How Do You Handle Blog Comments?

Welcome to What’s On Your Mind – a place to share your thoughts on a variety of relevant topics! So far, we’ve discussed Blog Hops and Blogging Challenges, and I’m thrilled by the quality of feedback you’re providing! Keep up the great work – I’ll be tackling many of the topics you’ve mentioned in the months to come!

This week’s topic, Blog Comments, was inspired by my friend Donna from Brynwood Needleworks. She left the following comment on last week’s post:

My biggest blogging challenge is getting back to each reader who leaves a comment. Do I need to answer every one, every time? Will people be upset if I don’t? I invest time into my blog post, thinking that IT is my communication with my readers, and then accept their comments. Then I read another blogger, chastising fellow bloggers for not responding to the comments that are left. What’s the best protocol?

I think this is a fabulous question and one we all deal with on a daily basis. I will share my thoughts later this week – but today, I’d like to hear your thoughts! The official questions are below – but please, feel free to share any thoughts that are relevant to this topic!


1. How do you handle responding to reader comments on your blog?

2. What method do you use to respond – the original blog post, the user’s blog, e-mail?

Have a fabulous weekend, dear friends, and be sure to enter The Gift Basket Design Book Giveaway – now thru April 16th!

Shared With:

Aloha Friday
Thursday Two Questions
Lower Your Alexa Weekly Hop
Miscellany Monday
Tickle Me Tuesdays

65 Responses to “How Do You Handle Blog Comments?”

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  1. Mary Ann says:

    I tend to respond to comments even if it's only a thank you but I don't get too many anyway so it isn't a big deal to do so. I send an email.

  2. Anything Place says:

    I like to respond and have my blog posts reflect a discussion to what the post is about. It is always great to get comments.

  3. Julia Dunnit says:

    I don't expect a response to my comment (specially by email – that takes some doing!) – it's too much to ask of the poster each time. I love to comment when I can; it makes the poster aware that someone has taken the time to read, I often have an opinion or a point to add, or just to admire. Unless it's something really specific, I don't respond to comments myself either – it's about people adding their tuppence worth and usually very funny too – as generalised as it sounds, I think it's a given in the blogging community that visits and comments are deeply appreciated.

  4. Cate says:

    Good question! I tend to pop back over and visit the commenter's blog, although I'll sometimes leave a response in my comments.

    Visiting via Java's blog hop 🙂

  5. ♪♫♥ Charity Crafter ♪♫♥ says:

    Hi x when I comment I never expect a reply, and when people comment on my blog I dont really reply unless their comment requires one, however I have to say, I am chuffed to bits when someone gets in touch and thanks me for my comments x Leigh x

  6. Karen and Gerard says:

    I do not get upset if I do not get a response to my comments, but it is nice when I do. I always try to respond to comments on my blog through email first, but if that's not available, I go back a day or two later and respond to comments on the original post too. I don't get a ton so right now it is manageable. I do have four blogs though.

  7. craftykitten says:

    I certainly would not be upset if people didn't respond to any comment I left on their blog and I don't tend to respond to comments myself but have left a message near my comment box to say thank you for leaving a comment and how much it means to me. Let's be honest, if we responded to every message that was left there would be no time left to craft would there?? LOL I leave alot of comments on projects as a Design Team member and certainly wouldn't expect any response to any of them.
    Dawn xx

  8. fairyrocks says:

    I like to visit their blog and leave a comment.
    If for some reason I cannot get on to their blog I will email if I can find them.
    I have bloggy friends and we don't always comment on every post, but we do check in on each other from time to time.
    I usually leave a comment if I visit, it is only polite…maybe we should ask 'Miss Manors' LOL

  9. Erin O'Riordan says:

    I don't respond to every comment ~ some stand alone quite nicely. I sometimes reply on the original post. I do like to spread good blog karma by visiting other people's websites, though.

  10. Katherines Corner says:

    This is a great post. I wrestle with this myself.. I do my best to respond.I may miss a few here and there. I used to respond through my gmail. But so many had a no reply status. Now at my blogs new location I reply to the comment at the time I moderate it. But, it can only be seen on my blog. I share so much of myself on my blog.I don't think anyone would take offense if I didn't respond to comments. I certainly never expect a response to comments I've left. If I do get a response it's just a nice little extra. Hugs and smooches!

  11. April @ The 21st Century Housewife says:

    Thank you for linking to Feed Me Tweet Me Follow Me Home Friday last week. I hope you will come by and link up again this week – the linky is now up!

    In answer to the questions you posed, I try to respond to comments that are sent to me by email on my main blog, but sometimes it takes me a while as there are quite a lot of them. On my blogger blogs, I tend to reply if the comment seems to need a reply, or else I will pop over to the commenter's blog and leave a reciprocal comment. I always try to acknowledge or reply in some way.

    Have a lovely weekend and hope to see you at Feed Me Tweet Me!

  12. Self Sagacity says:

    1 &2) I use both the original post and their email if it is available. If it is something I think the general audience can benefit from, it usually goes on the original post.

    Thanks for joining this week and linking up.

  13. Stacy Uncorked says:

    I used to reply to each and every comment within the comments section of my blog – but then found it was cutting into the time I'd have to actually go to those blogs and return the comment love, so I stopped doing that. Not to mention I never go back to a comment section to see if the blogger replied to my comment – way too time consuming, so I don't assume others do that at my blog, either. 🙂

    I don't reply to every comment I get, but if I'm asked a specific question within the comments, or a comment makes me totally crack up, I'll send an email reply to the commenter to answer the question, or thank them for the laugh. 🙂

    I don't expect a reply to comments I leave, nor do I expect a return visit and reciprocal comments – though it always gives me the warm fuzzies when that does happen. 😉

    Aloha: When the Lights Go Out

  14. Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva says:

    I appreciate comments back, and try to leave a thoughtful comment on the blogs of those that take the time to post on my blog. But I don't get bent out of shape if someone does not comment back, and heaven knows that I am not up to date on responding to comments. Good question! New Follower from BMBF.

  15. Poekitten says:

    I like to respond to comments by email. I don't respond to every comment but I try, even if it's just a thank you. I don't comment if they don't have an email account connect with their profile…it just takes way to much time to try to track them all down!

  16. Kelli says:

    I appreciate the replies to comments and new followers. Its hard to describe but its a cool feeling knowing that people (who you usually don't know) are reading your stuff. Who doesn't want to be acknowledged? I know I do!

    I'm a new follower from the New Friend Weekend Blog Hop.

  17. Marlene says:

    Ha ha ha….here we go. I get a ton of comments. (Average anywhere from 50-100 each post). I try to ALWAYS leave a comment back on the commenter's blog in return. If they don't have a blog (or an active one), then I will seek an email address and try to send them a quick "thank you for visiting" email. Sometimes there is no way to contact them – but I truly appreciate them all. It's a TON of work…but I suppose that's one of the reasons I get so many comments??

  18. JamericanSpice says:

    I always try to visit the blogger and comment on their blog as sharing the love and meeting that person.

    Sometimes I'll hit reply by email if they have that option.

    I save everything so I can visit the blogger that leaves me a comment even if it's a month later!!


  19. ~ Noelle says:

    i reply to some, but mostly i try to go and visit their page and show comment love…
    not on ALL , but most of the time, i try

  20. Sabina Bint Benjamin says:

    Great topic!When I first began to see comments on my blogger blog, I would respond to every single one even though I am not so good at knowing what to say/reply (i.e. admittedly, I'm insecure when commenting I don't know why, it's like I know what I want to say but it comes out all wrong when I comment lol and I often pray no one is offended by my not responding-see right now I feel like I'm commenting in circles smh), so it depends on the comment.
    If someone is asking a question or need sewing help or commented that they've followed my blog, then I will try to respond or follow back promptly. But if someone is just sharing their interests or opinion or relating to the topic then I will probably not respond. I do however try to visit their sites right away and show blog support to their posts. I usually see Blogger comments in my email, but then I will go straight to my dashboard to read/publish them.

  21. Classic NYer says:

    I need to get better at responding to comments… I prefer to respond by email because the person may not remember to come back to my blog to read the response, and if I respond on their blog, it will be off topic with regards to their post.

  22. Classic NYer says:

    Oh, and btw, Hi! I'm following from the find new friends weekend hop.

  23. The Rheinlander's says:

    I am a SAHM so I leave my computer up all day and try to check my email ever so often and try to respond right then and there to each one whether is to answer the comment or comment on one of there post… unless my little monkey is crawling all over me!!

  24. TheAngelForever says:

    I always try to e-mail them back. Most people will not come back to the blog to look for the reply there. I also try to click over and visit their blog to say hello and leave them a comment.

  25. Mom Daughter Style says:

    I comment back when I have the time even after I made more posts.

    Anyway, This is very late but I saw you on FMBT. I'm your latest follower. I hope you also visit/follow my blog

  26. DeDa Studios says:

    Great topic! I always follow back…sometimes with a comment sometimes not…new follower Crazed Fan Weekend Hop Stop for a visit

  27. Denise G says:

    Newest follower through the blog hop 🙂

  28. kendra30752 says:

    I'm glad you posted about this! I'm a new follower of yours! 🙂

    I have people ask me all the time "What's the best advice for a new blogger?" My number one answer is always: Be loyal to your followers/readers even if you don't follow them back & be loyal to those who you follow.

    I don't have as many followers as you do so it's much easier for me to reply to comments. I have right now, 112. But I ALWAYS respond, no matter what unless there is no way to contact the person. I've been known to spend a lot of time getting back to comments. Even if it's just a simple hello and thank you, it goes a long way. I take my readers very seriously and I value each and every one more than they could imagine so I make sure no-one is left out. I don't want my readers to comment on my posts and me not acknowledge them, especially if someone comments regularly I think it's rude not to at least send them a thank you. I know I enjoy hearing from those who I follow. Just showing your appreciation for those who take the time out to read what you have to say means a lot to some. I however don't think it's a written in stone rule that everyone should follow. Every person is different and most of the time, I don't get replies to comments on blogs that are not the same topic as mine because some people will only follow, reply, read blogs that are the exact same topics as theirs. Where as I prefer variety.

    I'm not saying everyone should ALWAYS reply to comments especially if you get a lot, but I like to make sure my readers know that they are much appreciated.

    By the way, you have a very interesting blog and I can't wait to see more from ya!

    Warmest wishes,

  29. Simply Stacie says:

    I have the Reply Me plugin which allows me to reply to the reader's comment and they will get an email. It's great because it keeps the conversation going.

  30. Deni says:

    I am not a good responder to those who leave comments. My goal is to get better at it, even if it's just stopping by their site and saying, hey, thanks for leaving a comment!

  31. Alex says:

    Hi there! 🙂 Awesome blog! I am your newest follower from the blog hop – would love a follow back!

    Educating kids and teens in business, money management, and earning money.

  32. Dezinaworld says:

    I try to respond to all who comment but of course its not always possible to do so straight away. I also like to take time now and then to look through my followers and check out the latest posts and usually leave a comment on most of them.
    Have a super weekend
    take care for now
    June x

  33. Kimberly says:

    visiting from SayHiSunday!

    I try to reply to all comments through email. However many do not have an email listed, which makes it challenging. I also try to visit the blog of everyone that leaves a comment on my blog.

  34. Heather says:

    I am a new follower from a blog hop! This is great question. Right now i respnd via email, but I just started blogging. This has to be incredibly challenging for some folks though!

  35. Jen@Mom's Online Garage Sale says:

    I too try to leave a response for each comment that I receive even if it's just a "thank you for joining our hop"

  36. Skye says:

    1. How do you handle responding to reader comments on your blog? I try so hard to respond to all, but find I reply more to readers on facebook!

    2. What method do you use to respond – the original blog post, the user’s blog, e-mail?
    If I reply, Ireply on the blog post 🙂

  37. Aimee from Classified: Mom says:

    As I was reading this- I wondered if I should add a comment! I usually respond right on my blog- I believe the main function of the blog is to have open-ended conversations about posts. I do also visit their blogs (if it is a blogger) and comment there. I don't expect or get upset if someone does not comment on what I say!

  38. Darcy says:

    I used to comment on my posts as a follow up, but most people never see it (on my old blog the regulars would see these).

    Now I'm trying to reply by email or visit and comment. I often visit anyway. I like Stacie's plugin so I might try that..since I can lose track of who i've responded to or visited.

  39. Maple Leaf Mommy says:

    I mean to respond to comments, but tend to get behind. The mommy half of the mommy blogger can by time consuming. >;-)
    Stopping in from the Alexa Hop. Here's my link:

  40. Allison {Live Love Small} says:

    visiting from for the love of blogs! good post and great

  41. Melissa + Tiffany @ Home Grown Families says:

    I try to respond to the comments but there are weeks at a time when I can't. I mean, this is life and the blog is extra… I usually respond via e-mail if it needs a specific response but I also visit and comment on their site. I take the time to follow, too.
    I certainly don't comment expecting a response. Like I said, the blog is just extra. Sometimes theres not mush time for extras. I just assume that we are all just doing our best. 🙂
    I host a Pray For Me Monday link-up that I make priority #1 to respond to. I mean, you have to respond to requests for prayer- especially when I'm the one asking for the requests!!

  42. Shairbearg says:

    If someone has commented on my post, and it is something I can easily respond to, I will. I usually do the email back, as all my comments come to my email box. So easily hit reply and respond while I am already answering email! To me it's like a conversation, you say something, someone responds, and then you just sit there looking at them? No, you would answer, unless they do a conversation ender.

    I am hopping by from the Alexa blog hop!

  43. Love You Always & Forever says:

    Often I will try to reply back on the post, but more often than not I will head over to their blog and visit them, follow them and comment on a post on their blog!! I should try the email thing, guess I never really thought of that. LOL!!! Shows how brilliant I am! HAHAHAHA!! I love it when I go to a blog and comment and they reply back:) It's like making a new friend!!

  44. April says:

    I always go to a person's blog and give them a comment on their post after they visit me (unless it's a giveaway post)
    Sometimes I'll comment on my post, usually after several comments have been received.
    Stopping by from the Alexa hop! Frugally Green Mom

  45. Stephanie says:

    Stopping by from Alexa … I love this question. I installed Intense Debate so that I could respond to comments and now I find myself too overwhelmed to do so! I need to do better tho b/c I think too many unresponded too comments make readers kinda sad (it does me, I know) 🙂

    stop by when you get a chance & enter our $50 Target giveaway
    henry happened

  46. LaVonne @ Long Wait says:

    I comment or email to everyone who comments on my blog. It might not be instant, but I do it. I also try to visit the people I follow at least once a week just to say hi. If I join a hop I will pick at least 10 people to comment on.

    Since I started doing this, my blog has really grown in readership. It takes a bit of time, but I think it is worth it.

    I think it is important for people to have their email in the profile so when they comment I can reply. Don't be a no – reply blogger. 😉

    Visiting you from the Alexa Hop. Blessings!
    Long Wait For Isabella

  47. Katie says:

    Stopping by from Lower Your Alexa Hop!

  48. admin says:

    If it is a blog hop post then generally I will thank the group and pick out a couple of points. If just a random comment on a post then I will thank them individually and always via the method in which they came – the blog. And in most cases I will endeavour to comment on a post of theirs if they have left a link.

    Thanks also for dropping by Yours Faithfully ( as part of the Alexa Weekly Hop – much appreciated.

    Enjoy your week.

    – Michelle from Yours Faithfully.

  49. Mama Chocolate says:

    I try to respond to most, usually by commenting on their blog, or emailing when possible.
    I would also like to use a plugin like Stacie's when I get my WP set up!

    I know I enjoy it when a blogger responds to my comments, somehow, and it's more likely that I'll remember to visit again!

    Stopping by from the Alexa Hop!

    Johanna at Mama Chocolate
    Family life, tips for mom, reviews, giveaways and more!

  50. Aleks says:

    it all depends on the comment for me.
    like, if i get an overwhelming amount of comments from one post, say my birthday post, or for something i made, ill put up a small post that says something like thank you so much for the amazing feedback, or thank you for the sweet wishes. i try to make it to every commenters blog to leave them a little love in return and thank them for their thoughts.

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