Wordless Wednesday Party: Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs

Welcome To Wordless Wednesday At Create With Joy!

Magellan Demonstrates Musical Chairs

Did you know that cats enjoy childhood games just as much as your children? I kid you not. Take, for instance, that classic game called Musical Chairs.

You know the one. No matter how many people are in the room at any given time, there is always one fewer seat than there are people so that someone is always left standing.

Cats, of course, consider themselves human – especially when it comes to food, bedding and seating!

So – whenever a person is comfortably seated or cozily relaxing on the couch and they get up for a moment and return to their seat, they soon discover that they no longer have a seat to return to. Instead, there is a cat hunkered down in the cozy spot and a human standing there looking rather foolish!

To add insult to injury, cats become tone deaf the moment they claim your spot. They do not hear you sweetly call their names as you try to coax them off the furniture. They resist your pleas and your bribes. They look the other way – or haughtily stare you down – as you insist that the seat belongs to you and they must remove themselves at once. They sniff at your offer to share the space with them!

They’ll turn themselves into two tons of dead weight should you have the nerve to try to physically extract them from their chosen spots!

And – should you actually succeed in your cat extraction – never will you see such a wounded look in your life!

Chat In The Comments

Let's Chat

Have you ever played Musical Chairs with your pets?
If so, who emerged victorious?

Please share what they love about it in the comments –
Inquiring minds would love to know!

Wordless Wednesday – Week of August 23, 2016

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends! It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town!

To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way!

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Enjoy the party and have a fabulous week!

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36 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday Party: Musical Chairs”

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  1. Chirpy Cats says:

    Yes, the musical chairs game happens every night at our house. ? They also play musical chairs among themselves too. In the catio we have little kitty condos at various spots and they play ‘musical condos’ with each other all day long. Your kitty is too gorgeous for words btw ❤️

  2. Mascha says:

    The real owner of the gardenchair (what I had bought for me) is my cat, who else?
    Greetings from Germany

  3. Amila says:

    Cute capture…I have experience with musical chairs with pet cats 🙂

  4. Karren Haller
    Twitter: Myllls

    Seating, well in our house we are always vying for our seats. Seems every time we leave our desk or the last place we sit, up pops a cat to take over the warm spot.

    Thanks for hosting, hope you have a great week!

  5. Teresa from NanaHood
    Twitter: thenanahood

    We played musical chairs and birthday parties when I was a little girl. Thanks for the memory! Hugs!

  6. Yep…when my daughter was here with her cats…had the same issue…but I usually won…lol

  7. Musical chairs indeed! My two cats recently discovered their love of one of my living room chairs, seems like one of them is always on it. : )

  8. Emily says:

    Too funny! Cats certainly do think they are human. And they are stubborn to ensure they get their own way. 🙂

  9. Aww, so sweet 🙂

    Thanks for hosting ..

  10. meowmeowmans says:

    Thanks for making us smile! Gracie always wins the Musical Chair game here, too! 🙂

  11. Marie Moody
    Twitter: Xmasdolly

    Bwahahahaha Ya know dogs are the same way if she doesn’t want to move she just lays there and if you try to move her it’s like a bunch of dead weight indeed. bwahahaha… Thanks for the laugh my friend! Have a wonderful day. Hugs!

  12. Summer says:

    I am happy to share my office chair with my human. Not so happy when Binga tries to take my spot!

  13. I like to play Catopoly and hide and seek, but Granny’s first cat liked also to play tag 😀 It feels great to play and laugh! Pawkisses for a Happy WW 🙂 <3

  14. Yes, we have played musical chairs and Rosie almost always wins!

  15. Debbie Williams says:

    So, so funny.

    Thank you so much for all your hard work each week telling us all your precious cat stories and for the link-up. Have a great week.

  16. Remember, it is his world and we just live in it.

  17. Oh yes! I’ve played musical chairs with my oldest cat Dottie often. She looks at me as if to say, you move your meat, you lose your seat. Just like my brothers used to when we were kids! Have a blessed day.

  18. Kilo ALWAYS steals your seat on the couch when you get up. It’s pretty funny actually! Happy Wednesday 🙂

  19. All furniture belongs to the kitties! You’re just lucky that occasionally they allow you to use it! 🙂

  20. Neesie says:

    Such a fun post and you’ve brought back wonderful childhood memories. My dog jumps in my seat as soon as I move… she likes a warm spot!

  21. Sarah says:

    Shadow agrees. The chairs you leave are so warm and cozy it is hard not to help himself.

    Sarah, Shadow, Stealth

  22. Robin says:

    Cats know which seats are the warmest! They look for the one that last had a human butt in it. 🙂 My kitties are always taking my seat.

  23. HaHaHa! Love the cats! I have one lounging under the kitchen table. He was trying to capture a moth but we made him go away because he or the other cat already broken our floor lamp! Had to come over and say hello. I was visiting Pink Saturday and saw you there. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. Good to stop by and say hello.

  24. BJ Bangs says:

    There’s no question, the cats always win.

  25. Kitties Blue says:

    We have four stools at our kitchen island, but often we have no place to sit. Each time one of us gets up the seat is claimed. We have actually stood in the kitchen eating. Nothing like a warm spot previously occupied by a human butt!

  26. Christa says:

    Haha, SO TRUE!!!

  27. Oh heavens! Finding space to sit down must be a real mission – right?


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