Thoughts On Books & Reading

Classic Books at Create With Joy
A room without books is like a body without a soul.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

I love books.
Always have – always will.

I love reading them.
I love writing them.
I love collecting them.
I love surrounding myself with them.

I recently reviewed T. J. Addington’s Live Like You Mean It, a book full of questions that can help you transform your life. One of my favorite passages comes from a section on lifelong learning entitled Books We Read, on pages 83-84. Below are a few excerpts that really spoke to my heart. I hope they resonate with yours as well.

Books – really good books – are like relationships. They mold us, inspire us, and cause us to think deeply. The issue is not how many books we read but the quality of the books we read…

Choose your books with care… Read those that will challenge your thinking rather than simply entertain you or confirm what you already know. Shallow thinking is one of the sins of our time.

As I get older, I spend less time with popular light books and far more time with those that grip my heart and prompt me to think deeply.

Read with concentration and engagement, allowing the writer to stimulate your thoughts. Read classic as well as current works. Many of the sharpest thinkers are long gone, but you can meet them in their writing.

It takes intentionality and discipline to find time to be challenged by others through their writing.

What do you think of this passage?

Here’s some more food for thought:

  • How do you choose the books that you read?
  • Has your choice of reading material changed over time?
  • What good books have you read lately that have really impacted your life?

Have a wonderful week, dear friends. I look forward to reading your comments!


29 Responses to “Thoughts On Books & Reading”

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  1. Mary says:

    I wish I could say differently but I read books that entertain me the most. I would like to start reading books that inspire me and cause deeper thinking.

    Mary/Sweeping Me

  2. Allymcb1 says:


    I thought your review was great. I tried desparately to think of books that had a lasting memory on me and I wondered if you had reasd
    Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Abolm? I bought this after hearinga review and decided to take it on holiday. As i was packing it I thought I;ll read the first chapter to make sure its ok to take away. 3 hours and a box of tissues later I had finished it. That was about 6 years ago and I remember everything about the book as if I had just it yesterday. My apologies if you had rad and reviewed this but if you haven't I found it very thought provoking about the way we live our life without regard to the effect on others.

  3. says:

    I am your newest follower! I am stopping by from Follow Me Back Tuesday, come follow me as well if you like! 🙂

  4. Lizzie says:

    I read books of all kinds, loved those quotes. Thanks for sharing. Happy HHH.

  5. The Paper Princess says:

    Hi Ally,

    Thanks for the recommendation on Five People! I have not read that book but I did read Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays With Morrie" when it first came out and had the same reaction you described – I ended up reading it to my husband and we both were greatly impacted by that book!

    Isn't it wonderful when you find a book that is so engaging that you can't put it down?

  6. Amy says:

    I love to reas as well. I relate to the quote as I read more books that make me thing these days and every so often pick up books that are light but normally skim that type of book as I get bored easily. I recently read Reaching and Teaching about missions which I really liked. Also, I am hosting a low entry giveaway for the book The Missional Mom on my blog (3 copies), you may be interested.
    Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop,
    Amy @ Missional Mama

  7. Anna says:


    I'm from the Boost my Blog hop. I love to read, mostly for entertainment. I'm trying to include biographies and more scholarly reading in my selections. I look forward to future posts.

    Feel free to check out my blog here:

  8. Annika says:

    Hi, I'm stopping by from HHH. Thank you for the book recommendations. A good book is a treasure!

  9. Kate Boone says:

    Fun blog! 🙂 I especially enjoyed all the kitty-related posts! Have to love those feline friends. 😀

  10. Oak Lawn Lady says:

    I love your quote of the week and I agree, there is no soul where there are no books.
    I'm following from the Tuesday blog hop.
    I'd love a follow back .
    I'm at:

    Kathy at Oak Lawn Images

  11. Rita says:

    I tend to have at least two books going at the same time. One of those will usually be for entertainment. I read several genres and can have one going in each of them.

    I didn't know you wrote books!! Awesome! 🙂 Where would I find them?

  12. Trisha says:

    New follower from Totally Tuesday!! I dont have a certain type of book I like to read. I love to read all types. Its really what ever mood I'm in. I totally agree with the love of a good book:)

  13. Full Of Tips Mama says:

    Hello! New follower from blog hop. Would love for you to follow back.

  14. JKMommy says:

    ooh, you're putting me to shame! Lately I have been all about the LIGHT reading for mindless entertainment b/c my mom brain is too full to think deep thoughts. But I will try to do better. I would love if you published like a recommended reading list!!
    Found you through the Wednesday window!

  15. Cuzinlogic says:

    I enjoy reading, mostly for entertainment. I don't read a specific genre, I grab what I think I might enjoy.

  16. shah wharton says:

    Ashamedly, I have been reading books for entertainment only for the past few years at least. With bipolar and meds I found it difficult/impossible to read for a round five years prior to that you see, and since I've had a calm in my head I've simply indulged in fun reads. They stimualte in their own ways of course.but not in the way is perhaps meant in your book. I did read a few classics however, 'Dracula' 'Carmilla' Dracula's Guest' 'Sense and Sensibility 'and 'Emma'. They were superb of course. I have also chosen to read books about the genre I'm writing in for research. And enjoyment. Great post. Shah. X

  17. Stacy Uncorked says:

    I tend to choose books based on the descriptive synopsis – and generally it's for entertaining rather than 'learning'. 😉 My tastes haven't really changed, I've pretty much loved Historical Romance all my life. 🙂

    Spring Awakening

  18. The Rheinlander's says:

    I love that quote!! My hubby says that I am a book hoarder : ) I read all kinds of books… entertainment, enlightenment, and growth!

  19. kailani says:

    I haven't had much time for reading lately and prefer books that I can read a chapter at a time without forgetting where I left off. 🙂

  20. Tina Peterson says:

    Hi – what a great book. I have to admit that I too read books that entertain me – it seems the older I get and the more my Fibromyalgia affects me the harder it is to read books that "make me think". Also, I am a scanner – I don't truly read a book – Lord of the Rings is the "hardest" book that I have read in a long time – it made me really think because I had to READ each and every word or I was lost. It was awful!

    I was looking to see if you have a "button" so I could add you to my sidebar. I'm following you and will definitely be back. You may be the challenge I need in my life and growth. =D

    Tina "The Book Lady"

  21. Emily says:

    I used to be in to cozy mysteries, but I realized that I needed to step out of my comfort zone. I joined a book club and let them decide. I am open to nearly all of their choices except cooking (can't cook) or something that involves severe child abuse (can't take it!)

    Things I have read lately that have made an impact on my life are The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English by Natasha Solomons.

  22. Karen and Gerard says:

    Books I read recently that had an impact on me are:
    One Simple Act by Debbie Macomber
    Who Switched Off My Brain by Dr. Carolyn Leaf
    Season of Life by Jeffrey Marx
    The Listener by Terri Blackstock
    Strength Training for Seniors by Michael Fekete

    Found you through Saturday Sampling. Hope you visit our book blog: Grab A Book From Our Stack. I wrote reviews of all these.

  23. Catherine Love says:

    Books, oh how I love them!
    Let's see … Writing Down the Bones, Walking on Alligators, Bird by Bird, One Thousand Gifts … these 3 have been most inspiring to me recently.

  24. myorii says:

    I love books too! I read all sorts and it all depends on my mood and state of mind. I love reading books that entertain and take me away from all the troubles of life but I also love books that teach and inspire me. Books are wonderful, aren't they?

  25. Jenny says:

    My husband and I are both voracious readers. I choose books for entertainment primarily. I am not adverse to putting a book down that doesn't interest me. I used to feel that I had to read all the way through, but life is short and the years fly by. Time is too short to waste on books I SHOULD read.

    Thanks for another thought provoking link.


  26. Keri says:

    I used to read so much, but I say I don't have time any more. The truth is though, that I'm just not reading popular fiction as much. I read a lot of parenting books, cooking books, magazines, blogs… I just read a really helpful book about raising a "quirky kid".

  27. Jingle says:

    books are like soul food, I love them too.

  28. I find I do better listening to books I will learn from and reading books that entertain me. I listen to entertaining books as well but the books I’ve challenged myself with in the past few years I’ve found are great companions as I’m working on other things. I connect better.

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