s upcoming birthday takes front seat. Have a lovely week and God bless!

  15. Kristi says:

    I love that sink picture! The perfect little hang out for Tsunami. 🙂

  16. Monica
    Twitter: OlderMommyStill

    One of our kitties loved crawling into a hole in the box spring and sleeping in the”‘hammock” until it too met with the same fate as Tsunami hammock. The photo of Tsunami as a kitten sleeping in the sink is beyond adorable!! Oddly, our cats have never taken to sleeping in the sinks, maybe because we live in such a cool climate?

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      Kittens are so clever – his hammock spot was adorable (although I was horrified at the thought that he could have been accidently crushed without our knowledge!) I must confess I felt a bit of guilty relief when he outgrew his favorite spot!

      We also had a recliner that I could never enjoy because he took to crawling up inside of there and I was always afraid he would get crushed as well!

      We live in a warm clost and you have to pry those cats out of the bathroom! Legend loves sleeping in the shower – even if it is wet – sometimes, we have to fight him for it!

  17. Judy Haughton-James
    Twitter: james_judy

    Tsunami is one cool cat! Cute shots. Thanks for hosting and Happy WW!

  18. Kris @ Beyond the Whiskers
    Twitter: beyondwhiskers

    My cougar girl likes to follow suit. As a kitten she would sleep in a sack-like kitten bed. Even as a three year old (11-12 lbs), she finds a way to smooch herself into the sack for a long cat nap.

  19. Cats are amazingly weird animals! 🙂 We’ve been dog people forever. However, that being said, I may have mentioned before that we are still “babysitting” our son’s ex-girlfriend’s cat for over 8 yrs! 🙂 Happy WW to everyone and Thanks for hosting this event!

  20. Diane says:

    Such adorable photos. My kitty used to love to curl up anywhere she could fit which was just about anywhere. Her name was Little Bit. Happy Wordless Wednesday 🙂

  21. self sagacity
    Twitter: selfsagacity

    So cute….I can see why mama loves kitty so much.

  22. Alissa Apel
    Twitter: AlissaApel

    It looks like a cozy hang out!

  23. Biti says:

    great party! thank you.

  24. LJCM
    Twitter: ladyjcmuses

    So cute. Yep, that sink looks mighty comfy! 🙂 Have a fabulous WW!

  25. autena...trinkets and treasures says:

    I absolutely love those pictures! We forget how little they were when they first found us, don’t we?

  26. Ai Sakura
    Twitter: Aisakuraharuka

    so adorable to see how much Tsunami has grown!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  27. Glenda Cates
    Twitter: MomsReviews

    Love the cat it is so pretty. Just the kind I have always wanted. Thanks for the linky.

  28. Charlotte says:

    Ah, he looks so cuddly! x

  29. Crystal C says:

    Hehe, I love the sink shot!

  30. Christy Ann says:

    That is so funny!! Love the sink picture!

  31. kewkew says:

    So adorable. My has he grown.

  32. He is just soooo pretty!! My Kylan loves to curl up in the sink also 🙂

  33. I loved your post today – brings back memories of the times one or more of my various kitties has done this!! The underlining in our couch is currently ruined due to some serious cat-hammock napping!

    • Create With Joy
      Twitter: CreateWithJoy1

      I can only imagine what the underside of our couch looks like!
      The space is too tiny to stick one’s head in – but I know in their kitten days I’ve seen cats crawl out of those spaces for sure!
      Have a great day Deb!

  34. My old cat Marlow crawled into the box spring for naps many a time and I have photos of him asleep in the sink. Cats are so fun!

  35. These photos of Tsunami are so incredible. It often takes these comparisons to realize just how big our kits have grown. Happy WW. Thanks for always hosting. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  36. Stacey at RealWorldMom *LINKY*
    Twitter: RealWorldMom

    What a cutie! Happy WW!

  37. Erika says:

    Aw, bless him – he looks so cute, even as an oversized cat in an undersized sink!

  38. Awww!!! I have never seen a kitty sleep in a porcelain sink like that. It is all kinds of adorable 🙂

  39. Indrani says:

    You have such wonderful photo opportunity with your cat. 🙂
    I like it in the sink.

  40. veronica lee says:

    Super cute!

    Happy WW!

  41. Star Traci
    Twitter: TracisStar

    That is hilarious! I have seen some cats in funny places but that takes the cake!

    Happy Wednesday and thanks again for hosting.

  42. Evelyn
    Twitter: betteronabudget

    Oh my gosh, in the sink!! That’s so cute!

  43. chronicles from the man cave says:

    Our cat Taunia used to do this too. She would get in the bathroom sink and snuggle down in there. Thought she was crazy, although she also hid under the covers of the bed.

  44. paula schuck says:

    He is so cute! We had a cat that used to do that and then sit there and try to drink or play with dripping water.

  45. Xmasdolly
    Twitter: Xmasdolly

    They look in a playful mood today! Then again that’s probably their normal look, huh? Thanks for hosting once again.

  46. Heather L says:

    Love the photos, especially the first two!

  47. Lisa says:

    I LOVE the sink shots and the quote. One of my parents’ cats, Mittens, has never met a box she doesn’t love. She will still try to squeeze herself in any size box! 🙂 Thanks for hosting!

  48. Cats are “fluid, ” all right…

    Clever P.I. to search in out-of-the-way places for Tsunami!

  49. Mrs. Marine says:

    Too funny! Out of all the cats I have owned in my life I have never had one who like to sleep in sinks… So weird!

    Aloha! Mrs. Marine
    & the Tiny Troops

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